“風の道草” ・ かぜのみちくさ View Japan-景趣- 3

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“風の道草” 「かぜのみちくさ」 View Japan-景趣- 3

※- フランスTV も注目日本の『 特捜検察 』とマスメディア


Let’s go ! Heated discussion ⇒ 「阿修羅・掲示板
<-- TPP・密室交渉の知られざる罠 -->



ジョン・レノン John Lennon:世界は狂人によって支配されている

          ジョン・レノンが話している意味とは ⇒ ここから

『 911 was an inside job - 2001 』 : On September 11, 2001, A Nuclear Explosion in the Basement of the WTC

内部告発!元アメリカ 国家安全保障局員 Jim Stone 氏

3.11大震災:アメリカ と イスラエルの裏権力が核兵器を使った!



2008年08月07日 | Weblog 
※- お客様への座布団の置き方  -Biglobe メルマガ-

[ Q ] 姑の古い友人をおもてなし。
( 1 ) 座布団の真ん中に「糸が出てる方」を上にして置く

( 2 ) 座布団の真ん中に「糸が出てない方」を上にして置く

( 1 ) 座布団の真ん中に「糸が出てる方」を上にして置くでした。

解 説
座布団の中央にある糸は「房(ふさ)」といい、これがある方が座布団の【 表 】です。

【 表 】
 ∥     ┃     ∥
 ∥     ▼     ∥
 ∥     ∈     ∥
 ∥           ∥
 ∥           ∥


<< 座布団の房は、ナゼ付いてる? >>




<< さらに・・・ 座布団には「正面」もある! >>



◎- 座布団の正しい置き方


          ∥      ┃       ∥
          ∥      ▼       ∥
正面← ∥       ∈      ∥
     ∥               ∥
     ∥               ∥



2008年08月02日 | 政治 ・経済 
        就任式後の記念写真-2008年 8月 2日
※- 福田改造内閣 
8月 1日、福田改造内閣の17人の閣僚。
総務大臣=前の岩手県知事の 増田寛也氏、留任
法務大臣=自民党山崎派の 保岡興治氏
外務大臣=自民党高村派の 高村正彦氏、留任
財務大臣=自民党伊吹派の 伊吹文明氏
文部科学大臣=自民党麻生派の 鈴木恒夫氏
厚生労働大臣=自民党無派閥の参議院議員・ 舛添要一氏、留任
農林水産大臣=自民党古賀派の 太田誠一氏
経済産業大臣=自民党二階派の 二階俊博氏
国土交通大臣=自民党古賀派の 谷垣禎一氏
環境大臣=公明党の 斉藤鉄夫氏
防衛大臣=自民党古賀派の参議院議員・ 林芳正氏
内閣官房長官=自民党町村派の 町村信孝氏、留任
国家公安委員長、沖縄・北方対策、防災担当大臣=山崎派の 林幹雄氏
金融・行政改革、公務員制度改革担当大臣=津島派の 茂木敏充氏
経済財政政策、規制改革担当大臣=無派閥の 与謝野馨氏
科学技術政策食品安全・消費者行政担当大臣=無派閥の 野田聖子
少子化対策担当、拉致問題担当、それに男女共同参画担当大臣=参議院議員、 中山恭子

Steadily implementing policies

2008年08月01日 | 政治 ・経済 
※- Steadily implementing policies

”This Message from the Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda.”

"Both those in politics and the administration just do not seem to be thinking about the people."

Many of the Japanese people must harbor a sense of distrust like the one above.

Since assuming the post of Prime Minister in September of last year, I have pushed forward reforms from the public's viewpoint, resolving to change the traditional practices of politics and the administration.

As the leader of national politics and the administration, I have looked at things from the standpoint of the people whenever addressing issues that we face.

Those issues include: the pension record problem, the response to the people who contracted hepatitis through blood products, the series of scandals at the Ministry of Defense, food poisoning and incorrect food labeling, and waste of tax revenue by the administration.

These reforms from the public's viewpoint have now been focused into concrete policies.

The day before yesterday, I compiled the Five-Point Reassurance Plan, which outlines the specific policies to ensure that the people can live their everyday lives with a sense of reassurance.

This plan will address issues such as the problem of emergency patients being passed around hospitals, the problem of waiting lists for nursery schools that parents with small children are faced with, and the problem of the large number of young people still being forced into unstable employment as non-regular employees such as part-time and dispatched workers.

Last month, I also compiled ideas on the organization of an Agency for Consumer Affairs; the helmsman of the Government whose protagonist is the consumer.

We are currently preparing bills, with an aim to establish the Agency in the coming fiscal year.

As I have been working to ensure that wasteful administrative spending is cut to zero, I decided to establish the Council for Comprehensive Review of Administrative Expenditures.

The Council, composed of private-sector experts, will conduct rigorous external checks of spending, rather than the administration making such decisions at their own convenience.

I have also just drawn up a concrete action plan for the creation of a low-carbon society, in order to protect the global environment and pass it on to future generations.

Over the 10 months since I assumed office, my idea of the "reforms from the public's viewpoint" has gradually pervaded through politics and the administration, changing the mindsets of politicians and civil servants.

Regarding what needs to be done to achieve these reforms, I can say for sure that the specific blueprints have almost all been put in place.

Some people may feel that my efforts, being rather unpretentious, have been insufficient.

I will accept whatever criticism is offered, while going over those things that need to be reviewed.

Furthermore, I will place greater emphasis on promptly and steadily implementing the policies that we have compiled thus far.

The reforms from the public's viewpoint are moving to a new stage, and I am determined to make steady progress, together with the people, one step at a time.
