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福島第一原発2号機 格納容器調査に使う装置を公開

2017-12-23 10:16:20 | 日記
福島第一原発2号機 格納容器調査に使う装置を公開
Public equipment used for survey of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant No. 2







Tokyo Electric Power Company plans to investigate the inside of the containment vessel of Unit 2 next month to take out nuclear fuel melting down at the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, and on 22nd, the camera and the dosimeter A stick-shaped device attached was released.

It is a rod-like device called 'guide pipe' which can extend up to 16 meters in length, and a camera, a dosimeter etc. for measuring radiation dose are attached to the tip portion.

TEPCO plans to check the inside of containment containers using this equipment next month, it was released in Yokohama City on the 22nd. In

2 Unit 2, some of the 'fuel debris' in which nuclear fuels and structures that melted in the accident intermixed were seen to be accumulating in the bottom of the containment vessel that covers the nuclear reactor, In our survey, we used a 'guide pipe' to find sediments that were not found before the accident with a working scaffold just beneath the nuclear reactor, but we can not measure radiation dose and can not confirm whether it is fuel debris did. In the next month's survey, to further investigate the area around the bottom of the containment, put the equipment up to the area just below the reactor, hang a camera and a dosimeter with cable from the improved rod-like tip, I will aim for confirmation.

The country and TEPCO are planning to determine the number and method of debris to be first taken out in FY 2019 in the schedule of the decommissioning furnace, but to what extent the situation inside the containment vessel of Unit 2 is obvious in the survey Will it be noted?
