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エベレスト単独登山禁止へ 死亡事故多発で ネパール

2018-01-02 13:24:45 | 日記
エベレスト単独登山禁止へ 死亡事故多発で ネパール
Everest alone to climb mountain climbing death Accidents frequent Nepal





The Nepalese government approves a new regulation prohibiting climbing alone and so on, as it has many death accidents during climbing about domestic mountains including the world's highest mountain Everest, and it is expected to be applied from as early as the mountaineering season have become.
The Nepalese government approved the revision of mountaineering regulations for domestic mountains including the world's highest mountain Everest last month.
The new regulation prohibits climbing alone, and also states that both feet will prohibit climbing of people with prosthetic limbs and blind people. About the amendment The Nepalese tourism minister, Nepalese tourism minister, said to AFP communications 'It will be safer for mountaineers and the number of victims will also be reduced', stressing that it is a measure to reduce accidents during climbing Did.
In addition, the tourism minister reveals the prospect that the new regulation will be applied by the spring climbing season starting in Spring.

At the world's best everest, at least six people died during the mountain climbing last year, and in April the Swiss world famous mountaineer Wooly Steck slid down during a single climb I was sacrificed.
This regulation does not apply to mountaineering from the Chinese side, criticism such as 'discrimination against disabled people, human rights violation' is also raised from climbers of the prosthesis and it will be discussed in the future Also expected
