

Millions of students chronically absent, study says - Portable Phone Battery Charger Manufacturer

2012-11-22 11:42:50 | グルメ
PHILADELPHIA -- Up to 7.5 million students miss nearly a month ofschool each year, making them much more likely to drop out beforethey graduate, according to a new national report. What's more startling is that only six states track chronicabsenteeism in schools, according to a study by Johns HopkinsUniversity researchers released Thursday at events in Philadelphiaand Washington, D.C. "No one is measuring this most fundamental thing -- are kidsattending school regularly" said Robert Balfanz, one of the JohnsHopkins researchers who worked on the study. "You can't evenanalyze what's working in closing the achievement gap withoutlooking first at chronic absenteeism." The study marks the first time researchers have tracked theprevalence of students who habitually miss school. Iphone 2G Replacement Parts

The researchers estimate that up to 15 percent of studentsnationally are considered chronically absent. That spikes up toone-third of students in urban and rural areas, where students maybe poor and come from families with little education. As a result, students who typically need more help to be successfulacademically are the ones missing the most school. Researchers found absenteeism to be highest in kindergarten and inhigh school. A student is considered chronically absent if they missed at leasta month of school in a year, or about 10 percent. Portable Phone Battery Charger Manufacturer

Some schools hadthe equivalent of entire classrooms of students missing that muchor more each year, the researchers found. The federal government doesn't track the problem, and neither domost states. The only states that keep up with it are Georgia,Florida, Maryland, Nebraska, Oregon and Rhode Island. Because of the limited data, Balfanz cautions that the study is an"educated guess" about the scope of the problem. The U.S. China Galaxy Tab Bluetooth Keyboard

Department of Education requires states to track dailyattendance, but those numbers don't reflect students who arechronically absent. For example, a school can have a 90 percent attendance rate butstill have hundreds of students who are chronically absent becausethe students all miss different days. "The research shows that we must address the attendance problem ifwe are going to have the kind of broader school improvement we wantand our students deserve," said Marie Groark, executive director ofGet Schooled, an education nonprofit that paid for the study.

Apple no longer censoring word 'jailbreak' among itunes storecontent [u] - Jib Cranes Manufacturer

2012-11-22 11:32:36 | 旅行
Apple on Thursday began censoring the world "jailbreak" amongcontent in the iTunes Store, including the song "Jailbreak" byIrish rockers Thin Lizzy, though the issue was quickly addressed. Users began noticing on Thursday that some uses of the word"jailbreak" have been censored among iTunes Store content.Strangely, however, some instances of the word remained readable. For example, the album "Jailbreak" by Thin Lizzy, and the album'stitular track both remained visible on iTunes. However, otherinstances of the song "Jailbreak" on compilation albums andsoundtracks were been censored to read "J*******k." Update: As of Thursday afternoon, the issue was addressed, and content onthe iTunes Store once again displays the word "jailbreak" withoutcensoring it. The change applies to music and applications. Double Girder Overhead Cranes

Earlier, the word was also censored from other artists, such as asong with the same title from the band Gossip on their album"That's Not What I heard," and Sonic Syndicate's song from thealbum "Eden Fire." Outside of the song by Thin Lizzy, or AC/DC's own "Jailbreak" songfound on its third album (and not available on the iTunes Store),jailbreaking refers to the process of hacking iOS to allowed usersto install custom software and tweaks without Apple's permission.Performing a jailbreak on an iPhone, iPad or iPad touch voidsApple's warranty for the devices. Through jailbreaking, hackers have created their own customapplications which are available from an alternative storefrontknown as Cydia, similar to Apple's official App Store for iOS.There are many free and paid applications available on Cydia thatallow users to install custom tweaks, user interface themes andvarious other software that does not comply with Apple's iOSdeveloper agreement. Jailbreaking itself is not illegal, however, the process can beused to pirate software from the App Store, which is against the law. Concern over piracyis one of the main reasons Apple has fought the practice of jailbreaking. In addition to music content, Apple's censoring of the word"jailbreak" also extends to officially approved software for iOSdevices. Jib Cranes Manufacturer

For example, a two-dimensional platform shooter game inwhich players must escape from a prison is now listed in iTunes as"J*******k.". China Wire Rope Hoists

Former subordinate nikolic to testify in mladic trial - China Low Voltage Power Cables

2012-11-22 11:27:18 | 日記
Former Bosnian Serb army officerMomir Nikolic will be a witness in the trial against his formerboss Ratko Mladic, it was announced at the International CriminalTribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on Thursday. During the prosecution's opening statements, the court was told ofMladic's alleged role in the Srebrenica massacre, in which over8,000 Bosnian Muslims were killed. Nikolic was an assistant commander for security and intelligence inthe Bosnian Serb army and was at the center of the crimes that tookplace following the fall of the enclave in July 1995. He claims tohave been at the meetings in which Mladic allegedly decided on thefate of the victims. In 2003, Nikolic was the first Bosnian Serb army officer to pleadguilty at the ICTY and agreed to testify in the trail of co-accusedpersons including Vladoje Blagojevic and Dragan Jokic. Xlpe Power Cable

In exchange, the prosecution dropped the more serious charge ofgenocide and Nikolic was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. "I decided to come before this tribunal and admit that a crimehappened in Srebrenica in which I myself participated and for whichI expect adequate punishment," Nikolic told the court." "I sincerely wish to express my deep and sincere remorse and regretbecause of the crime that occurred and to apologize to the victims,their families, and the Bosniak people." Nikolic confessed he helped in the selection of mass executionsites, and coordinated the exhumation of mass graves in the monthsafter the genocide. Related: Mladic trial opens in The Hague THE HAGUE, May 16 (Xinhua) -- The trial on former Bosnian Serb ArmyCommander Ratko Mladic opened Wednesday at the InternationalCriminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. The prosecution started by arguing Mladic was "a key member of ajoint criminal enterprise, to permanently remove Bosnian Muslimsand Croats from Bosnian Serb-claimed territory in Bosnia andHerzegovina." Full story "Procedural mistake" made by prosecution in Mladic trial THE HAGUE, May 16 (Xinhua) -- The trial of Ratko Mladic, whichstarted on Wednesday in The Hague, may be adjourned after theprosecution failed to deliver key material about the firstwitnesses in time. The trial against the former Bosnian Serb army commander began withopening statements by the prosecution on Wednesday. China Low Voltage Power Cables

Thepresentation of evidence was due to start on May 29. However, thetrial chamber was informed of a "very serious error" made by theprosecution in disclosing the evidence. Full story. Xlpe Insulated Power Cable