琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする


2014年05月19日 20時12分13秒 | 日記
Fuck u japs soldiers~~!
They killed a lot of Korean, Chinese, Ryukyuan, so they need to suffer punishment!!
엿 먹아라 쪽발이군들아~~!
그 놈들은 많은 한국인, 중국인, 류큐인들을 죽였으니깐 벌을 받아야됨!!

fucking japs

Thank you for the invitation.
This is a Japanese army damage example of ↓ Okinawa. /邀请谢谢。这是↓冲绳的日军受害事例。/초대 고맙다. 이것은 ↓오키나와(沖繩)의 일본군피해사례. /招待ありがとう。これは↓沖縄の日本軍被害事例。

It is the command of a Japanese army and they are about 1,122 persons of 33 total [ "group self-decision" ].
The slaughter sum total 46 affair 168 person of others (six 12 Korean 軍夫 and the U.S. soldier prisoners of war)
Data ↓
The case list of "group self-decision" and "resident slaughters" in Battle of Okinawa
Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
For example, although there is much family total destruction as for the feature of Battle of Okinawa, it is because the dead cannot do testimony themselves.
”琉球沖縄独立国建国のチャンスです。it is a chance of Ryukyu Okinawa independent country founding.”


/일본군의 명령으로 「집단자결」합계33건 약1, 122명
기타의 학살 합계46건 168명 (조선인군 남편 12명·미국 병사 포로6명)
오키나와(沖繩)전에 있어서의 「집단자결」과 「주민학살」의 사례목록
물론 이것은 빙산의 일각에 지나지 않는다. 예를 들면 일가전멸이 많은 것도 오키나와(沖繩)전의 특징이지만, 사망자들은 스스로 증언을 할 수 없기 때문이다

Yasuhiko Motomura 양육정 Jie Guang Liui know that one.. During the Okinawan war, the Japs soldiers killed a lot of Ryukyuan civilian..

本村 安彦
Yes. Therefore, Japanese people are disliked by the Okinawan./だから日本人は沖縄人から嫌われている。

I hope Okinawa will be independent from Japan..

本村 安彦
Thank you

there will also be those who have said such a thing -- ↓ /이런 것을 말하고 있는 사람도 있는 ↓/说这样的事的人也在的↓/こんなことを言っている者もいるぞ↓
”There is a parallel here between Abe and Hitler. While no violence is used here to achieve power, there is scheming to ram through laws and the Collective Defense scheme is a danger to usurp Article 9 in the Japanese Constitution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler's_rise_to_power " Hitler's blend of political acuity, deceptiveness and cunning converted the party's non-majority but plurality status into effective governing power in the ailing Weimar Republic of 1933."

From”Okinawa Independence”

there will also be those who have said such a thing -- ↓ /이런 것을 말하고 있는 사람도 있는 ↓/说这样的事的人也在的↓/こんなことを言っている者もいるぞ↓

LDP Abe Collective Defense Diversion, Game of GO, China Counter Diversion To Attack Okinawa. Japanese Constitution Revision Illegal Shortcut Against Will Of Japanese People With NO Referendum. Start A Grassroot Revolution NOW!

Here is some translation on Abe's scheme to divert attention to force China to fight a war on the Spratlys with Japan coming to Philippines aid in his 'collective defense, coming to aid of allies' scheme. Abe is unable to change Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, so he scheme with Collective Defense.

Japanese, Okinawans in particular should pay attention to his scheme. The seemingly distant event in the Spratlys will catch on like wild fire in Okinawa as China see through Abe's scheme and will counter attack on Okinawa instead to DIVERT BACK the attention to Okinawa, Diaoyu/Senkaku instead of the Spratlys.

China invented the Game of GO, so she is naturally Cleverer than Abe, a student of Chinese mastery of the game!


Fre Okin Taro-nechan • a day ago

Taro, please explain the real meaning of democracy so we understand how Japan can claim she is a legit democratic nation. As you well know changing the Constitution is no ordinary revision of the law. It requires two third passage by both DIET houses and a Referendum in Japan By The People, a clear unequivocal support for change.

If Abe ever succeed in making his Collective Defense 'law' WITHOUT a Referendum HE IS CONTRAVENING ARTICLE 9 of the Constitution: .... Japanese people FOREVER RENOUNCE WAR ...

Abe conveniently use 'democracy lite' arm twist other members like New Komeito so that he can enact a Collective Defense 'law' to do EXACTLY what he strive to do under a Constitutional change. Why short circuit the proper process? Must be lack of popular support I think. I think a grass root revolution is in order for Japan to overcome this sneaky revision of the Constitution.

In particular, Abe's Collective Defense includes 'coming to the aid of allies', meaning let's help the Philippines fight against China! Is that what the Japanese people wiling to sacrifice?

The way he goes about his Legislative Process is like 'Lets go into war first, support our allies like Philippines', THEN maybe we see if the Supreme Court which we know is rubber stamped by LDP to decide if the Collective Defense 'law' is legit. How clever! After the Rubber Meets The Road, like Bush went to Iraq War bypassing the US War Powers Act, is this Bush REDUX? Is this real democracy FOR the people or for a few politicians, neocons only?



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Fre Okin • a day ago

I can see how LDP under Abe scheme to undercut the spirit of the Japanese pacifist Constitution by making the Collective Defense 'law' with his DIET if he can get New Komeito to join. This weighty matter requires a referendum which he cannot muster enough public support so he SCHEME by making 'law' that TRUMP the spirit of the pacifist Constitution. This is democracy at stake. Democracy will fail if this is what Abe do using the cloak of 'law' to undercut the will of the majority. Besides the Japanese courts are mostly rubber stamp of LPD policies, so this 'collective mentality' will ensure the 'law' is 'validated'.

The most critical part of the Collective Defense got nothing to do with assisting US shoot down ballistic missile heading towards US assets in the Pacific but Coming To The Aid Of Japan's Allies, MEANING Philippines in particular, Taiwan of course, Vietnam perhaps.

Philippines is where Abe will finally get his PRETEXT to go to war against China as he cannot settle the Diaoyu/Senkaku since China will not fire the first shot. So it is Philippines where he can create a fuzzy situation to justify Japan's involvement to weaken China in his Grand Scheme to PROTECT Diaoyu/Senkaku from Chinese control.

Japanese people should really have grass root movement to overcome this most sneaky roundabout way to undercut their Constitution. A parallel can be seen right now in the Philippines, her fraternal twin that Japan want to use against China. In the Philippines the new EDCA is done the same way, but a bit worse by having this law signed WITHOUT passing through the Senate!

Excerpt: HOSTAGED SENATE: Senate President Franklin Drilon can allow his colleagues to chase, even if belatedly, after the new Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement that Malacañang signed April 28 with the United States without the advice and consent of the Senate.

From”Okinawa Independence”

Willian Gwak
엿 먹아라 쪽발이군들아 ~ Fucking Japsㅗ!!!ㅗ ~Kill all japs!

Christopher Soon Shin Cia
Which museum is that bro is it in korea?

Wong Dora
Bastard son of bitch!! God damn Japanese !!

Wong Dora
May the spirits of innocent killed people drag japs to hell!!!

Christopher Soon Shin Cia i dont think so... because i'm not the one who took a picture.. i just copy a picture from other Anti Japan page^^

本村 安彦 5、
Fre Okin/Okinawa Independenceさん、I, the Ryukyuan who has covered trouble from 135 years before to today, am angry. This news is likely to have the quarrel and relation of Vietnam China which have taken place now in South China Sea. Probably, this is the match pump of Japanese & U.S. at any rate!!/Fre Okin/Okinawa Independenceさん、從135年前到今天承擔麻煩的琉球人的我發火。這個新聞,快要有現在南海發生的越南-中國的爭吵和關係了。反正這是日本&美國的火柴·泵!!吧/Fre Okinさん、135년전부터 오늘까지 폐를 입고 있는 류큐인의 저는 화내고 있습니다. 이 뉴스는, 지금 남【시나】해에서 일어나고 있는 베트남-중국의 입싸움과 관계가 있을 것 같습니다. 어차피 이것은 일본&미국의 매치·펌프이지요!! /Fre Okin/Okinawa Independenceさん、I, Ryukyuan кто покрыл беспокойство из 135 за несколько лет до к сегодня, сердитый. Эта новость имеют высокую вероятность иметь ссору и отношение Китая Вьетнама который имели место сейчас в Южном Море Китая. Вероятно, это насос матча японского & U. S. при любой степени!! /Fre Okin/Okinawa Independenceさん、135年前から今日まで迷惑を被っている琉球人の私は怒っています。このニュースは、今南シナ海で起こっているベトナム-中国の口喧嘩と関係が有りそうです。どうせこれは日本&米国のマッチ・ポンプでしょう!!

Fre Okin
Hi Yasuhiko, I don't know what the Okinawans think about the Chinese/Vietnamese quarrel. It is easy to think of China as a bully. However I explain in thediplomat.com the Vietnamese have being drilling in the southern part of Vietnam for a couple of years at least and invite Indians to JV with them. That is disputed territory and what China do in the north is just payback.
やあヤスヒコ、私は、沖縄人が中国の/ベトナムの喧嘩について何を考えるかについて、わかりません。 中国を弱い者いじめとみなすことは、簡単です。 私が交の中で説明するどんな方法であろうとも、ベトナム人は少なくとも二年の間ベトナムの南部で穴をあけていること、訓練していること、またそれらでインドをJVに招待しています。

Fre Okin さん、Thank you for the explanation. It is [ whether the answer the Okinawan let you understand about what is considered about the quarrel of China/Vietnam may interpret it as this, and ] ↓?/説明ありがとう。沖縄人が中国/ベトナムの喧嘩について何を考えるかについて理解して頂いた答えがこれと解釈してよろしいでしょうか↓?
”A Little Message For The Jeitai: Make Sure Abe and LDP Members Sent Their Children FIRST To Front LIne War Against China
.2014年5月19日 10:53”
”So this Collective Defense thing by Abe is a scheme to misled sheeple to go to war. I dare he have his family members and his LDP members have frontline troops, pilots in any war against China. This is proof of allegiance to one's own country with FULL honesty and sacrifice.”
"The significance of Seats in Legislature should not be overlooked,
because it marked the beginning of Taiwan being an integral and
inalienable part of Japan, as opposed to merely a colony."
”Nice scheme to keep the colony Taiwan and now modern Okinawa under Tokyo's thumb. Just a charade of democracy while trampling on the will of the Okinawans.”
”Why build Henoko base to replace Futenma when Nago mayor was specifically elected to reject the base? Oh yes, the interest of the country comes first, so Okinawans being a smaller voting block can be kicked around. I bet Taiwanese as a colony was also kicked around but never allowed to be too poor for fear of a revolt. ”
”You are still way too early to be ethnically distinct. There may be a special breed called 'JapWan' you know who I mean? That is ethnically Taiwanese but they are a real minority much like the native people in Taiwan.
http://thediplomat.com/2014/05/taiwan-will-not-cooperate-with-china-in-south-china-sea/ ”


本村 安彦 6、
>China Liuqiu
5月1日 14:07
>中国国防部新闻事务局昨日透 露,5月下旬,中俄两国将在上海附近 的东海海空域举行“海上协作-2014”联 合军事演习。这是中俄两国海军举行 的例行性演习,也是两国海军首次在 钓鱼岛西北海域进行联合协同演习。

對中國政府=習近平&俄羅斯政府=普京想說只一句話。琉球列島不是無人島!!。與中國友好的的同胞1,400,000萬人存在數千年。其中95%是反日琉球人。親日派只是僅僅5%。舉日本列島的↓。因此,你方面估計的敵國要只安倍=日本列島的九州嗎東京。對如果琉球列島近海的軍事訓練,討厭從500年以前開始物理的武器喜歡放棄的和平的琉球人來說就為難!!/I want to say just a word to the Chinese government = learning power and the Russian government = Vladimir Putin.Ryukyu Islands is not a deserted island ! ! . 1,400,000 people are also present siblings amicable several thousand years and China . 95% 's anti-Japanese Ryukyu people total. Pro-Japanese is only 5% only . I give the Japanese archipelago ↓. So , you better have me only "Tokyo or Kyushu Abe = Japanese archipelago " is assumed enemy . If military training of the Ryukyu archipelago waters , for the Ryukyu who love the peace that you hate abandoned weapons physical from 500 years before it's annoying ! !/중국 정부=습근평(習近平)&러시아 정부=블라디미르·푸틴에 대하여 한마디만 말하고 싶다. 류큐(琉球) 열도는 무인도가 아니어!! . 중국과 몇천년간 우호적인 동포가 1, 400, 000만명도 존재한다. 그중 95퍼센트는 반일류큐인이다. 친일파는 불과 5퍼센트만이다. 일본 열도를 드리는 ↓. 그러므로, 여러분들이 상정하는 적국은 아베(安倍)=일본 열도의 규슈(九州)나 도쿄(東京)만큼 해줘라. 류큐(琉球) 열도근해의 군사훈련이라면, 500년이전부터 물리적인 무기를 싫은 포기한 평화를 사랑하는 류큐인에 있어서는 번거롭다!! /Китайское правительство=習 近平 & правительство России=мне хотелось бы чтобы рассказать Владимир Putin только слово.
Рюкю острова не uninhabited острова!! .
Нет меньше, чем 1 или 400.000 дружеских beings партнера не существуют для тысяч годов с Китаем.
95% из них анти-японский Ryukyuan.
Pro-японские группы мало или только 5%.
↓ который дает японские Острова.
Поэтому, вражеская страна который вы допускаете нуждается в том, чтобы использовать только Кюсю или Токио Abe=японских Островов.
Если это - военное обучение Рюкю островов смежные моря, для Ryukyuan кто любит мир который не любил и отказался от физического вооружения из 500 или перед, этого вызывающий беспокойство!! /中国政府=習 近平&ロシア政府=ウラジーミル・プーチンに対して一言だけ言いたい。琉球列島は無人島じゃないぞ!!。中国と数千年間友好的な同胞が1、400,000万人も存在する。そのうち95パーセントは反日琉球人だ。親日派は僅か5パーセントだけだ。日本列島を差し上げる↓。だから、あなた方が想定する敵国は安倍=日本列島の九州か東京だけにしてくれよ。琉球列島近海の軍事訓練ならば、500年以前から物理的な武器を嫌い放棄した平和を愛する琉球人にとっては迷惑だ!!


일본 쪽발이 변태 아베 일왕 다 세균무기 핵무기 폭탄에 감염되서 죽어야해

Wong Dora

Wong Doraさん,It supports.
Điều này là quá qua giới hạn. Số phận phải được thực hiện trong giai đoạn đầu.(Tất cả mọi thứ đi quá xa, số phận là bị ràng buộc đầu)/Things go too far, fate is bound to do early.(The fate with which all the things go too much distantly is restricted at an early stage. )/사물은 지나치게 정도를 넘습니다, 운명은 초기에 하지 않을 수 없습니다. (모든 것은 매우 멀리 가는, 운명은 빠른 시기에 속박됩니다 )/物事は度を越しすぎます、運命は初期に行わざるをえません。(すべてのものはあまりにも遠く行く、運命は早期に束縛されます。)
Lời dạy của Đức Phật /佛/Buddha/부처님의 가르침 /仏陀
