


2009-10-03 06:21:18 | 日記
Livy, History of Rome (Livius, Ab urbe condita) (英訳: "Everyman's Library", Translator: Canon Roberts, 1905)



Book 1, Section 9


Ubi spectaculi tempus venit deditaeque eo mentes cum oculis erant, tum ex composito orta vis signoque dato iuventus Romana ad rapiendas virgines discurrit.

【英訳】When the hour for the games had come, and their eyes and minds were alike riveted on the spectacle before them, the preconcerted signal was given and the Roman youth dashed in all directions to carry off the maidens who were present.



Book 1, Section 13


Tum Sabinae mulieres, quarum ex iniuria bellum ortum erat, crinibus passis scissaque ueste, victo malis muliebri pavore, ausae se inter tela volantia inferre, ex transuerso impetu facto dirimere infestas acies, dirimere iras, hinc patres, hinc viros orantes, ne sanguine se nefando soceri generique respergerent, ne parricidio macularent partus suos, nepotum illi, hi liberum progeniem.

【英訳】Then it was that the Sabine women, whose wrongs had led to the war, throwing off all womanish fears in their distress, went boldly into the midst of the flying missiles with dishevelled hair and rent garments. Running across the space between the two armies they tried to stop any further fighting and calm the excited passions by appealing to their fathers in the one army and their husbands in the other not to bring upon themselves a curse by staining their hands with the blood of a father-in-law or a son-in-law, nor upon their posterity the taint of parricide.


この情景をドラマテックに描いたのがルーブルに飾られている Jacques-Louis Davidの『サビー二の女たち』(Les Sabines)という名画である。


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