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全国高校駅伝 女子は仙台育英が23年ぶり優勝

2017-12-24 18:35:06 | 日記
全国高校駅伝 女子は仙台育英が23年ぶり優勝
Nationwide high school relay riding girls won first prize in 23 years





仙台育英 釜石監督「3年生がいい勢いつけた」
仙台育英 武田主将「言葉にできないぐらいうれしい」

In high school student Kusaka high school student runs crossroads, 'nationwide high school racetracks' girls' races were held in the morning and Sendai-related high school in Miyagi won the third time in 23 years. At the booth competition, 47 men and women representatives from each prefecture participated in the race, the race was held on the course running through the urban area for the start and finish of the West Ningyo pole track stadium in Kyoto city.

In the morning girls racing with a distance of half the marathon distance was carried out, and in the 1st district where the ace of each school gathers, Argana Wada of Nagano Tōsen High School went out to the end and the section for the second consecutive year I joined the tribe at the top with an award.

In the following 2 wards, Sendai-related international student, Helen Ecalare, who got a taste in seventh place, stood at the top with six games in a stroke with the fastest progress of the new section record, putting a difference of 34 seconds in second place 3 I joined the ward.

Sendai Kiseni after these players also ran a strong force to spread the difference from the second place more than 1 minute, fulfilled the third win in 23 years. The time was 1 hour 6 minutes 35 seconds and it was a good time of the second place in history.

2nd is Nagano East High School, time 1 hour 7 minutes 41 seconds, 3rd place was 1 hour 7 minutes 46 seconds at Osaka Kaoru women 's girls school won last year.
Sendai Kenshi Kamaishi Director 'The third grader has got a good momentum'
Director Keita Kamaishi of the Sendai-related education high school who won the high school relay race girls nationwide high school said, 'The 3rd graders in the 1st and 2nd quarters have gathered good momentum, 1 The second grader was able to run severely.It has a powerful player in the 1st and 2nd grade who did not run in the competition.It will be the targeted team after next year, but instead of being a beginner, I'd like to make a team that is muddy. '
Sendai Entrepreneur Takeda Captain Takeda 'I'm as happy as to say words' Captain of Sendai Kagaku High School who ran in the 4th district and is a 2nd year Chiaki Takeda said, 'I'm so happy that I can not say the victory in words, as a captain, I was happy to be able to put together the team while got it, I would like to work hard for the second consecutive title by accumulating practice regularly next year. '
