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Susila Budhi Dharma・Chapter 4 Nature and function of Animal force//

2018-02-23 | 日記
Well, next is the animal force, but as before, the following description will be in compliance with "Susila Budhi Dharma" published in 1987.

97 ~ 138 ・ ・ ・ ・ Explanation of animal force, examples of target animals and their impact on people by eating (Note 1)
     ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Describe in parallel how Latihan progresses and develops
Here are the items described in chapter of animal force in random order.

Work to almost completely arouse human energy
Emotions called by animal force
Ruthless behavior
We can not distinguish by thinking ability
Even avoiding carnivorousness is only partially effective
Animal force dominates human interior
The impact of that on descendants
Result of marriage only with reference of heart's pleasure
Sexual intercorce of a couple by desire
Influence on that child by such situation
Benefits for parents by spiritually advanced children
The effect of eating freshwater fish
What the fish feels
Difference in the nature of fish living in paddy fields and river fish ーー> Difference in influence on people
Villagers' sense of happiness
Insight on perfect human life
To separate and control animal force
The influence of chicken meat
The influence of people who eat various kinds of meat
The end of the person who entrusted himself to the Nafsu of greed (Nafsu Aluamah)
The influence of people by eating goat's meat
The influence of people by eating beef
People who fall in the world of animal force while being human figure
Sexual desire stimulated by animal force

(Note 1) Explanation of animal force (1 to 2), the examples of the target animals and the influence on people by eating such meat
Explanation of animal force (1) <-- Link
Explanation of animal force (2) <-- Link

Bapak talks about the nature and its function of animal force with many talks after announcing Susila Budhi Dharma.
The following is a quotation from the part that seems to be related from such a talk.
That's why the following will supplement the animal force chapter of Susila Budhi Dharma.

Chapter 7: DHANDHANGGULA :1952
(When affected by animal force ・ ・ ・)
44 This is precisely why many of us human beings do not have a character that is in line with the fundamental principles of humanity.
In other words, many of us still like - and have even found pleasure in - harming the lives of others, condemning them to a life of suffering.

45 At times the conduct of people who behave in this way rebounds on them.
Even so, they do not usually take this as an intimation of their wrongdoing.
On the contrary, they react like a gambler who has lost: not stopping nor wanting to stop, but going on with their passion even more inflamed.
It can be said of them that they are oblivious of both land and sea.

1959/8/22- Bapak
Before the visible form begins to take shape, the soul is present as the future content of the being that will form around it.
So, it is with the soul already present within it that the outward form begins to develop and finally comes to its completion - as the visible form in which the soul is present.
Bapak will illustrate how this happens.

The way a soul enters a being, and the kind of soul that enters, depend on what happened before the being was created and on how it was created.
This - Bapak says frankly - has to do with the union between a man and a woman.

In most cases, the union between a man and a woman is motivated by an energy that is an accumulation of the atmosphere they have experienced in this world.
This becomes a lens within ( what will become ) the visible being, which awakens ( and attracts ) whatever soul has the opportunity to enter it.
Human beings - men and women alike - are also affected by and contain in their natures the characteristics that render them pitiless towards those who may be at their mercy; that is to say, they will refuse to pardon a defeated enemy, even one who is begging for mercy.
They pursue only their own importance, high standing, and victory over others; they avoid contact with anyone who they fear may deprive them of any of their pleasures and satisfactions.

If a new human seed comes into being through the union of a husband and a wife with these characteristics present in them, that seed will become a focal point for the entry of forces of the animal level.

September 21, 1959 - Bapak
To make it clear: you will be able to feel and be aware how the various forces work within you, and your whole inner feeling will get to know them.
Suppose that before you were opened, or before you did the latihan, or before your inner feeling started to move, the force that filled you and ruled you was the animal force.
In that case, your human inner feeling will come to realise and recognise that the animal force once governed and dominated your entire inner feeling.

So, those doing the latihan, once they have a lot of experience, will receive a picture of the true nature of the soul they have within them.
After you are truly aware of feeling, understanding and having an awareness of the animal soul, the supreme great life force that you receive when you are opened and whenever you do the latihan - namely, the ilofi life force - will train your inner feeling to experience the influence of the next force above the animal; that is, the human life force.
Then your whole inner feeling will begin to get to know the human force.

December 18, 1959 - Bapak
Above these two there is yet another life force, which equally perverts the inner being of man, this is the animal life force.

If this force enters the inner being of man, his driving power is "supiah", that is passion, we usually use the Dutch name "hartstoch", and its foremost manifestation is the desire for sexual union, for self satisfaction.

March 28, 1960 - Bapak
If Bapak may explain: our inner feeling can be influenced by a material thing - by the material spirit or life force - because our thoughts, our heart and desires think about and pay attention to material things.

Likewise, the life force or spirit of plants influences our inner feeling because we give plants our attention; we think about them and about the kinds of food we can prepare from them.
It is the same with the animal life force.

Why does the animal life force influence our inner feeling, influence us?
It is because we pay attention to animals; we think about them and eat their meat.

May 3, 1963 - Bapak
There is also the low force that is a level higher than the plant force: the animal force.
It too has a role in your life while you are in this world; that is, in the form of the meat you are accustomed to eating.
And that is just what is visible.
Some people feel they should not eat meat.
They do not want to eat meat.
They think they are avoiding the animal force, so that they will not have too much desire.
But unbeknown to them the animal force is always there, because in every plant there are animals, even though the animals may be tiny: minute, delicate creatures that cannot easily be seen with the naked eye.

Scientists, especially doctors, have proved that in our flesh and blood there are many animals.
If the animal force was not there it would be a great loss for you - for human beings -because you would not have the energy to work, to look for things, or to achieve what you want or hope for.

So the animal force is also something you cannot do without.
Quite a lot of people make efforts in order that the animal force should not influence their heart, mind and inner feeling too much.

They isolate themselves in quiet places and they do not eat any meat at all ? or any other kind of food from animals.
But such behaviour can only reduce [the influence]; to get rid of it is impossible.
Indeed, you cannot possibly rid yourself of the animal force.

March 1 1970 Bapak
But even that is not enough.
You need something else, you need blood.
What entities have blood?

Plants have no blood, they have essences but no blood.
It is animals that have blood, as do human beings.
You need blood to give you spirit.

That is why, if people never eat any kind of animal food.
This includes not drinking milk - milk is an animal food.
It also means not eating eggs - eggs are an animal food.
So, if you do not eat animal products, it means that you do not eat eggs, milk, cheese, and so on, either.
You can eat rambutan fruit all the time [Bapak chuckles], even with the skin on. [Laughter]
So, to nourish their flesh and blood, human beings need to consume animals, like beef and goat.
Many people eat goat meat because they think it will make them hot-blooded.
But that is going too far, feeling that heat for as long as they live.

July 8, 1970 - Bapak
The essence of the animal life force, when the animal life force works in the human self, manifests as the nafsu called supiah.
Similarly with the animal, similarly with the human life forces.

December 5, 1970 - Bapak
the nafsu arising from the animal life force is supiah,
If you lived without the nafsu supiah, your energy for work and your sexual energy would decrease.

August 23, 1971-Bapak
Then comes another nafsu, the animal life force.
If you lacked this life force, men would not recognize women, nor women men.
You could not distinguish one from another.
The world would become a desolate place, without people.
Yes, even though men had knowledge of men, and women of women, there would be no people on earth later on.
For how could a man produce a child with another man, or a woman have a child with a woman?

Thus women know about men and men about women because of the animal life force.
And from that experience they know and understand that human existence on earth is based on the two sexes.
It must be so in order to populate the world.
It is indeed God's Will that there shall be more than two people on earth.
The more, the better.
Don't be afraid of that.

November 26, 1972 - Bapak
The list is not yet complete; there are yet others.
You need to be powered by the life force or nafsu called supiah, the nafsu supiah, which has its origin in the animal life force, the roh khwaniah.
This is called the nafsu supiah and from it there arises the urge, the wish, the desire to mate with one's own kind.

That means to mate or to be united with other human being, and to raise up human seed; to have sexual intercourse.
That is why you need to have the khewaniah life force and the nafsu supiah, which is desire.
Because of that, desire is in the nature of women.
That is obvious.
Yes, though it is more obvious in a man, yet it is also present in women, and indeed it has the same significance.

September 17, 1977 - Bapak
In addition, Adam was also given the animal forces in order that he could have ambition,a drive to work and to achieve, because without that he would not have been able to do things, to achieve things, to work hard, which is needed to survive in this world.

January 19, 1985 - Bapak
Another of these forces is called the animal life-force, which when it manifests in the human self is called the nafsu supiah.
Thus the animal life-force manifests in strong desires, so that human beings, also assert that they should be able to get rid of this nafsu and its influence and to check its influence upon them.

So they avoid eating meat, just meat, not other things.
This wish in human beings to be pure and do what is right is indeed present in them by the Will of Allah.
This has a great deal of influence upon people, and many who do not eat meat say that doing this can keep that nafsu out of their inner-selves, out of their selves.

But they cannot do that, for if it were kept out it would mean death.
That is why it was said in the old days by people who were seeking Ilmu ( spiritual wisdom ) that they were seeking a way by which to understand how to die while still alive.

That was their story, but that was a tale told by the dalang ( puppet master ), and the dalang was not an actor, That is why these true teachings are present in religion, but nevertheless they barely reach as far as the shariat ( outward observances ) but only the tarekat ( study of religion ), so that from there it spreads further and deeper until one comes to the hakekat, the true reality.

May 9, 1985 - Bapak
Then there is the roh hewani.
Are there no animals in fruits, rice, and wheat?
There are, and man has now discovered them ( bacteria ), not only in plants, but flying around in the air.

Some of them are good for man, others are bad.
Some bring benefits, others disaster.
This has been discovered by medical experts.

June 9, 1985 - Bapak
As well as the vegetable force, brothers and sisters, there is still another, the roh raewani or animal life force.
Yes, sometimes you may give up eating meat and so on, but you do not realize that within your bodies there are the animals which doctors call microbes.

These go in and out of you on your breath and they are also present in vegetables and fruits and in the water which you are bound to use.
That force is present in your own bodies, brothers and sisters, and it is necessary for your lives.

It has now been discovered that if people do not eat meat they become undernourished.

When our people here in Indonesia play ball games, they always lose, because what do they eat?
Tempe and tahu ( bean-curd ).
Yes, some of them eat meat, but not in the same way as Europeans do.
For Europeans meat is like rice is to you; and that is why they have such extraordinary energy.
Thus it is really difficult for them to quieten themselves properly, so as to create a pure inner-feeling, a radiant inner feeling fit to receive the gift of the One Almighty God.

June 17, 1985 - Bapak
Now the third one is the influence of the animal life force.
This, again, man cannot do without.
It is both outside and around him and it is also inside his own being.
So man is not able to free himself from this influence.

June 24, 1985 - Bapak
Above that again is the life force of animals, and that is the one that gives rise to the nafsu supiah.

Don't imagine that animals are not all around us.
Actually, in the air around us there is animal life, this has been confirmed for Bapak by medical science, that everywhere around us and inside us there are animals, quite apart from the fact that we also eat meat.(Note 2)

Now it is well known that if we don't eat meat, we lack enthusiasm for work.
And therefore, again, it is clear that for our life in this world, animal food is important.
Without it we lack something, we lack energy, we lack determination, so therefore it is something useful, it is not something to be given up.
So it is clear that although the animal forces are bad if viewed from the kejiwaan point of view, they can be used for something good.
What is bad can be used by what is good, and similarly, what is good can be made use of by that which is bad.

So therefore good and bad have their place and their role and both are needed.

Note 2
Below is related article.

Since Bapak is Islam, he does not eat pork.
Therefore, there is no comment on the influence of eating pork.

In addition, as you can see from the quoted talk list above, the successor has no mention of animal force, animal life force.
Well, why would that be?
The successor should have claimed that "Susila Budhi Dharma is important".
It is incomprehensible thing and it can not be understood.

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