ニュース news 24h


軽減税率の穴埋め 6000億円財源確保を本格議論へ

2018-01-02 13:24:23 | 日記
軽減税率の穴埋め 6000億円財源確保を本格議論へ
Reduction of reduced tax rate to 600 billion yen Funding sources secured a full debate




Next year, when raising the consumption tax rate to 10%, a reduced tax rate will be introduced and the tax revenue will be reduced from the original schedule. Since the government needs to secure 600 billion yen of financial resources separately from the consumption tax, it is a policy to discuss seriously the correspondence with the ruling party's taxation research meeting etc.
The government plans to introduce a reduced tax rate to keep some taxes on food and beverages at 8% when raising the consumption tax rate to 10% next October.
Increase in consumption tax will be used for medical care, nursing care and child rearing support, but it is necessary to secure approximately 600 billion yen in financial resources to reduce the tax revenue by the reduced tax rate. (
) Therefore, the government is going to discuss the correspondence with the ruling party's taxation research meeting etc. seriously.
Specifically, by reviewing the deduction of income tax included in the tax system revision in FY 2018, we can discuss whether we can use tax increases targeting highly income employees etc and whether we can utilize increased income due to tax increase of 'tobacco tax' It is seen. In addition, as for the reform of the tax system in FY 2019, it is expected that strengthening taxation on financial income such as stock dividend and gain on sale will be one of the focus.
In the case that the revaluation is carried out and revenue increases, there is a possibility that it can be used for filling the reduced tax rate, and the government and the ruling party's taxation investigation committee are planning to draw a conclusion by the end of the year.
