ニュース news 24h


北朝鮮ミサイル Jアラートで身を守る行動は5%余

2017-12-13 13:17:56 | 日記
北朝鮮ミサイル Jアラートで身を守る行動は5%余
North Korean missile J actions to protect yourself with alerts are more than 5%





In the case that North Korea launched a ballistic missile in September, it was confirmed that 5% of those who took actions to protect themselves, such as moving to the underground due to emergency information by J alerts, It became clear in the survey.
In order to analyze the effect of J alert = national instantaneous warning system that sent emergency information when North Korea launched ballistic missiles passing over Japan in September, the government announced evacuation in the following October We surveyed 5000 people in the 12 prefectures we called, on the Internet, and the results have been summarized so far. According to it, 63.4% of people were aware of the launch information in about 10 minutes to pass over the missiles, 36.6% who did not know. I also asked the person who knew the information of launch, asking for the subsequent action, 50.8% said that 'it was judged unnecessary and did not evacuate', the most, followed by 'I did not know what to do' Was 26.3%, while only 5.6% said that they took actions to protect themselves, such as moving to the basement.

The government announces this result on the 13th and decides to make use of it in future response
