


2011-08-18 02:46:48 | Music Jazz
00:03 from Hatena
[Twitter][まとめ]2011年08月16日のツイート http://t.co/celG8wQ
00:26 from SeesaaBlog
01:12 from PhotoZZ
Sit. Shake a Paw. Now Just Shake. - http://t.co/xfNNPbm
01:52 from Tweet Button
業界に激震!ゆうこりん“OLと同じ”判決で秩序崩壊 - 芸能 - ZAKZAK http://t.co/2patP5W via @zakdesk
02:08 from Tweet Button
東京新聞:福島の被曝調査 気を抜かず健康守れ:社説・コラム(TOKYO Web) http://t.co/s6PZ2MU
02:12 from Tweet Button
金本知憲さん恐喝で告訴される http://t.co/5cIefm1
02:17 from Tweet Button
泊原発の核心部分の整備は韓国の会社がやっている http://t.co/Sl5UbQ4
03:12 from PhotoZZ
Induro Announces Three New BHS Series Tripod Ballheads - http://t.co/sDo6u9a
05:12 from PhotoZZ
Tips on how to take pictures on a #camera phone - http://t.co/4n3JDB8
07:12 from PhotoZZ
Chasing a full moon - http://t.co/mG9WVpD
11:12 from PhotoZZ
Big Question: Do You Take Pictures of Your Food? Why? - http://t.co/GeRQtfU
12:01 from Tweet Button
「大本営発表」を続けるマスメディアの大罪 #blogos @ld_blogos http://t.co/1vEOAS6
12:13 from Tweet Button
中国、鉄道省報道官を解任 失言連発に批判集中 #ldnews http://t.co/nmsBiND
12:23 from Tweet Button
【佐藤優の眼光紙背】日本の国内法においてA級戦犯は戦争犯罪人ではないという認識は、野田佳彦財務相の個人的見解ではなく、日本政府の公式見解である #blogos @ld_blogos http://t.co/FT5H2A3
12:33 from Tweet Button
現代自労組委員長、演説中に小指切る #ldnews http://t.co/5v0J0ZU
12:43 from Tweet Button
空中の電波から微量の電力を得ることに成功 - スラッシュドット・ジャパン http://t.co/yeGQ6Un
12:45 from Tweet Button
Bingの検索精度、Googleより勝る - スラッシュドット・ジャパン http://t.co/WhS1sDW
15:12 from PhotoZZ
Twitter Makes Its #Photo Upload API Available to Third-Party Apps [Twitter] - http://t.co/uhMNy1k
16:23 from Tweet Button
olive!news http://t.co/d8Houdi
16:29 from tweepieJP
omosiroi!! RT 理想のマンションはどんなマンション?マンション経営はこちらから→ http://t.co/m4sMOXJ
16:49 from Hatena
Twitterでいま聴いている音楽をまとめたサービス「Tunebirds」 : ライフハッカー[日本版] http://t.co/sMU7cZC
17:00 from Tweet Button
「ぴーかんテレビ」放送事故 下請け処分で幕引きか? http://t.co/cG2C8tL
17:14 from PhotoZZ
Top 100 posts Best of the rest - http://t.co/tsdK1na
19:14 from PhotoZZ
33 Dramatic #Photos of Mountains in Black and White - http://t.co/RSVUBQV
19:58 from Hatena
: 低気温のエクスタシーbyはなゆー http://t.co/Fh6DAmZ
by realtime24 on Twitter


2011-08-17 02:43:35 | Music Jazz
19:41 from Hatena
シャネルは独のスパイ、と新刊書 仏の服飾デザイナー-北海道新聞[国際] http://t.co/n8wz5Sn
19:41 from Tweet Button
科学者が国会議員を怒鳴りつけ、ユーチューブのスターに http://t.co/tCKRvle
19:46 from Tweet Button
陸前高田のまき、セシウム検出で五山送り火での使用中止に http://t.co/cLZeguQ
19:51 from Tweet Button
またも顧客情報流出、今度はアメリカンホーム保険 http://t.co/3Byep2z
20:01 from Tweet Button
痛いテレビ : 韓国アイドル「BEAST」入国拒否される http://t.co/YDRtUCm via @zarutoro
21:12 from PhotoZZ
Dodge and Burn for #Photoshop Drama - http://t.co/sVMKbX3
23:12 from PhotoZZ
EISA #Photo Awards 2011-2012 - http://t.co/E8hjNHo
by realtime24 on Twitter


2011-08-17 02:43:34 | Music Jazz
00:26 from SeesaaBlog
00:38 from Hatena
[Twitter][まとめ]2011年08月15日のツイート http://t.co/oz5wxTu
01:08 from PhotoZZ
Beauty of the Animals #Photography - http://t.co/O7rrszJ
02:34 from Tweet Button
CNN.co.jp:リビアのカダフィ大佐「戦いに備えよ」 反体制派が要衝制圧か http://t.co/LMgUvEl via @cnn_co_jp
02:36 from Tweet Button
悩む海江田氏、「ポスト菅」脱落の危機 外交アピールで野田氏を意識 - MSN産経ニュース http://t.co/EKszR3j
03:08 from PhotoZZ
How beautiful space #photos are made - http://t.co/ZhWJIdT
03:23 from Hatena
米グーグル:モトローラ・モビリティ買収で合意-約125億ドル(2) - Bloomberg.co.jp
05:08 from PhotoZZ
What I learned in Germany & Holland 26 - http://t.co/cjCwCvd
07:08 from PhotoZZ
Sleepers - http://t.co/oVIHOPo
09:08 from PhotoZZ
Submit Great #Photos 13 Win Great Prizes - http://t.co/RicuK7G
11:10 from PhotoZZ
Patent protection: Google to acquire Motorola Mobility - http://t.co/HVgxCJw
13:12 from PhotoZZ
Pictures of the Day: Iraq and Elsewhere - http://t.co/gU6ZAFB
15:12 from PhotoZZ
Trey Ratcliff, Lisa Bettany, Chris MacAskill and Myself on Google - http://t.co/SueRfxk
16:22 from Hatena
スイスが歴史的タブーに挑戦か、フラン高が国内経済を根底から覆す - Bloomberg.co.jp
17:12 from PhotoZZ
35 #Photos That Use Fences for Clever Composition - http://t.co/wyrU47W
17:56 from Twittascope
Your plans may fall apart today as the details begin to unrave... More for Capricorn http://t.co/aMNFBLi
18:28 from Hatena
フジテレビの韓国報道問題が「嫌なら見なければいい」では済まないワケ - ガジェット通信 http://t.co/ivIMwS5
18:30 from Tweet Button
まんべくんTwitterアカウント停止へ 発言内容を長万部町が問題視 (ITmedia News) - Yahoo!ニュース http://t.co/pFHUEhS
18:39 from Tweet Button
【動画】NZで大雪 http://t.co/zK180Lp
18:48 from Tumblr
Photo: twinleaves: http://t.co/QYGK7zn
18:50 from Tweet Button
セディナ約16万人の顧客情報が名簿業者に売られる http://t.co/2jmprqB
19:01 from Hatena
: 低気温のエクスタシーbyはなゆー http://t.co/T0NePU8
19:05 from Tweet Button
【話題】すぎやまこういちさん「喫煙バッシングに歯止めかけたい。被災地でもタバコは喜ばれた」 http://t.co/e3cVRD7
19:12 from PhotoZZ
How to Create More Dynamic Images Using Local Adjustments - http://t.co/EgE0RCf
19:26 from Tweet Button
by realtime24 on Twitter


2011-08-16 02:42:44 | Music Jazz
00:26 from SeesaaBlog
00:28 from Hatena
[Twitter][まとめ]2011年08月14日のツイート http://t.co/PCCoFc8
01:02 from PhotoZZ
iPhoneography Podcast: Episode 1 - http://t.co/IP6ABoi
03:04 from PhotoZZ
Remember to be Personable in Portrait #Photography Sessions - http://t.co/YtiqnLx
05:06 from PhotoZZ
Is There One #Photographic Subject You 19re Done With? - http://t.co/nMqBXoJ
05:38 from Tweet Button
【高橋昌之のとっておき】小沢一郎が菅降ろしでハラをくくった - MSN産経ニュース http://t.co/JbYNNKU
07:06 from PhotoZZ
Two Steps to Stronger Portraits - http://t.co/hqTLMKx
09:06 from PhotoZZ
Banksy Street Art in LA (Los Angeles) - http://t.co/WF6IfYc
11:08 from PhotoZZ
12 Best Selling #Photography Books - http://t.co/z3QjXtk
13:08 from PhotoZZ
Cool #Photos of Bicycle Couriers - http://t.co/B35z8uD
13:41 from Tweet Button
山本太郎が海江田経産相に反原発“直訴” http://t.co/8KKzBv5 via @nikkansportscom
15:08 from PhotoZZ
Lessons from dad. - http://t.co/AcMZ5mx
17:08 from PhotoZZ
The Beautiful Beijing Airport - http://t.co/GaEJ57X
17:56 from Twittascope
You may be very busy at home, but you might not even realize h... More for Capricorn http://t.co/aMNFBLi
19:08 from PhotoZZ
Colors in Beijing - http://t.co/h8nQ9Wi
21:08 from PhotoZZ
60 Totally Untamed Wildlife #Photography Showcase - http://t.co/zBjMjxt
23:08 from PhotoZZ
Discarded Cicada Skin 32/52 - http://t.co/iK3J3kS
by realtime24 on Twitter


2011-08-15 02:40:30 | Music Jazz
00:25 from SeesaaBlog
00:30 from Hatena
[Twitter][まとめ]2011年08月13日のツイート http://t.co/VnQUTQ4
00:58 from PhotoZZ
Remove EXIF, IPTC, XMP And GPS Data From Images With FileMind QuickFix - http://t.co/7UD6Tq0
02:58 from PhotoZZ
Photo-Africa Weekly chat #16 - http://t.co/kb57HSU
04:58 from PhotoZZ
Photographers 13 Don 19t Be Afraid to Experiment - http://t.co/2u01hEk
06:58 from PhotoZZ
Nudes - http://t.co/0IzOxQy
08:58 from PhotoZZ
Glorious Images Of Apple 19s New Spaceship Headquarters - http://t.co/sziTdEb
10:58 from PhotoZZ
The Band Stand - http://t.co/wqI3JcN
12:58 from PhotoZZ
Create that Retro look for Free, with Pixlr-o-matic - http://t.co/CLj3DKS
14:58 from PhotoZZ
Across the Lake by Jared Ropelato - http://t.co/KVNXuEt
16:58 from PhotoZZ
The Towering Rice Field - http://t.co/ue0h5rC
18:06 from Twittascope
You won't be able to avoid the drama today as your practical o... More for Capricorn http://t.co/aMNFBLi
18:58 from PhotoZZ
Grey London in Color - http://t.co/sg8LKo3
21:00 from PhotoZZ
Pictorials 13 Becs Viveash - http://t.co/sNq3GzC
23:02 from PhotoZZ
Free & Loaded - http://t.co/poh0XkA
by realtime24 on Twitter


2011-08-14 02:42:21 | Music Jazz
00:27 from SeesaaBlog
00:32 from Hatena
[Twitter][まとめ]2011年08月12日のツイート http://t.co/R4dWhW1
00:52 from PhotoZZ
The 70EUR Studio 13 Inspired by Paolo Roversi - http://www.photozz.com/?1grg
02:01 from Tweet Button
放射性物質:水田の土壌汚染は5センチ程度 東京大研究 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞) http://t.co/D8RSmFN via @mainichijpnews
02:52 from PhotoZZ
Minimalist Fashion Icon Portraits - http://t.co/5OCy0Uc
03:57 from Tweet Button
「あの人はずっと楽でした」 伸子夫人、記者団に語る - MSN産経ニュース http://t.co/AAv63pY
04:28 from Tweet Button
CNN.co.jp:生命の源は宇宙に? 隕石からDNAの成分発見 NASA http://t.co/KbFQYVn via @cnn_co_jp
04:31 from Hatena
ミネラルウォーターの国内増産はもう限界、再び迫る“水不足”危機(1) | 産業・業界 | 投資・経済・ビジネスの東洋経済オンライン http://t.co/HGidcJz
04:52 from PhotoZZ
Press Printed Cards 13 New Papers, New Processes 26 - http://t.co/xVN9oUk
06:52 from PhotoZZ
Guest Post: Selina Maitreya on the 1CWhole Enchilada 1D - http://t.co/J2P2Tir
08:54 from PhotoZZ
DSLR Controller Lets You Operate Your Canon DSLR from Your Android [Video] - http://t.co/caFvBKW
10:54 from PhotoZZ
Leading Off in Sports Illustrated 13 by Brad Mangin - http://t.co/7CZWWZw
12:56 from PhotoZZ
Facebook Messenger, Cocktails, Super 8 Cams, Panoramic Pictures and More [Video] - http://t.co/FqmhrJd
14:56 from PhotoZZ
Leaked: First #Photos of Ice Cream Sandwich [Android] - http://t.co/cFkkw7L
16:56 from PhotoZZ
Oregon - http://t.co/FNunXUK
17:56 from Twittascope
Your current financial condition could be rather unstable, for... More for Capricorn http://t.co/aMNFBLi
18:56 from PhotoZZ
80 Stunning Abstract #Photography Showcase - http://t.co/mqjjLMW
20:56 from PhotoZZ
#archiveday 13 The second coming - http://t.co/YVy3QF4
22:56 from PhotoZZ
FlashCam Adds Flashlight & #Camera Shortcuts To iPhone Lockscreen - http://t.co/K6vD6Xg
by realtime24 on Twitter


2011-08-13 02:44:26 | Music Jazz
00:03 from Hatena
[Twitter][まとめ]2011年08月11日のツイート http://htn.to/oqVkNA
00:26 from SeesaaBlog
00:42 from PhotoZZ
LinkedIn Goes Down the Facebook Route Of Using Your Image For Ads [Linkedin] - http://www.photozz.com/?2n20
02:34 from Tweet Button
Twitter を mixi みたいにするサービス「ツイトモ」をリリースしたので裏話をします http://t.co/hsgKrJw via @webleorg
02:36 from Tweet Button
米Twitter、リアルタイムデータ処理システム「Storm」をオープンソースで公開 - SourceForge.JP Magazine : オープンソースの話題満載 http://t.co/QVb3iVf via @sfjp_magazine
02:37 from Tweet Button
ロンブー淳が一般人に「フォロワー8人のお前に影響力ない」 Twitterで相次ぐ有名人の"暴言" - 芸能 - 最新ニュース一覧 - 楽天woman http://t.co/pHJuVpy via @RakutenWoman
02:40 from Tweet Button
東京電力、計画停電専用のTwitterアカウント、25のグループごとに、25個開設 -INTERNET Watch http://t.co/75YggRf via @internet_watch
02:44 from PhotoZZ
19 Amazing Pictures of Star Trails - http://www.photozz.com/?2l20
02:46 from Tumblr
"" - Nuclear F.C : 原発のウソ : 8/11 放射能汚染の広がりを分析(分析3) http://tumblr.com/xm4419xdcq
04:44 from PhotoZZ
Perceptive Pixel unveils 82-inch multi-touch LCD - http://www.photozz.com/?2q30
06:46 from PhotoZZ
Lay - http://www.photozz.com/?2930
08:48 from PhotoZZ
London Looting Victim #Photo Inspires Outrage, Video Game [Crime] - http://www.photozz.com/?2040
10:50 from PhotoZZ
Space Available in My Last Adobe #Photoshop Lightroom Workshop for 2011: November 6-11 - http://www.photozz.com/?2740
12:50 from PhotoZZ
Spontaneous and Creative Short Film of a Dying Dragonfly Shot with a Canon 7D - http://www.photozz.com/?2c40
14:50 from PhotoZZ
Kata releases three big pro backpacks - http://www.photozz.com/?2g40
16:04 from Tweet Button
モ~ついてない!原口前総務相が骨折&脱臼で全治1カ月 - 政治・社会 - ZAKZAK http://t.co/c58t1mB via @zakdesk
16:50 from PhotoZZ
Polaroid lines up new accessory lenses - http://www.photozz.com/?2z40
17:56 from Twittascope
You are usually relieved when others come out and say what the... More for Capricorn http://twittascope.com/?sign=10
18:52 from PhotoZZ
Fujifilm F600 zooms for travel, detects motion - http://www.photozz.com/?2y40
20:52 from PhotoZZ
Friday #Photography Inspiration #19 - http://www.photozz.com/?2i50
22:52 from PhotoZZ
Top 5 Tips for #Photographing Protests and Riots (Guest post) - http://www.photozz.com/?2p50
by realtime24 on Twitter


2011-08-12 02:41:45 | Music Jazz
00:03 from Hatena
[Twitter][まとめ]2011年08月10日のツイート http://htn.to/RVkabT
00:26 from SeesaaBlog
00:38 from PhotoZZ
??????????????????? - http://www.photozz.com/?1jyz
02:37 from PhotoZZ
Through the Lens of an iPhone, the Hipsta challenge - http://www.photozz.com/?1cqz
04:37 from PhotoZZ
Search By Image Extension for Chrome Lets You Image Search Google from Any Page [Chrome Extensions] - http://www.photozz.com/?18zz
06:37 from PhotoZZ
5 Tips That Will Save You Time in Lightroom 3 - http://www.photozz.com/?1lzz
08:37 from PhotoZZ
Photo Gallery: Ilze Vanaga 19s 18Childhood Is Like a Loaded Gun 19 - http://www.photozz.com/?1fzz
10:37 from PhotoZZ
The Great Single Lens Dilemma - http://www.photozz.com/?2f00
12:36 from Hatena
木村太郎「韓流発言」が原因で干される? 動画再生数の真実は 2011/08/08(月) 07:46:26 [サーチナ] http://htn.to/6c3xn3
12:39 from Hatena
東京新聞:福島第二も一部電源喪失:社会(TOKYO Web) http://htn.to/iozJ7H
12:40 from PhotoZZ
The Story of Pin: Creative Macro #Photography about Pin - http://www.photozz.com/?2210
12:40 from Hatena
日本メディアの「韓流偏重」は韓国人にとっても不自然=中国 2011/08/08(月) 08:29:11 [サーチナ] http://htn.to/QTbe4m
12:43 from Hatena
英暴動で日本人女性が軽傷 暴徒に襲われ所持品奪われる - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) http://htn.to/NxiFJR
12:46 from Hatena
泊3号機、営業運転再開先送り 経産相「知事判断待つ」-北海道新聞[道内] http://htn.to/NcnEtg
12:48 from Tweet Button
九電やらせ資料廃棄/「迷惑かかる」と副本部長指示/第三者委調査(しんぶん赤旗) gataro http://t.co/WYoisr3
12:52 from Tweet Button
(8月9日NYT特集記事)日本は(菅政権は)SPEEDIのデータを隠し避難民を放射能の危険にいたずらに曝した。 SOBA http://t.co/yPSJREZ
13:16 from Tweet Button
今後は放射性核種と生物学的半減期が重要 | カレイドスコープ http://t.co/Unlo4lT
14:05 from Hatena
原発の避難準備区域、9月にも一括解除 20キロ圏外  :日本経済新聞 http://htn.to/9V27h2
14:39 from PhotoZZ
Amazing Sequential #Photography by Kim Taylor - http://www.photozz.com/?121x
16:17 from Tweet Button
<動画>NHK『「内部被曝」に迫る ~チェルノブイリからの報告~』 gataro http://t.co/zOVrBS3
16:40 from PhotoZZ
5 Cheap Alternatives to a Macro Lens - http://www.photozz.com/?2g10
17:51 from Twittascope
Mars' opposition to passionate Pluto in your sign dredges up i... More for Capricorn http://twittascope.com/?sign=10
18:40 from PhotoZZ
Convert Your DSLR to Infrared - http://www.photozz.com/?2a10
20:40 from PhotoZZ
911 Will Soon Accept Texts, Videos, #Photos - http://www.photozz.com/?2020
22:40 from PhotoZZ
The big dog is barking 13 Damian McGillicuddy Training dates - http://www.photozz.com/?2220
by realtime24 on Twitter


2011-08-11 02:42:48 | Music Jazz
00:04 from Hatena
[Twitter][まとめ]2011年08月09日のツイート http://htn.to/MDBKE6
00:31 from SeesaaBlog
00:33 from PhotoZZ
1CIf I Had One Wish 26 1D by Shobha Srinivasan (Or Controlling Moods Simply) - http://www.photozz.com/?1yuz
02:33 from PhotoZZ
Freezing the Fluid Emotions of Dance - http://www.photozz.com/?10vz
04:34 from PhotoZZ
Olympus releases VF-3 Electronic Viewfinder firmware update - http://www.photozz.com/?14wz
06:33 from PhotoZZ
Photographing Baby: A Quick Primer - http://www.photozz.com/?1ovz
08:33 from PhotoZZ
Pictures of the Day: London and Elsewhere - http://www.photozz.com/?1awz
10:33 from PhotoZZ
Lens Comparison Website Aids In Lens Purchase Selection - http://www.photozz.com/?15xz
12:35 from PhotoZZ
Antony Crook 19s Introspective #Photos of Famous Artists - http://www.photozz.com/?12xz
14:36 from PhotoZZ
Daily App Deals: Digital #Photo Organizer and Editor, Adobe Lightroom, 50% Off Today Only [Deals] - http://www.photozz.com/?1mxz
16:35 from PhotoZZ
REVIEW: 1CAndes 1D by Andrew Gibson - http://www.photozz.com/?1uxz
17:53 from Twittascope
A relationship may be a major source of stress now as battle l... More for Capricorn http://twittascope.com/?sign=10
18:35 from PhotoZZ
31 Creative Examples of Backlit and Rimlit #Photos - http://www.photozz.com/?1bxz
20:35 from PhotoZZ
Outdoor Fountain #Photography Tips - http://www.photozz.com/?17yz
22:35 from PhotoZZ
The World Does Not Need This #Camera [Monster Hunter] - http://www.photozz.com/?1eyz
by realtime24 on Twitter


2011-08-10 02:46:23 | Music Jazz
00:26 from PhotoZZ
Basketball Study - http://www.photozz.com/?1hqz
00:27 from Hatena
[Twitter][まとめ]2011年08月08日のツイート http://htn.to/cdjv8x
00:31 from SeesaaBlog
02:28 from PhotoZZ
Control your DSLR from your phone - http://www.photozz.com/?1srz
04:29 from PhotoZZ
Sample Images: Canon EF 8-15mm f/4 L USM Fisheye Lens UPDATED - http://www.photozz.com/?1yrz
06:29 from PhotoZZ
The WWII Color #Photography From The Office of War Information - http://www.photozz.com/?1xrz
08:29 from PhotoZZ
Three Tools for White Balance Correction - http://www.photozz.com/?1usz
10:29 from PhotoZZ
August 2011 #Photo Challenge: Spontaneous Portrait - http://www.photozz.com/?1ysz
12:29 from PhotoZZ
Frans Lanting and Art Wolfe: Using #Photography 19s Power for Planet Earth - http://www.photozz.com/?19tz
14:31 from PhotoZZ
mobile #PHOTO monday :: 08.01.2011 - http://www.photozz.com/?1ltz
16:33 from PhotoZZ
Paris Quick Video - http://www.photozz.com/?1ttz
17:54 from Twittascope
You like to lean on conservative tactics when your life gets t... More for Capricorn http://twittascope.com/?sign=10
18:33 from PhotoZZ
CN Tower EdgeWalk - http://www.photozz.com/?18uz
20:33 from PhotoZZ
Look Ma, No Computer! - http://www.photozz.com/?15uz
22:33 from PhotoZZ
I Waterproof The Nokia N8 and Dunk It In Borneo River - http://www.photozz.com/?1duz
by realtime24 on Twitter