ニュース news 24h


エルサレム首都宣言3週間余 抗議デモで460人以上けが

2017-12-30 10:39:12 | 日記
エルサレム首都宣言3週間余 抗議デモで460人以上けが
Jerusalem capital declaration More than 460 people injured in protest demonstrations for three weeks or more






In the Palestinian provisional autonomous region, protest demonstrations were held on the 29th in opposition to this, although the American trump president accepted Jerusalem in the Middle East as the capital of Israel, due to a collision with the Israeli army More than 460 people were injured.
In response to President's declaration over Jerusalem, in the Palestinian provisional autonomous region, protest demonstrations were held in various places following Muslim group worship as 'Furious Day' on 29th.

Palestinian Red Cross Society 's Red Crescent company, 461 people were injured in the collision between the protestors and the Israeli army. In addition, in the Gaza Strip, families of people arrested by the Israeli army opened a rally to appeal for liberation.

Meanwhile, on the Israel side, a family of Israeli soldiers entering the Gaza Strip in 2014 and having gone missing their way, opened a rally to celebrate the birthday of the soldiers, three rockets from the Gaza Strip in the midst of that One shot was launched and landed on the Israeli building.

The Israeli army bombed the Gaza Strip as a retaliation, but that there are no injuries due to air strikes.
While the international community is showing a trend of intermediary over the resumption of the peace talks in the Middle East, the US side is not planning to withdraw its declaration, Palestinian side is also strengthening its opposition, and more than three weeks have passed since the declaration of President Trump However, we do not have the prospect that the situation will calm down

豪首相に罰金 救命胴衣着けずボートに

2017-12-30 10:39:02 | 日記
豪首相に罰金 救命胴衣着けずボートに
Australian Prime Minister fined into a boat without wearing a life-long dress






Prime Minister Turnbull of Australia will pay a fine of about 20,000 yen as he was not wearing a life jacket when he gets on the boat during the holiday, 'I will wear life jacket at any distance from now' I posted a vale of reflection on the net. In Australia in the Southern Hemisphere now is summer vacation season, according to local media, Prime Minister Turnbull on vacation said that he was riding alone on a boat with an outboard motor at the port of Sydney earlier this week.

In New South Wales with Sydney there is a mandatory wearing of a life jacket when riding alone on a small boat, but the prime minister wearing life shirts as a red shirt in swimsuit pants then wearing life jackets It means that it was not.

This means Turnbull Prime Minister was fined 250 Australian dollars (approximately 22,000 yen). Prime Minister Turnbull said in a facebook that he posted 'I will move a boat about 20 meters from the jetty to the beach, but I will wear a life jacket at any distance from now,' and that he will pay the fine promptly .

In the sea near Sydney, a male in his 70s who is seen as not wearing life jacket on 29th, the ship aboard was overturned and died, the local authorities said, 'Wearing a life jacket and wearing a vacation I'd like people to enjoy it safely. '

住宅7棟焼け2人死亡 新潟 佐渡

2017-12-30 10:38:34 | 日記
住宅7棟焼け2人死亡 新潟 佐渡
Two residents burned 2 people died Niigata Sado






Early Monday morning early morning in Niigata prefecture seven houses burned, a man in his 80s died and one from the fire house was found in the body, police sees him in his 70s living in this house We are proceeding with confirmation. Around about 5 am on the 30th, when a fire came out from the house of Masayuki Iwasaki (71) of Sado-shi inauguri, nearby residents reported to the fire department. 11
fire trucks and others came out and fired for fire fighting activity, fire was erased after 3 and a half hours, but together seven houses burned.

According to the police, Hiromu Homma (86) living in the house next to Mr. Iwasaki was carried to the hospital due to this fire, but death was confirmed and 1 person was killed from Iwasaki's house burned Found.

We can not contact with Mr. Iwasaki after the fire, so the police have checked with Mr. Iwasaki to check and investigate the cause of the fire.

The site is an area where houses densely in the coastal area of ​​Sado city According to the meteorological observatory, at the time of fire, 12 meters of wind was blowing in Aikawa Sado City near the site

帰省ラッシュ続く 空の便 新幹線 高速道路で混雑の予想

2017-12-30 10:37:46 | 日記
帰省ラッシュ続く 空の便 新幹線 高速道路で混雑の予想
Emergency rush Continuing empty flight Expected congestion on Shinkansen expressway





The homecoming rush of the people who spend the year-end and new year at the home and the recreational area lasts for 30 days, and congestion is expected both of the sky, the bullet train, and the expressway.
According to the airlines, the downtown flights connecting Haneda to all over the country are almost full for all day empty flights. According to the

JR companies, the descent of the bullet train from Tokyo is likely to be caused by the fact that the designated seats of 'Nozomi' of Tokaido / Sanyo Shinkansen's bound for Hakata and the Tohoku / Hokkaido Shinkansen and Akita · Yamagata bullet trains are all packed all day, It means that each train is crowded with many trains.

Meanwhile, congestion has also started on the highway downlink, according to the Japan Road Traffic Information Center, as of 9:30 am, 14 kilometers in the vicinity of Suzuka interchange in Mie prefecture of Tomei Hanshin Expressway, Kanagawa of Tomei highway It is 11 kilometers in the vicinity of the Isehara bus stop in the prefecture, and it is 10 kilometers of traffic near the Komago parking area of ​​Gunma Prefecture on the Kanetsu Expressway. According to

expressway companies, traffic jams of 15 kilometers are predicted near the Takarazuka East Tunnel in Hyogo Prefecture on the Chinese Expressway around 11 a.m

香港船 北朝鮮船に石油精製品を公海上で提供か

2017-12-30 08:37:26 | 日記
香港船 北朝鮮船に石油精製品を公海上で提供か
Hong Kong Ship Petroleum refined products are offered on North Sea ships on the high seas





中国 決議を厳格に履行と強調





