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How to Understand the Cosmic Intelligence through Observation of Nature

2016年09月19日 20時12分11秒 | "Science of Life"
Posted on September 19th, 2016

Hi, everybody!

What happens when you observe a painting?

You will know the mind of the painter.

What happens, then, when you observe nature?

You will know the Cosmic Intelligence which created nature.

See the first page of the "Science of Life":

"The Creator whom we call God created everything that is known and yet to be known. And to know the Father of all creation, one must study His creation and its purpose.

"As we cannot see the Creator the God of the Cosmos in person, we then must study Him through His creation. And this manifests in what we refer to as nature, for it is the embodiment of His Supreme Intelligence."

Here, the "Creator", "God", the "Father of all creation", the "God of the Cosmos", and "His Supreme Intelligence" all mean one thing: the "Cosmic Intelligence".

So we can rewrite the above passage of the "Science of Life":

"The Cosmic Intelligence created everything that is known and yet to be known. And to know the Cosmic Intelligence, one must study the creation by the Cosmic Intelligence and its purpose.

"As we cannot see the Cosmic Intelligence in person, we then must study the Cosmic Intelligence through the creation by the Cosmic Intelligence. And this manifests in what we refer to as nature, for it is the embodiment of the Cosmic Intelligence."

Then we understand that to know the Cosmic Intelligence we need to study the forms in nature and the purpose for which each form has been created.

Therefore, the first step to know the Cosmic Intelligence is to observe nature.

When you observe nature, first, ponder on the Cosmic Intelligence.

Second, have faith that you can know the Cosmic Intelligence.

Third, do not concentrate. Concentration will cause fatigue. It will, before you accomplish a task, consume your energy necessary for doing the task.

Fourth, quiet the mind to listen.

The above-mentioned four attitudes (pondering on the Cosmic Intelligence, having faith, not concentrating, and quieting the mind) should be kept not only while observing nature but also during your daily life.

Object of observation may be tree, grass, fallen leaf, soil, stone, bug, animal, water, waterweed, fish, wind, sky, cloud, sun, moon, planet, star or anything in nature.

When you are observing one form, if your attention is drawn to other form, let it be so. For example, when you are observing a leaf of a tree, if your attention is drawn down to a fallen leaf of the tree, let you observe the fallen leaf. If your attention is further drawn to the soil under the tree, let you observe the soil.

If you notice a thought irrelevant to nature, gently remove the thought from your mind, and place it outside of your mind.

You need not go far to observe nature, because you can do your observation with plants or minerals in your garden, porch, or room.

Observation of nature is recommended to be done 5 minutes at one time, once a day. For the "Science of Life" says "At first this should not be done for more than five or ten minutes at a time. And do not expect too much at the beginning."

Do not do observation of nature every day of the week, from Sunday to Saturday. It is advisable to be on a five-day workweek. If you keep on observing every day, it will become stereotyped.