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慶応大学・国語・小論文・論述力 22(さくら教育研究所)

2024-09-23 | 日記





War is one of the most serious problems facing mankind, and peace is the solution. Wars are caused by conflicts and profit-seeking between nations and groups, but the result is destruction, sacrifice, suffering and instability. Peace, on the other hand, is a means of reconciling conflicts between nations and groups, and is essential for maintaining a stable society and living environment.

The damage caused by war is immeasurable and the victims are often innocent people. Subsequent reconstruction and social reconstruction will require enormous costs and labor. On the other hand, peace can be achieved through international cooperation, mutual understanding among people, and an attitude of tolerance. Peace brings stability and promotes economic, cultural and social development.

Therefore, war should be avoided and peace should be maintained. Dialogue, compromise and international cooperation between nations and groups are essential to maintaining peace. At the individual level, it is important to respect and understand each other in order to maintain peace. War and peace are always opposing concepts, and we must always act towards peace.










War and peace are among the most important problems facing mankind. Wars occur as a result of escalating conflicts between nations or groups that seek to resolve them through violent means. Peace is achieved through dialogue, cooperation and compromise between nations and groups.

War has many negative effects. Most seriously, large numbers of people are killed, injured, or have their lives destroyed. Moreover, war causes economic losses and hinders vital areas such as education, health care and public services. War also affects people's psychological health and causes trauma and anxiety.

Peace, on the other hand, brings many benefits as it enables people to live healthier and more stable lives. Peace promotes cooperation among nations and regions, promoting economic development and social progress. Peace also promotes people's psychological health and improves their well-being.

Therefore, it is very important to prevent war and promote peace. To achieve this, countries and regions need to focus on dialogue and cooperation. It is also important to have international law and diplomatic tools for resolving disputes in order to promote peace. Most important is the change in individual consciousness. Mutual understanding, tolerance and the pursuit of peaceful solutions are key to ensuring sustainable peace.

In addition, education is very important to promote peace. Education enables people to understand diversity and coexist with mutual respect. Education can also provide the skills and knowledge needed for conflict resolution and cooperation. Therefore, in order to promote peace, the spread of education is necessary.

Furthermore, in order to realize peace, it is also necessary to resolve poverty and inequality. Poverty and inequality can create social tensions and cause conflict. Therefore, solving poverty and inequality and building a just society are important to promote peace.

Finally, in order to achieve peace, individual responsibility is important. People need to think and act on what they can do to contribute to peace and to those around them. Individual awareness and action can play a large role in promoting peace.

Taken together, war and peace are among the most important problems facing mankind. Promoting peace requires dialogue, cooperation, conflict resolution, education, the resolution of poverty and inequality, and individual responsibility. Such efforts, collectively implemented at the individual, regional and national levels, can lead to a more sustainable peace.