

Graph CREST セミナー

2013年04月20日 01時23分47秒 | Weblog


1: Laszlo Ladanyi (Software R&D at CPLEX, IBM Research, USA)

CPLEX remote object for distributed parallel optimization

In version 12.5.0 CPLEX has introduced the concept of remote objects
that greatly ease development of distributed parallel applications of
CPLEX optimizers. Remote objects enable the user to create cplex
environments on remote computers and afterwards treat them just as if
they were local environments. In this talk we will describe remote
objects in detail, demonstrate how to use them, and provide some
computational results on real world examples.

2: Hayato Waki (IMI, Kyushu University)

A perturbed sums of squares theorem for polynomial optimization and
its applications

We prove a property of positive polynomials on a compact set with a
small perturbation. When applied to a Polynomial Optimization Problem
(POP), the property implies that the optimal value of the
corresponding Semi Definite Programming (SDP) relaxation with
sufficiently large relaxation order is bounded from below by
$(f^*-\epsilon)$ and from above by $f^*+\epsilon(n+1)$, where $f^*$ is
the optimal value of the POP. We propose new SDP relaxations for POP
based on modifications of existing sums-of-squares representation
theorems. An advantage of our SDP relaxations is that they are of
considerably smaller dimension than those originally proposed by
Lasserre. We present some applications and the results of our
computational experiments. This is the joint work with Masakazu
Muramatsu and Levent Tuncel.
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