


2010-09-04 15:26:59 | 日記
Livy, History of Rome (Livius, Ab urbe condita)
(英訳: "Everyman's Library", Translator: Canon Roberts, 1905)



一方、ヨーロッパの歴史と言えば、フランス革命以降の近代の歴史しか知らない人は、民主主義や自由という概念はフランス革命で始めて芽生えた思想であるような錯覚を抱いている。私が、この Livius の歴史を読む必要性・重要性を強調するのはそういった誤解を解いてもらいたいからである。つまり、古代ローマ(BC509年から500年続いた共和制ローマ)にはすでに、法と自由という概念が定着し、個人の権利も奴隷は別として、貴族、平民という身分に関係なく法に則って十分に主張できた、という点を知るべきである。


Book3, Section 11


Caeso erat Quinctius, ferox iuvenis qua nobilitate gentis, qua corporis magnitudine et viribus. Ad ea munera data a dis et ipse addiderat multa belli decora facundiamque in foro, ut nemo, non lingua, non manu promptior in civitate haberetur. Hic cum in medio patrum agmine constitisset, eminens inter alios, velut omnes dictaturas consulatusque gerens in voce ac viribus suis, unus impetus tribunicios popularesque procellas sustinebat. Hoc duce saepe pulsi foro tribuni, fusa ac fugata plebes est; qui obvius fuerat, mulcatus nudatusque abibat, ut satis appareret, si sic agi liceret, victam legem esse.

【英訳】Caeso was a member of the Quinctian house, and his noble descent and great bodily strength and stature made him a daring and intrepid young man. To these gifts of the gods he added brilliant military qualities and eloquence as a public speaker, so that no one in the State was held to surpass him either in speech or action. When he took his stand in the middle of a group of patricians, conspicuous amongst them all, carrying as it were in his voice and personal strength all dictatorships and consulships combined, he was the one to withstand the attacks of the tribunes and the storms of popular indignation. Under his leadership the tribunes were often driven from the Forum, the plebeians routed and chased away, anybody who stood in his way went off stripped and beaten. It became quite clear that if this sort of thing were allowed to go on, the Law would be defeated.


Book3, Section 11

アウルス・ウェルギニウス(Aulus Verginius)は市民たちにこういった『ローマ市民諸君、最近のカエソの振る舞いからもうお分かりのように、彼がいるかぎり、法の適正な運用はできない。なぜ私が法をもちだしたか?それは、彼がないがしろにしているのは、我々の自由そのものであるからだ。彼は以前のタルクィニウス王の専制よりも悪辣だ。彼が、将来、執政官や独裁官になってでもしたら、それこそどんな災厄が降りかかるともしれないであろう。』かつて、カエソに痛い目に遭わされて人たちは口々に『そうだ、そうだ』と言い、護民官に決断を迫った。

Et A. Verginius identidem plebi: 'Ecquid sentitis iam, vos, Quirites, Caesonem simul civem et legem quam cupitis habere non posse? Quamquam quid ego legem loquor? Libertati obstat; omnes Tarquinios superbia exsuperat. Exspectate dum consul aut dictator fiat, quem privatum viribus et audacia regnantem videtis.' Adsentiebantur multi pulsatos se querentes, et tribunum ad rem peragendam ultro incitabant.

【英訳】Aulus Verginius frequently said to the plebeians, "Are you now aware, Quirites, that you cannot have the Law which you desire, and Caeso as a citizen, together? Yet, why do I talk of the Law? He is a foe to liberty, he surpasses all the Tarquins in tyranny. Wait till you see the man who now, in private station, acts the king in audacity and violence - wait till you see him made consul, or dictator." His words were endorsed by many who complained of having been beaten, and the tribune was urged to bring the matter to a decision.


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