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新共通テストに向けて実施のプレテスト 問題公表

2017-12-04 20:41:48 | 日記
新共通テストに向けて実施のプレテスト 問題公表
Pre-test issue implementation for the new common test












On the 4th, a pretest issue that was conducted on a trial basis last month was announced for the implementation of a new common test to replace the University Entrance Examinations exam. First described type of answer to the national language and mathematics problems have been introduced, experts Although it is important to put the power of the 'description, whether to perform how quickly and accurately a large number of scoring, we need to verify I am talking.
The University Entrance Examination Center conducted the pretest for the first time last month to implement common tests starting in January 2021. About 100,000 high school students nationwide participated in the test for about two weeks, and the problem was announced on 4th.

Following this, at a private high school in Saitama prefecture, as early as a new test measure, I worked on the problem of seeking an answer of the description formula introduced in the national language. One of the boys who took the test said, 'I found out the necessary information from the sentences and I thought it was difficult because I had to express it with my own words.'

Meanwhile, although grading is a problem by introducing a description formula, last year the University Entrance Examination Center made a part of it public.

In hitting the scoring private business operators entrusted, after captured as image data answer to the computer, in order to eliminate the variation in the scoring, we hit two people scoring for one answer. In addition, if the results do not match, we are considering discussing more than one.

University of Tokyo Haebaru Asawa professor of Tertiary Level connection Research and Development Center is 'descriptive of the problem is to read a lot of material, early reading is being questioned. It is important to put a force to write only, a large amount of It is necessary to verify how quickly and accurately the scoring is done. '
National language description formula problem example
Problem example of language expression expression is as follows.

One high school student council shows students' conversations discussing club activities. While discussing whether or not to extend the end time of club activities, one student said 'There is a problem' as well. In the

problem, after this, we urge you to summarize 80 letters to 120 letters using 'three kinds of materials' about what students can think.

To the three articles, or shown in the table that the high school is often extended in that and other schools extended often calls for the end of time, when the dangerous overlap and to extend the traffic volume of the peak of the school road The article in the school newspaper that I pointed out or is used is used.

Correct answer example: 'Certainly there are many requests for extending the end time of club activities and it is reasonable to propose an extension as there are many high schools that allow extension in the city, There is also a problem in securing safety because of the narrow traffic and the traffic volume around 6 pm is particularly high, so it is difficult to extend the extension '. Instead of reading

sentences to describe their own ideas, the ability to read the necessary information from diagrams and graphs and express them under certain conditions is required.
