
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Departure for Studying Abroad

2006年08月28日 | Weblog
The day comes when my studying abroad starts I had mixed and complex feelings...of course I was excited and looking forward to living abroad, but more than that I missed Japan and my usual life in Japan

At 5:00 a.m. I woke up and prepared for leaving house. After that my parents took me to Osaka airport. But strangely I couldn't have realization of leaving Japan even then

At Narita airport, some of my seniors came to see me off and brought me some goods for badminton training camp though I don't join it!! I was very surprised. But also starangely I still couldn't have have realization...

Eventually I arrived at Lewis & Clark College without any realization of having left Japan and being going to spend my life here for a year.

But anyway GOOD LUCK Both people and weather here are good I vaguely thought that I will be able to have a full life here
