
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Hi, Roommate

2006年08月30日 | Weblog
Today I woke up a little earlier than usual in the morning because I had to take placement exam at EIGHT a.m....Why so early So today was sleepy day for me

Anyway the exam includes reading, listening, writing, and interview The result was...I'm still not good at listening How should I improve my listening skill?? This is the heaviest worry to me Everyday I have to do my best so that it grow up well

After that, I went back to my room...THEN there is my roommate Ania with her family; father, mother, and brother Hi!!!! I'm waiting for you for a long time I shook hands with all of them introducing myself When I entered the room, they all is preparing for new life here. Mother was taking out her daughter's clothes, father was connecting cord for PC, and brother was building fridge This sight was like my typical image of American family, very wonderful family, I thought. And there is something similar to my familywww

She is a freshman, and maybe she looks like a sportsman, because there is a sheet about CROSS COUNTRY camp schedule Wow...very cool, isn't it But unfortunately I couldn't talk much with her today, because soon after meeting her, I went out to down town I wanted to talk with her...but there is enough time to do so. We live together in this our new room I hope so!! Incidentally now she isn't here...where is she now???

Today I had too much thing to write here, sightseeing in down town guided by Ronald, and NSO meeting in a beautiful buiding like a college chapel Anyway now I'm sleepy and tired...GOOD NIGHT