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「防衛計画の大綱」見直し 敵基地攻撃能力が焦点

2017-12-30 10:41:07 | 日記
「防衛計画の大綱」見直し 敵基地攻撃能力が焦点
'Outline of the defense plan' review Focus on enemy base attacking ability





As the security environment such as the situation in North Korea gets more severe, the government plans to review the 'National Defense Plan Outline' next year for the first time in five years, and plans to announce the so-called 'enemy base attacking abilities' such as long-distance cruise missiles and aircraft carriers The focus is on how far we are going to introduce the equipment pointed out to have.
The government plans to revise the 'National Defense Plan Outline' which will be the guiding principle of defense capability next year in five years, Prime Minister Abe, in view of the trends of North Korea this month, 'The exclusive defense is the premise I want to identify the figure that should be truly necessary defense power to protect the people, not on the conventional extension line. ' In response to this, the government plans to make full debate on the review of the outline from the beginning of the year, among which, for the purpose of defending the Aegis destroyer for North Korea's ballistic missiles, the government has a range of 900 km It is expected to consider installing long-range cruise missiles. Also in the LDP and others, the opinion that the escort ship 'Izumo' should be replaced with an aircraft carrier to which fighter aircraft can arrive and introduce the latest fighter F35B capable of takeoff with a short distance ski Yes, the necessity of an aircraft carrier will be considered as well. However, there are also indications that long-range cruise missiles and attack-type aircraft carriers have 'enemy base attacking abilities' that the government does not have plans, and in reviewing the outline, how far will you step on the introduction of such equipment Is the focus
