ニュース news 24h


保育園に米軍機の落下物か 抗議集会など反発広がる

2017-12-08 09:46:50 | 日記
保育園に米軍機の落下物か 抗議集会など反発広がる
Spreading opposition such as falling objects of US military aircraft or protest gathering at nursery schools






On July 7, a problem was found on the roof of a nursery school in Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture near the Futenma base of the United States, as a falling item that could be seen as an American military aircraft, and in Okinawa, on the 7th night, an emergency Protest rallies are held and opposition is spreading. On the 7th, about 300 meters from Futenma base station in the Okinawa prefecture, Ginowan City Okinawa Prefecture, 'Midorigaoka nursery school' roof, about 9.5 cm in length written as 'US', weighing 200 g I found that the remaining tubular object was falling. There was no
injury, but the police asked the American forces that 'There are replies that it seems that the cover attached to the helicopter is off'.

Therefore, in front of 'Camp Zuigelong' where Okinawa's headquarters of the US military is located, about 100 people including members of civil society organizations opened an urgent protest rally on the 7th night, 'I will skip the US military helicopter 'I heard a voice.

Okinawa Prefecture Gov. Okinawa Prefecture Governor Okinawa prefers to strongly protest if it turns out that it is a part of the US military, 'It is a serious accident that could lead to serious injury if one step is made a mistake,' and it is a policy to strongly protest.

In addition, Mayor Makoto Saki of Ginowan City will also visit Okinawa Defense Bureau on 8th to protest.

The US military stationed in Okinawa commented, 'We are aware of reports about falling objects, we take seriously and investigate them' in response to the NHK interview.
