

The rev. thomas leutner: the wonder of walking meditation - Nokia Protective Covers Manufacturer

2012-11-12 11:36:20 | 日記
This is a great time of the year to begin a new habit -- walking.The Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh has made walking meditation very popular. He suggests that as we walk using calm, even, steady steps and arelaxed breathing, we can focus our thoughts by simply saying toourselves, "May all be kind to each other." It can be said silentlyto one's self, or chanted to a favorite tune. This type of walkingkindness meditation is different from the closed eyes, sittingmeditation that many people find quite challenging. Simply begin by being aware of the beauty of the spring day. Thenbecome aware of the beauty of your own being.

Move into anawareness of God, or Spirit or Source. As you continue walking,recognize that you, too, are a part of the world, a part of thismoment and a part of God. Next, becoming aware of feelings of thankfulness for the beauty ofthe day, the energy of life moving through you; you are alive. Sometimes you are faced with challenges and burdens.

The poet Rumisuggests we make space in our lives for whatever it is we are goingthrough. In his poem "The Guest House " he says: This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Iphone 4G Repair Parts

Welcome and entertain them all! ... Be grateful for whatever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. The walking kindness meditation allows one to become mindful andfocused, which then lets the self enter into realms that are notaccessible to intellect alone. There is room for Spirit to moveabout and guide us to new dimensions of understanding, insight andwisdom. Nokia Protective Covers Manufacturer

Walking lets various emotions come and go, like the cloudsover head. Before we know it the dark moods of discouragement anddepression have dissipated and the clearer sky of thankfulness andgratitude has taken over. We would think that walking on water or on thin air is some sort ofmagic trick. But simply being able to walk on planet Earth, with asense of being a part of the whole of creation, is really a magicalexperience. Thich Nhat Hanh says, "Every day we are engaged in a miracle whichwe do not even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves,the bright eyes of a child -- our own two eyes. LCD Screen Digitizer

All is a miracle."The simple practice of walking meditation while whispering "May allbe kind to each other" opens our hearts to the kindness andcompassion within us and within our amazing world. Now, be safe while doing this. Walk with your eyes open, wear goodwalking shoes, be aware of your surroundings as well as the weatherand the beautiful sounds of nature and let your Spirit soar. And then come and share your experience with us at the Dingletown Community Church located at the corner of Stanwich Road and Barnstable Lane each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

The Rev. Thomas A. Leutner is pastor of Dingletown Community Church, located at 376 StanwichRoad.