IT翻訳 Nobuyuki の仕事部屋


JavaScript-DOM Prototypes in Mozilla 草稿化 3

2006-03-15 23:56:19 | InDraft

注記/訂正: 赤色表示

The prototype objet that XPConnect creates for the classes that have classinfo are shared within a scope (window). Because of this, the following is true (|img1| and |img2| are two different image objects in the same document):
img1.__proto__ === img2.__proto__

class info を備えているクラスへ XPConnect が生成するプロトタイプオブジェクトは領域(window)内で共用されます。このお陰で、以下の条件は真となります。 (|img1| と |img2| は同じドキュメントの異なる2 つのイメージオブジェクトです):
img1.__proto__ === img2.__proto__

If |img1| comes from one document and |img2| comes from another document then the above is not true, both protos would look identical, but they'd be two different JSObject's.

|img1| と |img2| が別別のドキュメントに由来するならば、上記の条件は真になりません。2 つのプロトタイプは同じに見えますが、2 つの異なる JSObject です。

This sharing of prototypes lets users do cool things like modify how all instances of a given class works by modifying the prototype of one instance. As an example:This sharing of prototypes lets users do cool things like modify how all instances of a given class works by modifying the prototype of one instance. As an example:
function bar()
alert("Hello world!");

document.images[0] = bar;

function bar()
alert("Hello world!");

document.images[0] = bar;