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ヒーロー「アンゼンマン」 園児に交通安全呼びかけ

2017-12-21 09:45:45 | 日記
ヒーロー「アンゼンマン」 園児に交通安全呼びかけ
Calling for a traffic safety to the hero 'Anzenman' kindergarten






A skit that a policeman dressed as a hero called 'Anzenman' and calls for kindergarten children for traffic safety was performed in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture.
At the Changfu police station in Shimonoseki city, police officers performed their own skits that appeared on their own to call for traffic safety, last year showed off at a local kindergarten, 12 police officers and 12 others visited the local Toyodong kindergarten I visited. In the

skit, a child who found a friend in the town has jumped into the road and is about to be hit by a light truck, a hero named 'Anzenman' appears.
Anzenman wears a helmet that imagined a police car, standing in front of a light truck and helping the child.

The biggest point of view is the scene where Enzenman's energy has run out, and when children sing a song that encourages Anzenman in a loud voice in accordance with the guitar performance of the Chief of Ekima Kazuhiro at the Chofu police station, I was breathing back.

Finally the children promised not to jump suddenly to the road, etc. Takuya Yoshioka, 27, who plays

Anzenman, said, 'Since children rush out on the road or cross the street without crossing, parents want me to watch over them.'
