琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする

Don't mistake a place!! 別搞錯!!地方。Ryukyu is not Tokyo or Kyushu!!別搞錯!!地方。

2014年05月21日 23時01分44秒 | 日記
Don't mistake a place!! Ryukyu is not Tokyo or Kyushu!! Lawless Japanese & United States needs to stop a Ryukyuan threat!! At any rate, a battlefield is only Tokyo or Kyushu!! China/Russia does not make Ryukyu a battlefield!! /別搞錯!!地方。琉球,東京或不是九州!!無法無天的日本&美國,停住!!琉球人威嚇。反正,戰場只是東京或九州!!中國/俄羅斯,不要!!琉球戰場。/위치를 착각하지 마라! ! 류큐는 도쿄 나 규슈는 없어! ! 무법 일본 및 미국은 류큐인 위협 그만! ! 어차피 전장은 도쿄 나 규슈 뿐이다! ! 중국 / 러시아는 류큐를 전장 없어! !/場所を間違えるな!!琉球は、東京または九州ではないぞ!!無法な日本&アメリカは、琉球人脅しを止めろ!!どうせ、戦場は東京または九州だけだ!!中国/ロシアは、琉球を戦場にしない!!

”It is the Kumejima offing and is an explosion. Mushroom type clouds have been checked with eyes. ”/「在久米島海上爆炸聲音。目測確認完成了蘑型的雲。」/「구메 지마 앞바다에서 폭발음. 버섯 구름 확인 」/「久米島沖で爆発音。きのこ雲を確認」
RBC News/RBC新聞/RBC 뉴스/RBCニュース
2014/05/21 U.S. military base problem/美軍基地問題/미군 기지 문제/基地問題

It is the Kumejima offing and is an explosion. Mushroom type clouds have been checked with eyes. /在久米島海上爆炸聲音。目測確認完成了蘑型的雲。/구메 지마 앞바다에서 폭발음. 버섯 구름 확인 /久米島沖で爆発音。きのこ雲を確認

 It was witnessed that smoke like the clouds which carried out the form of the mushroom with the loud explosion in the offing of the north in Kumejima has gone up on the morning of the 21st. /21日上午,象在久米島的北的海上與大的爆炸聲音一起做蘑的形式的雲一樣的煙上升被目擊了。/21 일 오전 구메 지마의 북쪽 바다에서 큰 폭발음과 함께 버섯 구름 같은 연기가 올라있는 것이 목격되었습니다./21日午前、久米島の北の沖で大きな爆発音とともにきのこ雲のような煙があがっているのが目撃されました。

 According to the man who witnessed near the seashore of the north in Kumejima It is [ around / 10:30 a.m. ] today. After there is the loud sound a "bonn" and the ground shakes. I hear that smoke like [ in the offing of a north direction ] the clouds which carried out the form of the mushroom was rising from the island highly. /所說的根據在久米島的北的海岸附近目擊的男性的話,今天上午10點半左右,發出「Dong」大的聲音地面搖擺不定以後,在從島北的方向的海上,象蘑雲一樣的煙高(貴)地上升了。/구메 지마의 북쪽 해안 가까이에서 목격 한 남자에 따르면 오늘 오전 10시 반경 "돈"라는 큰 소리가 땅이 흔들리고 후 섬에서 북녘 각도 앞바다에서 버섯 구름 같은 연기가 높이 상승했다는 것입니다./久米島の北の海岸近くで目撃した男性によりますと、きょう午前10時半ごろ、「ドン」という大きな音がして地面が揺れたあと、島から北の方角の沖で、きのこ雲のような煙が高く上がっていたということです。

 In the offing which the island left north about 28 km, "Torishima shooting and a bombing range" of the U.S. Forces are located. The witness's male is saying, "Although I live in Kumejima for years, this is the first time that big smoke was seen as that." /島的北大概28kirome-托相隔的海上有美軍的「Torishima」射射擊·轟炸訓練場。證言者的男性說著「多年,住在久米島,不過看了的,那麼多大的噴煙是第一次」。/섬의 북쪽 약 28 킬로미터 떨어져 미군의 "Torishima"사정 사격 폭격 훈련장이 있습니다 만, 남성은 "오랫동안 구메 지마에 살고 있지만 그만큼 큰 연기를 본 것은 처음이다" 고 있습니다./島の北およそ28キロの沖にはアメリカ軍の鳥島射爆撃場がありますが、男性は「長年、久米島に住んでいるがあれほど大きな噴煙を見たのははじめてだ」と話しています。

 The same information is brought near also by the public office of the Tonaki island located northeastward of Kumejima from residents. According to the Okinawa Bureau of Defense Policy information on the public office of the Tonaki island, it supposes "The information dissemination from the U.S. Forces side that the U.S. Forces are doing special training is not received, but the check of it is also impossible." /居民向位於久米島的東北方向的「渡名喜島」的區鄉同樣的信息也能發出。根據那個「渡名喜島」的區鄉的沖繩防衛局信息,作為「來自美軍搞著特別的訓練的這樣的美軍方面的信息提供沒受到著,也沒能確認」。/구메 지마의 북동 방향에있는 토 나키 섬의 사무소에도 주민에서 유사한 정보가 전해지고 있습니다 만, 오키나와 방위국은 "미군 측에서 특별 훈련을하고있다라는 정보 제공은 받아 않았고 확인도되어 있지 않다 "고합니다./久米島の北東方向に位置する渡名喜島の役場にも住民から同様の情報が寄せられていますが、沖縄防衛局は、「アメリカ軍側から特別な訓練をやっているとの情報提供は受けておらず、確認もできていない」としています。