half moon bay

酒と釣りの友 天国の mさんヘ

the birds

2013-01-13 14:44:14 | 生き物たち
写真 フランス ル・フィガロ紙 電子版

Photo credits: Mark G Smith / SOLENT / VISUAL Press Agency / Mark G Smith / SOLENT / VISUAL P

Hitchcock! It sounds like one of those 3D images that look just squinting eyes and slightly squinting to see relief. But this crowd of young sandpipers has yet been photographed at the heart of a swamp English without any special effects, otherwise use a zoom which overwrites outlook and reinforces the impression of wealth. Which is enough to give a shot at the same time very beautiful and scary, much in the way of the famous Hitchcock film, The Birds. An analogy stops there, however, because these little birds are gregarious in migration period and only eat insects or worms. Nothing to fear from them, therefore. It is enough to admire.


これぞ正に ”The Birds”の世界。



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