

「使える英語表現」(No. 85)「いったい何が言いたいわけ?」

2008-06-13 | Weblog
表現85)She is just crying wolf.(彼女はうそを言ってるだけさ)

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A shepherd-boy, who watched a flock of sheep near a village, brought out the villagers three or four times by crying out, "Wolf! Wolf!" and when his neighbors came to help him, laughed at them for their pains.
The Wolf, however, did truly come at last. The Shepherd-boy, now really alarmed, shouted in an agony of terror: "Pray, do come and help me; the Wolf is killing the sheep"; but no one paid any heed to his cries, nor rendered any assistance. The Wolf, having no cause of fear, at his leisure lacerated or destroyed the whole flock.
There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.
By Aesop

今回はいきなりの「お話」でびっくりしました?はい、おわかりの通り、これは、イソップ物語の中のお話、「オオカミと羊飼いの少年」(英語のタイトルは、The Boy Who Cried Wolf ですが)です。この物語から今回の表現、cry wolf「オオカミと叫ぶ」は、生まれました。羊飼いの少年が、あんまり暇なので、村人を驚かそうと、「オオカミが来た!オオカミが来た!と大声で叫ぶと、たくさんの村人が慌ててかけつます。オオカミが本当はいなかったと知った村人は、その少年に言います。"Don't cry 'wolf', shepherd boy," と…。そんなところから、cry wolf は、「うそをつく」「うそをついて人を驚かす」といった意味になったわけです。ですから、訳す時は「オオカミと叫んでいる」とは訳さないように…。今回はそんなに説明がいらないようなので、さっそく、会話コーナー(?)に突入です。では、Here you go!

James: I got a phone call from Jane, and she seems to be in trouble. She said she needs me, so I got to go.

Steve: Forget it. She is just crying wolf. I wouldn't trust what she says.

James: Why do you say that?

Steve: Trust me, James. I know her.

James: She said she saw a guy lurking around her apartment.

Steve: Yeah. By saying that, she can get your attention and she feels good about it.

James: I didn't know that you were a psychologist.

Steve: There is something else that you don't know, James.

James: What!

Steve: Jane and I have lived together for a year and we were about to get married.

Steve: Why did you break up?

James: I couldn't trust her.

Steve: Ah, okay. What should I do, then?

James: Call her that you cannot go. She will call some other guy.

Steve: Okay. I will call her. But, I doubt that she would do such a thing.

(One minute later)

Steve: She was so upset and said she would call the police.

James: No. She will call some other guy.

Steve: How can you be so sure…

James: Wait! I got a call. Hi, Jane. What's up? … See?

Steve: …

Janeが外に「オオカミ(男)がいるの!」(cry wolf)って言うのは、それなりに理屈は合っているようには思いますが(…?)、やっぱ、cry wolf してはいけませんよね。では、今回は、お話しにある言葉のお話でした(ややこしい…)。See you, guy. Have a good day tomorrow! Nao