琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする


2019年05月05日 14時56分27秒 | 日記



Even the international community is "banished as a matter of course." Leaders themselves cannot penetrate the social activities of the same hypocrites in the battle of using the essence of the problem, the first secret information as a weapon. That group organization was not only "exiled" from the regional society./Even from the international community "It is natural to be expelled", the hypocrite social activities that can not penetrate the struggle that the leader owns the essence of the problem · top secret information. Not only is the organization "not be rid of" from the community.
Many have mixed views on the bases and are more concerned with other issues
HONOLULU (April 18, 2019)—A new East-West Center report on the attitudes of younger Okinawans toward the islands’ US military bases has found that many have mixed feeling about the bases and are often more concerned with other issues such as jobs, the economy, and the possibility of natural disasters.

抗議行動に参加した人はほとんどいませんでした/Few of the respondents had engaged in protests./几乎没有人参加过抗议活动
寛彦 (KuanYan) 本村安彦

『抗議行動に参加した人はほとんどいませんでした( Few of the respondents had engaged in protests.)』。
云わずもがなこのインターネットに精通する琉球沖縄の若い世代は『Pro―Japanの琉球沖縄含めた日本の既存マスメディアの情報』だけには依存していない。よって、この世代は常時参照していることになる、私がインターネット上で発信し続けている『沖縄問題の本質』情報も。そうなると当然のこととして「『 Few of the respondents had engaged in protests./抗議行動に参加した人はほとんどいませんでした』ということになる」、沖縄問題の本質をそらすだけの『辺野古(Henoko)と普天間(Futenma)』だけといったこのようなまやかしに対しては。『核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫の沖縄島からの撤去は求めずに、1,200,000人の住民の避難陸路がないことへの不安があることは百も承知の上で』。


“几乎没有人参加过抗议活动(Few of the respondents had engaged in protests.)/抗議行動に参加した人はほとんどいませんでした”。
不言而喻,精通互联网的琉球冲绳的年轻一代,并不仅仅依赖于“包括Pro-Japan琉球冲绳在内的日本现有媒体的信息”。因而,这个时代经常参照着,我在互联网上持续发表的『冲绳问题的本质』信息也。这样一来,作为理所当然的事,就只有“几乎没有人参加过抗议活动(Few of the respondents had engaged in protests.)/抗議行動に参加した人はほとんどいませんでした”。对于这种虚伪。“无须从核武器专用弹药仓库的冲绳岛撤去,百闻不如一见,对于没有1,200,000名居民的避难陆路感到不安”。

"Few of the responders had engaged in protests."
The young generation of Ryukyu-Okinawa, who is familiar with the Internet, is not dependent solely on "Pro-Japan's existing mass media information including Ryukyu-Okinawa". Therefore, this generation will always refer to, "the essence of the Okinawa problem" information that I continue to send on the Internet. Then, as a matter of course, "This will be" Few of the responders had engaged in protests. "", Against such maze only "Henoko and Futenma" which only diverts the essence of the Okinawa problem. Is. "With the understanding that there are fears that 1,200,000 people will not have land for the evacuation of land, without asking for the removal of nuclear weapons-dedicated ammunition warehouses from Okinawa Island, it is well known that one hundred".

The above-mentioned truth is arbitrarily omitted, and the rebel of this Hawaii East-West Center(EWC), which is operated and written by the "Axis of Evil Axis-Japan-US Alliance" fund. In this way, the rebels of this Hawaii East-West Center(EWC) plan to make “we, the hopes and youth of Ryukyu Okinawa” approach to the American military world, and try to make a strategy to approach it, “while they conceal themselves with their own hands, What is involved in the existence of life of 1,200,000 Ryukyu-Okinawa residents? ' To be clear, this is 'injustice'.
Kanhiko (KuanYan) Yasuhiko Motomura
Many have mixed views on the bases and are more concerned with other issues
HONOLULU (April 18, 2019)—A new East-West Center report on the attitudes of younger Okinawans toward the islands’ US military bases has found that many have mixed feeling about the bases and are often more concerned with other issues such as jobs, the economy, and the possibility of natural disasters.

US military personnel pose with Okinawan students at an outreach event. Photo: Tim Flack/US Air Force
Authored by former East-West Center President Charles E. Morrison and EWC representative in Okinawa Daniel Chinen, the report, titled Millennial+ Voices in Okinawa: An Inquiry into the Attitudes of Young Adults toward the Presence of U.S. Bases, is based on dozens of interviews with adult Okinawans under the age of 45, as well as an anonymous online survey. Funding for the report was provided by the United States-Japan Foundation.
This age group currently makes up about one-third of Okinawa’s population and 40 percent of its eligible voters. Born after 1972, they had no direct experience of the 1945–1972 US administration of the island. The study results suggest that:
Many Okinawans under the age of 45 do not have strong views on the bases, but among those who do a large majority oppose their presence. Fully half of the survey’s respondents said they could not decide whether the US bases were good or bad for Okinawa. But the other half opposed their presence by a 2-to-1 margin.
US service personnel are generally regarded positively among young people in Okinawa, and many young Okinawans desire greater contact with the US military community. However, Okinawans strongly feel they host too large a share of the foreign bases in Japan.
Most respondents, including some who support the bases in general, oppose the construction of the Marines’ Futenma Replacement Facility at Henoko. Basically, they view construction of Henoko more as a fairness issue and less in terms of eliminating the old, urban, and dangerous Futenma base. A significant number of Okinawans also mentioned environmental issues, since the Henoko runways are being constructed on coral in a scenic bay area.

※この上記部分の一文はとても重要なので、下記にその内実を挿入し詳細に記す:/※因为上述部分的一句话非常重要,所以在下面插入其内实并详细记述:/※ Because this sentence of the above part is very important, I will insert the details below and write in detail:

《米軍基地全般を支援する者を含むほとんどの回答者は海兵隊の普天間(Futenma)代替施設の建設だけに反対している結果となっている『(※核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫も存在する米軍(現在は主にアメリカ海兵隊が使用している)の辺野古(Henoko)弾薬倉庫群と隣接して工事が行われている)既存のキャンプ・シュワーブ(CampSchwab)内で行われている』。沖縄の基地反対運動の主体自体が核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫が存在しない普天間(Futenma)及び辺野古(Henoko)(キャンプ・シュワーブ(CampSchwab))だけに対して反対運動を展開して強調しているせいで、『核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫の撤去は要求していないその一方で』。(※ちなみに、実は、米軍の辺野古(Henoko)弾薬倉庫群内の一部の弾薬倉庫の建て替え工事は現在も日米同盟の闇によってひっそりと建て替え工事が進行中である、2017年の工事着手以来。その事実が明らかにされたのはほんの三日前の4月25日のことである。これがその工事中の航空写真を見ることができる私のURL;『違法な既設核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫を含む辺野古(Henoko)弾薬庫群更新工事。 おそらくこれこそが今まさにジア中の庶民に対して行われている「帝国主義ゾンビらが黒幕犯の『作為、故意』的スティグマ(Stigma)」の代表例であろう。/是传达包含违法的既设核武器专用的弹药仓库的边野古(Henoko)的弹药库群的更新工程。这恐怕正是对现在正在亚洲的平民进行的“帝国主义僵尸们黑幕犯的‘故意’的”Stigma”的代表例子吧。
2019/05/03 19:10』

『違法な既設核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫を含む辺野古(Henoko)弾薬庫群更新工事。これは帝国主義ゾンビらが黒幕犯の『作為、故意』的スティグマ(Stigma)。19/05/03 18:01』

『2019-05-03 21:08:52
違法な既設核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫を含む辺野古(Henoko)弾薬庫群更新工事。 おそらくこれこそが』

『違法な既設核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫を含む辺野古(Henoko)弾薬庫群更新工事。 おそらくこれこそが今まさにジア中の庶民に対して行われている「帝国主義ゾンビらが黒幕犯の『作為、故意』的スティグマ(Stigma)」の代表例であろう。

『違法な既設核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫を含む辺野古(Henoko)弾薬庫群更新工事。 おそらくこれこそが今まさにジア中の庶民に対して行われている「帝国主義ゾンビらが黒幕犯の『作為、故意』的スティグマ(Stigma)」の代表例であろう。/是传达包含违法的既设核武器专用的弹药仓库的边野古(Henoko)的弹药库群的更新工程。这恐怕正是对现在正在亚洲的平民进行的“帝国主义僵尸们黑幕犯的‘故意’的”Stigma”的代表例子吧。
2019/05/03 20:26』

2019/05/02 01:36”

19/05/02 01:00”

”2019-05-02 12:54:38


2019/05/02 12:23”

”'Henoko (辺野古 ) Ammunition warehouse group 'related news' . The fact that I have already proved it as of May 1994, 25 years ago from now, “Building numbers '1060 and 1097' are in the existing storage space dedicated to nuclear weapons.
2019/04/29 09:52”

”"These 'Henoko (辺野古 ) Ammunition warehouse group 'related news', on top of that too late.
19/04/29 01:01”

”2019-04-29 11:37:48
Henoko Ammunition , despite fact,I have already”

”violation of "Japan's National Principles / Non-Nuclear Three Principles & Constitution of Japan Article 9, Interpretation","These 'Henoko (辺野古 ) Ammunition

”It's too late. Moreover, they not pointed out that in violation of "Japan's National Principles / Non-Nuclear Three Principles , Constitution of Japan Article 9, Interpretation", by Pro-Japan "'Henoko (辺野古 ) Ammunition warehouse group 'related news',
2019/04/29 10:57”

”또한, 일본계 일본 류큐 원 오키나와 매스 미디어 「이 '헤 노코 (辺野古)」에 의한 「일본의 국가 원칙 / 비핵 3 원칙, 심지어 일본 헌법 조서 9 조 해석」을 위반하고 있다고 지적하지 않았다 ) 탄약 창고 그룹 '관련 뉴스', 그 위에 너무 늦게.더욱이, 25 년 전인 1994 년 5 월 현재로 증명 한 사실에도 불구하고 "건물 번호 1060과 1097은 핵무기 전용의 기존 저장 공간에 있습니다.
2019/05/01 14:51”

”"무언가가있다"그럼에도 불구하고, 그것이 올해 처음으로 이해 된 것처럼 그것을 쓰는 것은 너무 이상하다.
19/05/01 14:05”

”2019-05-01 17:04:43
너무 늦었 어. 또한, 일본계 일본 류큐 원 오키나와 매스 미디어 「이 '헤 노코 (辺野古”

”더욱이, 25 년 전인 1994 년 5 월 현재로 증명 한 사실에도 불구하고 "건물 번호 1060과 1097은 핵무기 전용의 기존 저장 공간에 있습니다. "무언가가있다"그럼에도 불구하고, 그것이 올해 처음으로 이해 된 것처럼 그것을 쓰는 것은 너무 이상하다.

”너무 늦었 어. 또한, 일본계 일본 류큐 원 오키나와 매스 미디어 「이 '헤 노코 (辺野古)」에 의한 「일본의 국가 원칙 / 비핵 3 원칙, 심지어 일본 헌법 조서 9 조 해석」을 위반하고 있다고 지적하지 않았다 ) 탄약 창고 그룹 '관련 뉴스', 그 위에 너무 늦게.더욱이, 25 년 전인 1994 년 5 월 현재로 증명 한 사실에도 불구하고 "건물 번호 1060과 1097은 핵무기 전용의 기존 저장 공간에 있습니다.
2019/05/01 16:55”

”Hơn nữa, mặc dù thực tế là tôi đã chứng minh điều đó từ tháng 5 năm 1994, 25 năm trước, từ bây giờ, các tòa nhà số 1060 và 1097 'hiện đang tồn tại không gian lưu trữ dành riêng cho vũ khí hạt nhân.
2019/04/30 18:45”

”"Có một cái gì đó" Tuy nhiên, thật lạ khi viết nó như thể nó được hiểu lần đầu tiên trong năm nay.
19/04/30 17:51”

”2019-05-01 09:54:43
Đã quá muộn. Hơn nữa, họ đã không chỉ ra rằng họ”

”Hơn nữa, họ đã không chỉ ra rằng họ vi phạm "Nguyên tắc quốc gia / Ba nguyên tắc phi hạt nhân của Nhật Bản hay thậm chí là Hiến pháp Nhật Bản Điều 9, Giải thích

”nhân của Nhật Bản hay thậm chí là Hiến pháp Nhật Bản Điều 9, Giải thích", bởi Truyền thông đại chúng Ryukyuan Okinawa của Nhật Bản này "Những 'Henoko (辺野古 ) Nhóm kho đạn dược 'tin tức liên quan', trên hết là quá muộn.
2019/04/30 19:20”
http://m-yasuhiko.seesaa.net/article/465445383.html)、基本的に、彼らは辺野古(Henoko)の建設をより公平性の問題と見なし、古く、都市の、そして危険な普天間(Futenma)基地を排除するという点ではより少なく見ている。 辺野古(Henoko)滑走路(キャンプ・シュワーブ(CampSchwab)内の沿岸を埋め立てて米軍基地を拡張している工事)は風光明媚な湾岸地域のサンゴに建設されているため、沖縄のかなりの数の人々が環境問題にも言及しています。》(※1,200,000人の住民の避難陸路がないことへの不安があることは当然のこととして、『小さな島・沖縄島で福島第1原発事故のような核物質汚染事故が一旦起これば、徒歩で半径30キロメートル外への一時間以内の避難が可能だった比較的大きな島・日本島とは違うので』)

Morrison and Chinen said that the major areas of consensus were that Okinawa carries an unfair base burden compared to the rest of Japan, that the Japanese government does not listen to the desires of the people of Okinawa, and that Okinawans should have more access to the bases and connections to the US military community. The strong feelings against Henoko lay behind the election of opponent Denny Tamaki as governor in 2018, and the 70-percent majority of those voting who opposing Henoko in a February 2019 referendum. At the same time, the authors note, there is a kind of “base fatigue”—a feeling that the bases have dominated Okinawan debate too long and divert attention from more urgent domestic issues. Few of the respondents had engaged in protests.
The report recommends that the US military’s public outreach programs should be reviewed with younger people in mind and should take advantage of the desire for more base contact. Very few respondents had ever participated in such programs, the report’s authors said, despite their overall high levels of English capability. Most of the programs seem directed toward the communities immediately outside the bases rather than island-wide.
The authors also noted that although Okinawa has long been among Japan’s poorest prefectures, there is increasing economic confidence because of the growth of the tourism sector. In 2017, tourist numbers for Okinawa surpassed those for Hawaii for the first time, and now about a quarter of those tourists are international. While some Okinawans tend to see the bases as less valuable in economic terms, there is nervousness about the uncertain international security environment and overall support for the US-Japan Security Treaty to provide a balance of power in the region.

Charles E. Morrison is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the East-West Center. He served as the Center’s President from 1998 to 2016. He can be reached at morrisoc@eastwestcenter.org. Daniel Chinen is an East-West Center alumnus and the Center’s representative in Okinawa. He can be reached at kaimukinchu@gmail.com
The East-West Wire is based on Charles E. Morrison and Daniel Chinen (2019), Millennial+ Voices in Okinawa: An Inquiry into the Attitudes of Young Adults toward the Presence of U.S. Bases, Honolulu: East-West Center and United States-Japan Foundation.
The East-West Wire is a news, commentary, and analysis service provided by the East-West Center in Honolulu. All or any part of the Wire content may be used by media with attribution to the East-West Center or the person quoted. To receive Wire articles via email, subscribe here. For links to all East-West Center media programs, fellowships and services, see EastWestCenter.org/Journalists.
The full list of East-West Wires produced by the Research Program is available on the East-West Center website at EastWestCenter.org/Research-Wire. For more on the East-West Center Research Program, see EastWestCenter.org/Research.
The East-West Center promotes better relations and understanding among the people and nations of the United States, Asia, and the Pacific through cooperative study, research, and dialogue.
Series editors:
Derek Ferrar
Sidney B. Westley
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the East-West Center or any organization with which the author is affiliated.

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2019/05/02 01:36”

19/05/02 01:00”

”2019-05-02 12:54:38


2019/05/02 12:23”

『違法な既設核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫を含む辺野古(Henoko)弾薬庫群更新工事。 おそらくこれこそが今まさにジア中の庶民に対して行われている「帝国主義ゾンビらが黒幕犯の『作為、故意』的スティグマ(Stigma)」の代表例であろう。/是传达包含违法的既设核武器专用的弹药仓库的边野古(Henoko)的弹药库群的更新工程。这恐怕正是对现在正在亚洲的平民进行的“帝国主义僵尸们黑幕犯的‘故意’的”Stigma”的代表例子吧。
2019/05/03 19:10』

『違法な既設核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫を含む辺野古(Henoko)弾薬庫群更新工事。これは帝国主義ゾンビらが黒幕犯の『作為、故意』的スティグマ(Stigma)。19/05/03 18:01』

『2019-05-03 21:08:52
違法な既設核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫を含む辺野古(Henoko)弾薬庫群更新工事。 おそらくこれこそが』

『違法な既設核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫を含む辺野古(Henoko)弾薬庫群更新工事。 おそらくこれこそが今まさにジア中の庶民に対して行われている「帝国主義ゾンビらが黒幕犯の『作為、故意』的スティグマ(Stigma)」の代表例であろう。

『違法な既設核兵器専用の弾薬倉庫を含む辺野古(Henoko)弾薬庫群更新工事。 おそらくこれこそが今まさにジア中の庶民に対して行われている「帝国主義ゾンビらが黒幕犯の『作為、故意』的スティグマ(Stigma)」の代表例であろう。/是传达包含违法的既设核武器专用的弹药仓库的边野古(Henoko)的弹药库群的更新工程。这恐怕正是对现在正在亚洲的平民进行的“帝国主义僵尸们黑幕犯的‘故意’的”Stigma”的代表例子吧。
2019/05/03 20:26』

”또한, 일본계 일본 류큐 원 오키나와 매스 미디어 「이 '헤 노코 (辺野古)」에 의한 「일본의 국가 원칙 / 비핵 3 원칙, 심지어 일본 헌법 조서 9 조 해석」을 위반하고 있다고 지적하지 않았다 ) 탄약 창고 그룹 '관련 뉴스', 그 위에 너무 늦게.더욱이, 25 년 전인 1994 년 5 월 현재로 증명 한 사실에도 불구하고 "건물 번호 1060과 1097은 핵무기 전용의 기존 저장 공간에 있습니다.
2019/05/01 14:51”

”"무언가가있다"그럼에도 불구하고, 그것이 올해 처음으로 이해 된 것처럼 그것을 쓰는 것은 너무 이상하다.
19/05/01 14:05”

”2019-05-01 17:04:43
너무 늦었 어. 또한, 일본계 일본 류큐 원 오키나와 매스 미디어 「이 '헤 노코 (辺野古”

”더욱이, 25 년 전인 1994 년 5 월 현재로 증명 한 사실에도 불구하고 "건물 번호 1060과 1097은 핵무기 전용의 기존 저장 공간에 있습니다. "무언가가있다"그럼에도 불구하고, 그것이 올해 처음으로 이해 된 것처럼 그것을 쓰는 것은 너무 이상하다.

”너무 늦었 어. 또한, 일본계 일본 류큐 원 오키나와 매스 미디어 「이 '헤 노코 (辺野古)」에 의한 「일본의 국가 원칙 / 비핵 3 원칙, 심지어 일본 헌법 조서 9 조 해석」을 위반하고 있다고 지적하지 않았다 ) 탄약 창고 그룹 '관련 뉴스', 그 위에 너무 늦게.더욱이, 25 년 전인 1994 년 5 월 현재로 증명 한 사실에도 불구하고 "건물 번호 1060과 1097은 핵무기 전용의 기존 저장 공간에 있습니다.
2019/05/01 16:55”

”'Henoko (辺野古 ) Ammunition warehouse group 'related news' . The fact that I have already proved it as of May 1994, 25 years ago from now, “Building numbers '1060 and 1097' are in the existing storage space dedicated to nuclear weapons.
2019/04/29 09:52”

”"These 'Henoko (辺野古 ) Ammunition warehouse group 'related news', on top of that too late.
19/04/29 01:01”

”2019-04-29 11:37:48
Henoko Ammunition , despite fact,I have already”

”violation of "Japan's National Principles / Non-Nuclear Three Principles & Constitution of Japan Article 9, Interpretation","These 'Henoko (辺野古 ) Ammunition

”It's too late. Moreover, they not pointed out that in violation of "Japan's National Principles / Non-Nuclear Three Principles , Constitution of Japan Article 9, Interpretation", by Pro-Japan "'Henoko (辺野古 ) Ammunition warehouse group 'related news',
2019/04/29 10:57”

”Hơn nữa, mặc dù thực tế là tôi đã chứng minh điều đó từ tháng 5 năm 1994, 25 năm trước, từ bây giờ, các tòa nhà số 1060 và 1097 'hiện đang tồn tại không gian lưu trữ dành riêng cho vũ khí hạt nhân.
2019/04/30 18:45”

”"Có một cái gì đó" Tuy nhiên, thật lạ khi viết nó như thể nó được hiểu lần đầu tiên trong năm nay.
19/04/30 17:51”

”2019-05-01 09:54:43
Đã quá muộn. Hơn nữa, họ đã không chỉ ra rằng họ”

”Hơn nữa, họ đã không chỉ ra rằng họ vi phạm "Nguyên tắc quốc gia / Ba nguyên tắc phi hạt nhân của Nhật Bản hay thậm chí là Hiến pháp Nhật Bản Điều 9, Giải thích

”nhân của Nhật Bản hay thậm chí là Hiến pháp Nhật Bản Điều 9, Giải thích", bởi Truyền thông đại chúng Ryukyuan Okinawa của Nhật Bản này "Những 'Henoko (辺野古 ) Nhóm kho đạn dược 'tin tức liên quan', trên hết là quá muộn.
2019/04/30 19:20”
Morrison and Chinen said that the major areas of consensus were that Okinawa carries an unfair base burden compared to the rest of Japan, that the Japanese government does not listen to the desires of the people of Okinawa, and that Okinawans should have more access to the bases and connections to the US military community. The strong feelings against Henoko lay behind the election of opponent Denny Tamaki as governor in 2018, and the 70-percent majority of those voting who opposing Henoko in a February 2019 referendum. At the same time, the authors note, there is a kind of “base fatigue”—a feeling that the bases have dominated Okinawan debate too long and divert attention from more urgent domestic issues. Few of the respondents had engaged in protests.
The report recommends that the US military’s public outreach programs should be reviewed with younger people in mind and should take advantage of the desire for more base contact. Very few respondents had ever participated in such programs, the report’s authors said, despite their overall high levels of English capability. Most of the programs seem directed toward the communities immediately outside the bases rather than island-wide.
The authors also noted that although Okinawa has long been among Japan’s poorest prefectures, there is increasing economic confidence because of the growth of the tourism sector. In 2017, tourist numbers for Okinawa surpassed those for Hawaii for the first time, and now about a quarter of those tourists are international. While some Okinawans tend to see the bases as less valuable in economic terms, there is nervousness about the uncertain international security environment and overall support for the US-Japan Security Treaty to provide a balance of power in the region.

Charles E. Morrison is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the East-West Center. He served as the Center’s President from 1998 to 2016. He can be reached at morrisoc@eastwestcenter.org. Daniel Chinen is an East-West Center alumnus and the Center’s representative in Okinawa. He can be reached at kaimukinchu@gmail.com
The East-West Wire is based on Charles E. Morrison and Daniel Chinen (2019), Millennial+ Voices in Okinawa: An Inquiry into the Attitudes of Young Adults toward the Presence of U.S. Bases, Honolulu: East-West Center and United States-Japan Foundation.
The East-West Wire is a news, commentary, and analysis service provided by the East-West Center in Honolulu. All or any part of the Wire content may be used by media with attribution to the East-West Center or the person quoted. To receive Wire articles via email, subscribe here. For links to all East-West Center media programs, fellowships and services, see EastWestCenter.org/Journalists.
The full list of East-West Wires produced by the Research Program is available on the East-West Center website at EastWestCenter.org/Research-Wire. For more on the East-West Center Research Program, see EastWestCenter.org/Research.
The East-West Center promotes better relations and understanding among the people and nations of the United States, Asia, and the Pacific through cooperative study, research, and dialogue.
Series editors:
Derek Ferrar
Sidney B. Westley
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the East-West Center or any organization with which the author is affiliated.

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