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エルサレム首都宣言3週間余 抗議デモで460人以上けが

2017-12-30 10:39:12 | 日記
エルサレム首都宣言3週間余 抗議デモで460人以上けが
Jerusalem capital declaration More than 460 people injured in protest demonstrations for three weeks or more






In the Palestinian provisional autonomous region, protest demonstrations were held on the 29th in opposition to this, although the American trump president accepted Jerusalem in the Middle East as the capital of Israel, due to a collision with the Israeli army More than 460 people were injured.
In response to President's declaration over Jerusalem, in the Palestinian provisional autonomous region, protest demonstrations were held in various places following Muslim group worship as 'Furious Day' on 29th.

Palestinian Red Cross Society 's Red Crescent company, 461 people were injured in the collision between the protestors and the Israeli army. In addition, in the Gaza Strip, families of people arrested by the Israeli army opened a rally to appeal for liberation.

Meanwhile, on the Israel side, a family of Israeli soldiers entering the Gaza Strip in 2014 and having gone missing their way, opened a rally to celebrate the birthday of the soldiers, three rockets from the Gaza Strip in the midst of that One shot was launched and landed on the Israeli building.

The Israeli army bombed the Gaza Strip as a retaliation, but that there are no injuries due to air strikes.
While the international community is showing a trend of intermediary over the resumption of the peace talks in the Middle East, the US side is not planning to withdraw its declaration, Palestinian side is also strengthening its opposition, and more than three weeks have passed since the declaration of President Trump However, we do not have the prospect that the situation will calm down
