
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Opening Convocation

2006年08月31日 | Weblog
Today I also had many many things to do!!...First-Year Student Group Advising Session, Academic Fair, Foreign Language Placement Exam, Opening Convocation, Floor meeting, ComedySports etc

I was very busy, but that I remember most is Opening Convocation When I found it on today's schedule page, I don't know what it is and for what. So I'm a little excited but I had a feeling I can't be bothered to go there after Placement Exam of Chinese But I went out of a little curiosity

AndThen There were many freshman's parents being seated already, and some faculties standing on the stage Many freshman and international students were walking into there and welcomed with clapping of the parents and faculties and live performance I was very surprised, "Oh, it's an American style entrance ceremony, isn't in" I liked it.

BUT...after the impressive entrance march of us, there are only too long speech by some faculties I was sleepy, and I was sleeping while listening to them, but a littlewww

Acter the ceremony, we ate some foods on the lawn in the campus This is also like American style Anyway everyday I face a lot of cultural differences. But I don't have a feeling of homesickness(Japansickness??) so far I wonder when classes start, I mey have it...Tomorrow I have to register classes I'll take in this semester. I hope I can do well


2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (ちえみ)
2006-09-02 20:52:13




Unknown (なつこ)
2006-09-03 07:28:50

