ニュース news 24h



2017-12-21 09:45:24 | 日記




Tokyo governor Governor Koike said in an interview with NHK, the city 's own ordinance draft to strengthen passive smoking countermeasures which are currently under consideration, and for heated tobacco it is said that the impact on health is not scientifically clear, I showed the idea that it is difficult to ban uniformly with penalties.
Tokyo looks at the Tokyo Olympic Games and Paralympics in three years and decides to submit to the city council of February next year a draft ordinance with the penalty of the city that makes smoking cessation in principle in principle, considering the content We are. About

Governor Koike said in an interview with NHK 'In terms of global standards Japan is very free to tobacco, whether the basis of the ordinance is effective or not, see opinion from citizens who gave public comment 'We will take measures to let the citizens understand the situation,' he stated his idea to strengthen passive smoking countermeasures. In addition, about the heated cigarette that the city had been subject to regulation in September, the city said, 'Since scientific analysis is sometimes halfway, it seems that hurdles are high with penalties He said he thought that it is difficult to ban uniformly with penalties as the impact on health is not scientifically clear.

Governor Koike also said, 'If you conclude that the shops and other features will be affected, we will take the necessary measures,' and finance support for restaurants and other organizations that take measures such as setting up a room dedicated to smoking I showed an idea to do.
