What do you like to do?



2006年05月13日 | English・学習
Oh man!I forgot my wallet!
If you want,I could lend you some cash to tide you over.

I don't think I'll be able to get this done on time.
Well,I can always give you a hand if you like.

I don't want to impose.
Don't be silly.It's no big deal.

Are you sure that's OK?
Trust me.It's no trouble at all.

That'd be great.Thanks a lot.
I'd be really greatwful if you could./I'd really appreciate it.


2006年05月13日 | English・学習
It's pretty industrial whoere I live.There isn't any greenery or anything-just a sea of concrete and stwwl and smoke stacks as far as the eye can see.

I live in a small,dusty,town.there's not much there,and just out of town you'll find the Mojave.No buildings,no trees,no people.It's just sand and sky.

Mo・ja・ve Desert
━━ n. (the ~) モハーベ砂漠 ((California州南部の砂漠)).

power line:電線, 送電線.
greenery:n. ((集合的)) 青葉; 緑樹.
yard:. 囲い地, (中)庭; 〔米〕 裏庭; 仕事場, 置場; …製造場; (ニワトリなどの)囲い; (鉄道の)操車場; 〔英話〕 (the Y-) =Scotland Yard.
vt. (家畜などを)囲いの中に入れる; たくわえる.
smoke stack:(工場・汽船などの)煙突; 蒸気機関車の煙突.
smokestack industry 大煙突工業 ((重工業のこと)).
skyscraper:超高層ビル, 摩天楼.
streetlight:-lamp 街灯.
cottage:n. 田舎家, (郊外の)小住宅; (田舎の)別荘; 〔英俗〕 ホモが相手捜しをする場所.
━━ vt. 越す, 通過する; 見落とす, 見のがす; まさる.
━━ n. 陸橋, 跨線(こせん)橋.

residential:a. 居住(地)の, 住宅向きの; 住込みの, 寄宿制の.
commercial:a. 商業[通商,貿易](上)の; 市販用の; もうけ主義の; (放送が)スポンサーつきの; (質が)平均以下の; 量産された.
n. (テレビ・ラジオの)広告放送, コマーシャル.
industrial:a. 産業[工業]の; 工業用の; 産業に従事する, 産業労働者の; 産業[工業]が発達した.
rural:a. いなか(風)の, 田園の.
urban:a. 都会(風)の, 都市の, 都会に住む.