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Three Ways to Reduce or Eliminate It

2017-09-05 16:54:03 | 日記
Given that a thick wallet can cause painful sciatica and that most men carry a plethora of cards, IDs, licenses and more, how can the problem be reduced or eliminated?
One solution that requires minimal change is simply to carry the bulky wallet in a front pocket. While this solution is simple and will eliminate sciatica back pain, it is not an ideal solution. Most of us carry a variety of items in a front pocket including check books, car, house and office keys, and change. Adding a thick bulging wallet to the existing mélange of items carried in the front pocket often results in other issues. Forcefully extracting a thick wallet from a front pocket may bring with it a cascade of coins, keys and other items that tumble to the floor.
A second solution requires change and discipline: something that doesn't come easily for most of us. Periodically cull through a thick wallet and eliminate unused and unneeded cards, business cards, ATM receipts and notes no longer relevant. This will reduce the thickness of the wallet and, in most cases; help to reduce the pain of sitting on it. But often, we cannot eliminate enough items to reduce thickness much. Also even a moderately thin wallet that doesn't flex may still be uncomfortable to sit on.
Saving the best for last, the third solution is to junk your old bulky wallet and purchase a better designed wallet.
Consider selecting a wallet designed for carrying a few items in a front pocket. Just do a Google search on "front pocket wallet" to find these uniquely designed wallets. A limitation, however, is that most front pocket wallets are designed to carry only a few cards. If more than perhaps 8 cards are carried, they quickly become excessively bulky.
Want a safer and better wallet? Keep an eye on lock wallet as seen on tv. Which promises to keep credit cards and identities safe by providing a safe housing for important smart cards. lock wallet wholesale uses RFID-blocking material to prevent skimming, or the stealing of information transmitted by modern credit cards.
