まさよっち放浪日記 - Masayochi's Wanderings-


A Japanese woman becomes NO.3 in UNDP

2006-08-21 20:03:23 | UN


UNDP Press Release


国連事務総長コフィ・アナン氏は、このたび、弓削昭子国連開発計画(UNDP)駐日代表を国連事務次長補兼UNDP管理局長(UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Director, Bureau of Management)に任命しました。弓削氏は女性としては初のUNDP管理局長として、本部ニューヨークにて9月7日に就任します。




Working at the UN is very very very tough! In fact, it seems more demanding than I expected. When you hear of working at the UN, it might sound spectacular to some people, but the reality is far away from the image. You always have to work under pressure to look for new positions.

Then, the news came to me. A Japanese woman was assigned to the third highest-ranking position in UNDP. WOW!!! Nothing else I can say…. You really need to be STRONG in many ways to pursue a career in this world. I’m not that strong. That’s my finding in Geneva.

BTW, Ms.Yuge was chosen as one of Newsweek's "Japanese Women 100" in June 2006.

Director of the UNDP Tokyo Office, Ms. Yuge was appointed as UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Director, Bureau of Management. UNDP Director, Bureau of Management is the third highest-ranking position in UNDP after the Administrator and the Associate Administrator. Ms. Yuge is a first woman to be appointed as UNDP Director, Bureau of Management.

Yuge Akiko
Director, Tokyo Office, United Nations Development Programme. Born in Spain. Earned a B.A. from Barnard College, Columbia University and a master's in development economics from New York University. Began her UN career in Bangkok, Thailand, where she worked for the UNDP and the UN Population Fund. Worked as a development consultant based in Tokyo from 1983 to 1988. Rejoined the UNDP in 1988 and served in three countries: Thailand, Indonesia, and Bhutan. Returned to Japan in 1999 to assume a professorship at Ferris University's Department of Global and Inter-Cultural Studies. Appointed to her current post in April 2002.

United Nations Stamps

2006-07-14 23:59:02 | UN



(写真は、国連郵政事務部のHPより http://unstamps.un.org)

Have you ever heard about United Nations Stamps? Don’t worry even though you never heard of them! I didn’t know about the stamps until I came to Geneva. The United Nations is the only organization which is not a country that is permitted to issue its own stamps in three currencies: U.S.dollars, Swiss francs and Euro. United Nations Stamps are valid for postage only if mailed at the United Nations. Once you go outside of the United Nations, you can't use these stamps for postage.

If anyone wants to get greetings with the special stamp on, from me, kindly email me and let me know your address. I would love to send you postcards!

(The picture is from the website of the UN Postal Administration. http://unstamps.un.org)

Beautiful Place

2006-07-04 23:27:33 | UN

写真は、国際連合欧州本部 パレ・デ・ナシオンからの景色。ここでは、年間8,000以上の会議が開かれている。国連人権理事会や、国連・経済社会理事会もそうだ。


Please enjoy a view from the Palais des Nation. Here, more than 8,000 meetings are held every year, including the UN Human Rights Council and the Economic and Social Concil(ECOSOC).

Can you believe that this is a place to discuss on significant issues such as the maintenance of the international peace? It is just too beautiful!

Human Rights Council

2006-06-30 12:27:27 | UN



国連会議の傍聴は初めてだったが、「政治」の場面を目の当たりにしたというのが率直な感想だ。特に印象に残ったのがキューバの演説だった。「キューバは国連人権理事会の理事国であるが、アメリカはそうではない」 とはじまり、終始米国に対しての批判を繰り返していた。改革が不十分だとして理事会には不参加の米国は答弁権の行使を行い、「キューバは、人権問題に取り組むかわりに、米国に対して不当で根拠のない攻撃をすることを選択した。」と反論する場面もあった。


2003年にイラン情報局者がカナダ人ジャーナリストを拷問の末に殺害したとされる事件に関与した疑いが強いモルタサビ検事をイランは代表として派遣してきた。イラン演説時に、カナダ政府は席を外したとのことだ。 国連は各国の代表の集まりであり、各国それぞれに思惑があるというのが現実なのだろう。その現実を認識した上で、実際に起こっている人権侵害にどう取り組んでいくか考えていく必要があるのではないか。6月30日、人権理事会の初会合が終了する。この理事会設立が歴史的な出来事となったのか、今後なっていくのかどうかは私達次第ではなかろうか。
国連人権理事会 HP (英語):http://www.ohchr.org/english/bodie/hrcouncil/

The Human Rights Council has held its first session here at the Palais des Nations in Geneva from June 19, 2006. As a part of the UN reforms, the Council has replaced the discredited Human Rights Commission. On March 15, 2006, the General Assembly adopted the resolution 60/251 setting up the Council (a vote of 170 in favor, 4 against (United States, Israel, Marshall Islands, and Palau), and 3 abstentions (Venezuela, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Belarus)). On May 9, 2006, 47 countries were elected members of the Council, including Japan, and now we have the first session.

In his speech, the secretary general, Kofi Annan stressed that “human rights form the third of the three pillars, with economic and social development and peace and security, on which all the work of the United Nations must be based.”

The Counsel is expected to be less politicized, but it was very “politics” to me, who observed the UN conference at the first time. Starting his speech by saying that “Cuba is a founding member of the Human Rights Council and the United States is not.”, Cuba criticized the United States in his speech from beginning to end. Opposed the creation of the council, the United States exercised the rights to reply. “Cuba, rather than explain how it intends to comply with its pledge, chose instead to engage in gratuitous and unfounded attacks against the United States.”

Japan called for taking an action to solve the abduction of Japanese citizens by the DPRK. Responded to Japan’s speech, the DPRK exercised the rights to reply, and “it (the abduction issue) had been resolved fundamentally.” Then, Japan argued that “the issue has not been resolved’”

The Iranian government sent Saeed Mortazavi, a prosecutor general, to Geneva as a member of the Iran’s delegation. Mr. Saeed is alleged to be implicated in acts of torture and murder of a Canadian-Iranian photojournalist. During Iranian speech, Canadian delegation left the conference room.

As all of you know, the United Nations consists of member states with political purposes. We need to accept this reality and then take step to deal with the gross violation of human rights around the world. On June 30, 2006, the Human Rights Council will finish its first session. Whether the creation of this Council became the historical landmark or is going to be, depends on us.
UN Human Rights Council HP: http://www.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/

World Refugee Day

2006-06-20 09:14:57 | UN


The World Refugee Day will be celebrated all over the world on June 20. It was celebrated as African Refugee Day to commemorate the OAU (Organization of African Unity) Refugee Convention. On December 4, 2000, a special UN General Assembly Resolution was unanimously adapted to set June 20 every year as World Refugee Day.

Please take a moment to remember there are 8.4 million refugees (2005) around the world (and 20-25 million internally displaced persons). Many of them have hopes to go home and have once-peaceful lives. Why is it difficult to achieve their wishes? And, what can we do?

My office

2006-06-03 17:57:27 | UN
This is my office. The office is really nice. One week is already past since I came to Geneva. So far, I have learned some survival skills for working at the international organizations. Finding accommodation at the new place is the one. What else?