Measure for Measure

2005年02月27日 19時19分52秒 | Weblog
Measure for Measure

ヴィンセンショー ヴィエナ公爵 Vincentio アンジェロ 公爵代理 Angelo
クローディオ 若い紳士、アンジェロに死刑を宣告される Claudio ルシオー 痴れ者 Lucio
イザベラ クローディオの妹、尼僧見習い Isabella マリアナ アンジェロの婚約者 Mariana
ジュリエット クローディオの恋人、身籠もっている Juliet オーヴァーダン 淫売屋の女主人 Mistress Overdone













Vincentio, the Duke of Vienna, delivers his power to Lord Angelo, "a man of stricture and firm abstinence" (1.3.12) and strews in the common ear that he is going to Poland. Lord Escalus is pointed as Angelo' assistant while the Duke's absent. Actually, this is a trick of the Duke. He has no intention to leave Vienna, but to make use of Angelo's stricture to enforce the lax laws and more reasons for this action is---

Lord Angelo is precise,
Stands at a guard with envy, scarce confesses
That his blood flows, or that his appetite
Is more to bread than stone. Hence shall we see
If power change purpose, what our seemers be.(1.3.50)

So, the Duke disguises himself as Friar Lodowick to behold Angelo's sway in Vienna.

The young Claudio who impregnates his fiancee Juliet before marriage is chosen as an example of Angelo's first implementation. He is arrested and has to die for it according to the law in Vienna. His sister-Isabella, a novice to a sisterhood of nuns comes to Angelo to ask for his forgiveness on her brother's life. Angelo gets enamored with Isabella's virtue. In order to fulfil his desire, he violates the law knowingly, putting a condition to Isabella that her brother's life can be saved only if she yields her body to him. "More than our brother is our chastity" (2.4.185), she says and refuses Angelo's blackmail. From Juliet's repentance, the Duke in disguise gets to know that their case has happened by mutual commitment.

In the jail, he is instructing Claudio to repent before his death sentence when Isabella comes with a confirmation of his death. Overhearing her news of Angelo's corruption, he decides to intervene in this case. He suggests a plan to Isabella to answer Angelo's requirement plausibly upon the condition that her stay with him may not be long and the time may have all shadow and silence in it as well as that the place has to be convenient. (cf. 3.1.246-259)

When everything is arranged, Mariana, who has the engagement with Angelo but forsaken by the same well-seeming Angelo, replaces Isabella to the appointment. After sleeping with the woman that he thinks is Isabella, Angelo has guilty conscience. He is so afraid of Claudio's revenge by receiving a dishonored life with ransom of his sister's shame, (cf. 4.4.27-31) that he does not release Claudio as he has promised but to deliver an order to Provost to let Claudio be executed earlier and let his head be seen by five in the morning. With the help of the Provost, the Duke in Friar's disguising manages to save Claudio's life. Of course all these are done secretly.

When opportune moment is coming, Isabella and Mariana accuse Angelo publicly in front of the Duke (returning back to his real identity at the time) as it is planned by the Duke. Angelo tries to cover his wrongdoing at the first, but evil deeds can never win moral conducts. He has to bow his head, begging for forgiveness. For keeping Mariana's honor, the Duke orders Angelo a immediate marriage with her and then declares that what Claudio died for, what he has to die for. "Haste still pays haste, ... like doth quite like, and Measure still for Measure". (5.1.407-408) Although Mariana and Isabella show their mercy for Angelo's life, the Duke does not remit his sentence until Claudio is shown to be alive. So, Angelo is saved. Up to here, the play is about to close in all members'satisfaction, but the Duke's speech to Isabella "What's mine is yours, and what is yours is mine." (5.1.536) is seemingly showing us that perhaps the next story is something between the Duke and Isabella.

There are also some other spices in the play that have to be mentioned. For example, Elbow, a constable, arrests the bawd Pompey and the foolish gentleman Forth and brings them to Angelo for judgment; and how does Lucio, a friend of Claudio, rave about the Duke to the Duke in Friar Lodowick, Mistress Overdone's story and so on. These have enriched the play with more comic factors.

