

12月25日 特にいつも通り、自宅筋トレ

2019-12-25 21:56:05 | 筋トレ
When I was twenties,The christmas was the most important day in year.
But now,that day become a ordinary day for me because I am happy everyday.
I didn't conscious that today was the christmas until I started
to write this title of blog.
So I worked out like usual in my house as Wednesday's trainning.

・ダンベルショルダープレス(三角筋) 15kg 10repx3set
・ハンマーカール(上腕二頭筋)15kg 10repx3set
・コンセントレーションカール(上腕二頭筋) 15.0kg 10repx左右3setずつ
・ダンベルフライ (大胸筋)20.0kg 13repx3set 
・ダンベルプレス (大胸筋)20.0kg 20repx3set
・ダンベルトライセプスプレス(上腕三頭筋) 10.0kg 10repx3set
・腹筋 50repx3set
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Unknown (ふゆぞー)
2019-12-30 13:39:47
Hello.Long time, no see. Thank you very much for always taking care of naizoh.
I spended christmas with studying for the university entrance examination. By the way, when is eiken? Let's study hard with each other!
Have a nice new year. See you.
Unknown (山K)
2019-12-30 21:36:35
Hi Fuyuzoh!
I was happy to see your comment.
How is your condition?
I'v always been hearing from your father about you.
When I was high school student grade three,
I used to study hard too.
I think examinee is very busy but you can get big
pleasure after your endeavor. Go for it!
I'll take eiken test on June next time. Maybe...

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