

Chelsio demonstrates three gigabyte per second performance - China Wire & Cable Machine

2012-11-16 11:37:04 | 日記
ChelsioCommunications, a leading provider of 10Gb Ethernet Unified Wireadapters, ASICs and unified storage solutions, today announced ademonstration of three Gigabytes/second performance for its T4Unified Wire adapters with Microsoft SMB Direct over Ethernet onWindows Server 2012. The demonstration of Chelsio T4 adapters running iWARP RDMA offloadon Windows Server 2012 machines will take place this week atMicrosoft TechEd North America (Orlando, FL, June 11-14) andMicrosoft TechEd Europe (Amsterdam, June 25-28). The demo will show3Gbyte/sec bandwidth is available on a single card, making it anideal solution for high performance storage applications in datacenters and cloud installations. "We're excited to see companies such as Chelsio, with its UnifiedWire T4 Adapters, build on Windows Server 2012 capabilities anddemonstrate their products at the Microsoft Partner Pavilion atMicrosoft TechEd in Orlando, Florida this week," said Ian Carlson,director of Windows Server and Management product management atMicrosoft. The demonstration will show two Microsoft Windows Server 2012machines with Chelsio T440-LP-CR adapters connected by a singleQSFP cable.

The client and server ports are configured to show thatthe iWARP protocol can be routed to different networks. Thebenchmarking tools used for the demonstration are sqlio fromMicrosoft and IOmeter. A technical brief that describes thedemonstration is available for download from the Chelsio website. RDMA over Ethernet (iWARP) is an industry-standard low latencyprotocol developed by the IETF and supported by the industry'sleading 10Gb Ethernet adapters. Since it is built on top of TCP/IP,it is routable and scalable from just a few to thousands ofco-located or geographically dispersed endpoints and is resilientto any data center topology or speed.

It further can workindependent of the DCBX protocol, thereby decoupling the server andswitch refresh cycles. Ideal for all data, storage and high performance clusteringapplications, Chelsio Unified Wire adapters enable a unified fabricover a single wire by simultaneously running all unmodified IPsockets, Fibre Channel and InfiniBand applications over Ethernet atline rate. Designed for deployment in virtualized data centers,cloud service installations and high performance computingenvironments, these Chelsio adapters bring a new level ofperformance metrics and functional capabilities to the networkingspace. About Chelsio Communications, Inc. Chelsio is a leading technology company focused on solving highperformance networking and storage challenges for virtualizedenterprise data centers, cloud service installations, and clustercomputing environments.

Now shipping its fourth generation protocolacceleration technology, Chelsio is delivering hardware andsoftware solutions including Unified Wire Ethernet network adaptercards, unified storage software, high performance storage gateways,unified management software, bypass cards, and other solutionsfocused on specialized applications. Visit the company at . SOURCE Chelsio Communications, Inc. Copyright (C) 2012 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.
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Egypt's presidential front runners: who has the worse past? - Single Girder Overhead Cranes

2012-11-16 11:31:58 | グルメ
The way his campaign bus lurches to a stop every so often mightseem haphazard for the frontrunner in Egypt's presidentialelection. But those constant pauses are part of a calculated planas Amr Moussa travels through the traffic-clogged back roads ofEgypt's impoverished Nile Delta. The bus stops so that Moussa cangreet flocks of villagers from the bus doorway, or give a shortaddress on a prepared stage. "We have a concept on the campaign:Whoever is going to win this election is whoever has been seen bythe most people, heard by the most people, and met by the mostpeople," says Ahmed Kamal, a campaign spokesman, as the Egyptianpresidential frontrunner descends from the bus in one dusty farmingtown.

"When you're talking about these areas that were overlookedby the ex-regime, having a visit from a presidential candidate issomething they've never had before," he adds as a frenzied throngof fans push against the equally frenzied circle of bodyguardssurrounding Moussa, who was once a popular foreign minister in theoverthrown regime of Hosni Mubarak. "It means a lot to them." The village-to-village approach