


2011年03月15日 10時48分18秒 | 海外からのお便り

We would like to express our sympathy to the families and relatives of the victims of the natural disaster that has devastated Japan. Our thoughts go out to all the people of Japan, especially to those who work in the tourism industry. We hope essential services are restored as soon as possible, providing security and stability for the population.
We are sure that the determined spirit of the Japanese people and the world’s solidarity will contribute to the quick recovery of the country.
Best regards, Mário Moysés(ブラジル)

I hope you are well, I have watched with horror in the past weeks on what has been happening in Japan. It is really so sad and we also mourn with your country. I hope to hear from you soon.
Regards, Elitah(南アフリカ)
