Royal Enfield Bullet 350


最も輝いている Bullet

2009-02-25 18:40:51 | D.B.'s Bullet
Motorcycle Journal より

Darryl, thank you for accepting a post of your photo onto my blog.
I have briefed here what was described on the post of the Forum.
The title of this thread is 'The shiniest Bullet' (that I've ever seen)

米人で Bullet を所有してる人を初めて知りました
しかも・・・3年半かけて2001年製 Bullet をリストするには枚挙に暇が無い程小物部品(機能部品以外 - ボルト・ナットにいたっては全部ステン)を自分で作り磨き上げたそうです!凄い人がいるものです。私は足元にも及びません。


4 コメント

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Unknown (D.B.Owen.)
2009-02-25 14:58:10
Thank you Hama for posting the picture of my Bullet. The work I've done has been out of love, and it makes me very proud to see her in your blog. Please take care, and ride safe. D.B.
D.B.'s Bullet (104)
2009-02-25 15:30:59
Hi D.B., you made it!

I'll make a new thread named DB's Bullet showing progress on your toy. So ... please send me progress if you don't mind and visit the thread if you want to.

On the very left of the frame of the blog you see Categories, 'Touring by Motorcycle' showing scenic spots of a day or two day ride. Hope you also enjoy those photos.

ps: 104 is pronounced toyo with my mother tongue that is a part of my first name Toyokatsu and it means OK buddies as you know :-)
眩しすぎる程綺麗! (ae110_1960)
2009-02-26 21:01:20
Re: 眩しすぎる程綺麗! (toyo)
2009-02-27 08:51:05

