ニュース news 24h


警察官が店のトイレに実弾入り拳銃置き忘れ 群馬県警

2017-12-08 09:46:30 | 日記
警察官が店のトイレに実弾入り拳銃置き忘れ 群馬県警
A police officer entered the shop's toilet with live ammunition Guns left behind Gunma prefectural police





A police officer of Gumma prefectural police found that he had left a handgun with live ammunition in the toilet of a drug store he stopped in the middle of patrol. A gun was found by a store customer, Gumma prefectural police commented, 'I want to try to prevent recurrence as soon as I am sorry.'
According to the police, the 31-year-old patrol section director of the Gyuma prefectural police investigative team East Coast Induction Corp. arrived at a private room of the drug store's toilet which stopped by 4:00 pm on the 7th, during the patrol in the middle of patrol It means that I left my waist pouch with the incoming pistols.

Pistols and waist pouches were attached to the belt with strings, but the officer manager told me that after forgotten from the belt, they left on the wall of the toilet and forgot it.

Around 30 minutes later, a customer who entered the toilet found it and the manager asked the police. It means that there was no sign of being used.

Keiichiro Tanaka, Chief Inspector General of the Gunma Prefectural Police Headquarters commented, 'I am sorry for giving anxiety to the citizens.We would like to make further guidance on the handling of handguns and try to prevent recurrence.'

自民税調 所得税控除見直し 年収850万円超で増税で調整へ

2017-12-08 09:46:18 | 日記
自民税調 所得税控除見直し 年収850万円超で増税で調整へ
Revision of Liberal Tax Income Tax Deduction Annual income of over 8.5 million yen to adjust with tax increase






Regarding the review of the income tax deduction which is the focus of tax reform next fiscal year, the LDP taxation study committee will consider the Komeito's assertion that it will become a tax hike in the middle class and have an adverse effect on the economy and increase the tax increase target to 850 We have strengthened our policy of proceeding with adjustments by planning to narrow down to employees exceeding 10,000 yen. Regarding the review of the deduction of income tax, the government · LDP has reduced uniformly 'salary income deduction' targeted at company employees by 100,000 yen, while those with annual income of 8 million yen or more have ceilings up to 1.90 million yen On the other hand, the 'basic deduction' covered by all taxpayers has been raised by 100,000 yen from now, and as a general rule, we have adjusted by increasing taxes on employees whose annual income exceeds 8 million yen.
On the other hand, at the meeting of the Komeito taxation investigation meeting on the 7th, opinions opposed to say 'to hit the middle class', 'to cool down consumption and adversely affect the departure of deflation' I confirmed that I would like the Liberal Democratic Party to narrow down the target of the tax increase. For this reason, the Liberal Democratic Party Taxation Committee raises the upper limit of 'Salary income deduction', and by raising the annual income of 8.5 million yen or more to the maximum of 1.95 million yen, the taxable income target is generally raised to 8.5 million yen per year With a plan to narrow down to employees who exceed the yen, we have strengthened our policy of coordinating with Komeito. If you decide on this proposal, it is expected that the annual income of 9 million yen will increase about 15,000 yen a year, 9.5 million yen a year will increase about 30,000 yen, 10 million yen will increase about 45,000 yen a year .

Liberal Democratic Party Taxation Committee aims to summarize the tax reform outline on 14th, and we will rush to make adjustments by opening a ruling party taxation council with the Komeito on August 8

たばこ税 加熱式は紙巻きの70~90%まで引き上げへ 自民税調

2017-12-08 09:46:07 | 日記
たばこ税 加熱式は紙巻きの70~90%まで引き上げへ 自民税調
Tobacco tax heating formula to raise to 70 ~ 90% of cigarette liberal taxation





The LDP Taxation Committee decided to revise the criteria for determining the tax amount for 'tobacco tax' on 'heated tobacco', which is considering a step-by-step increase in the tax system next fiscal year, thereby reducing the amount of 'cigarette tobacco' We have decided to raise the percentage from 90% to 90%.
Smoke is not emitted without using fire The 'tobacco tax' for 'heated tobacco' is determined based on the weight of 'leaf tobacco' contained in the product, but the tax amount is decided, but the general 'cigarette tobacco' Compared with the lowest one, it is only 14%, which is different from the tax amount. To this end, the LDP taxation study committee is considering to step up the 'tobacco tax' on 'heated tobacco' by 2022, in order to rectify this by the reform of the tax system next fiscal year I have done it. As a result, by revising the criteria for determining the tax amount, we have decided to raise the percentage of 'cigarettes' from about 70% to 90%, although it depends on the product.

Liberal Democratic Party Taxation Investigation Committee intends to incorporate these policies into the tax reform outline that we are planning to compile together with Komeito on the 14th, after coordinating with Komeito.

賞味期限間近の非常食 乾パンを東京都が無料配布

2017-12-08 09:45:57 | 日記
賞味期限間近の非常食 乾パンを東京都が無料配布
The Tokyo metropolitan government distributes emergency food dry bread near the expiration date free of charge





The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is distributing free of charge from this month in order to prevent the emergency food preparation prepared for disasters about thirty thousand dry breads whose expiration date expires at the end of January next year, from throwing away without eating.
Tokyo has stocked more than 8 million meals of emergency food such as dried bread and alpha rice to distribute to evacuees and those who do not return home when disaster occurs. Of these, we decided to distribute free foodstuffs and individuals to the desired groups to prevent 'food loss' which would throw away without eating about 130,000 breads that will expire at the end of January next year.

Of these, the Tachikawa District Disaster Prevention Center distributed in Tachikawa City, which we distribute from the 8th to the 10th, we decide to hand over it in cardboard units with 128 servings and weighs 20 kilos, so we pick it up by car It is necessary to come to.

We also decide to deliver it by bag unit at the end of January next year at the hydrogen energy learning facility 'Tokyo Swiss Mill' in Koto Ward, where distribution begins. Distribution of dried breads is conditioned on not reselling or disposing, and the Environment Bureau of the metropolitan government urges that 'let us know about the importance of preparing for disasters and to think about the importance of food' I am talking.

コンビニに使用済みペットボトル回収機 協力でポイント付与

2017-12-08 09:45:43 | 日記
コンビニに使用済みペットボトル回収機 協力でポイント付与
Points are given to convenience stores with used PET bottle collecting machine cooperation







In order to promote recycling of used PET bottles, the Ministry of the Environment etc. set up a special machine for collecting PET bottles at convenience stores and give full-scale efforts to give points that can be used for shopping to those who cooperate with collection started.
In order to promote recycling of used PET bottles domestically, Seven Eleven Japan, the largest convenience store convenience store, started full-scale with this initiative on July 7.

Tokyo · Chiyoda Ward stores are equipped with machines dedicated to collecting PET bottles, if you insert an empty bottle with a cap and a label removed, it can be compressed automatically and store approximately 150 bottles.

In addition, people who cooperate with collection are given points that can be used for shopping. The company has brought all recovered bottles to recyclers and plans to recycle them into a new PET bottle. By compressing it, the number of transportation is reduced and the amount of carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced.

Dedicated machine will be installed at 300 stores in Tokyo and Saitama prefecture by the end of February next year.

The woman who visited the shop said, 'I am happy that points will be accumulated and I feel like I am cooperating for the environment.'

Mr. Yasushi Ogasawara of the Ministry of the Environment Ministry's Recycling Promotion Office says, 'By collecting it at convenient convenience stores, we can further advance resource circulation and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and I would like to invite other convenience stores to participate' I was talking.