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2023-09-07 | 日記



The COVID-19 epidemic has faced many challenges for medical personnel. For example, the risk of infection among healthcare workers has increased, and PPE shortages and fatigue have become issues. In addition, medical institutions had to deal with the rapid increase in the number of patients, and there was concern about the collapse of the medical system. In addition, delays in cancer treatments and surgeries were a problem as the provision of other medical services was restricted. It is clear that the impact of COVID-19 has increased the health risks for healthcare workers and patients.









In the corona misfortune, many problems have arisen in the medical field.

The first is the congestion of medical institutions due to the spread of infection. Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the number of severely ill patients and infected people has increased rapidly, creating a situation that exceeds the capacity of medical institutions. As a result, the shortage of hospital beds and human resources became a serious problem, and medical workers were overworked, and treatment of general patients was delayed.

Second, the risk of infection among healthcare workers has increased. The risk of infection always exists, even for healthcare professionals with knowledge and skills in infectious diseases. Especially in medical settings, people often work long hours in closed spaces and come into frequent contact with patients, which is expected to increase the risk of infection. Therefore, infection prevention measures for healthcare workers are important, and appropriate personal protective equipment, infection control education, and regular inspections are required.

In addition, restrictions and suspension of medical practice in medical settings became a problem. During the COVID-19 pandemic, medical practices such as surgery and examinations were sometimes restricted in order to prevent the spread of infection. As a result, the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cancer and other diseases may be delayed, and there are concerns about the adverse effects of delayed treatment. Patients with diseases other than infectious diseases may also be unable to receive appropriate medical care.

As described above, many problems have arisen in the medical field during the corona crisis. In the future, in addition to dealing with infectious diseases, it will be necessary to take appropriate measures to protect medical workers and limit medical practice. Specific examples include the enhancement of medical facilities, the establishment of a system for accepting patients, the strengthening of infection prevention measures for medical workers, and the reconsideration of the priority of medical practice.

In addition, learning from the current corona crisis, it is necessary to strengthen the medical field and improve the ability to respond to infectious diseases in order to prepare for future outbreaks of infectious diseases. Specifically, it is necessary to improve the medical system, emphasize preventive medicine, enhance the education and training of medical personnel, and increase the stock of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals.

In this way, medical-related problems in the corona crisis are serious, and countermeasures will continue to be necessary in the future. In addition to responding to infectious diseases, it is important to take appropriate measures to protect medical staff and limit medical practice. In addition, in order to prepare for future outbreaks of infectious diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the medical field and improve the ability to respond to infectious diseases.