経営技法を究める: システム, デザイン, データ,機械学習


Liberal Arts

2014-07-27 00:56:00 | 雑感

The education of high school is significant, and it provides liberal arts for living in general situation. The basic wisdom will be expanded to knowledge more widely and deeply in social living.

In particular, the undergraduate work is constructed based on the basic wisdom of the high school education or of similar thing. Indeed, it is important to consider the difference of liberal arts between of the high school and of the university.



2014-07-26 03:58:07 | 雑感

Designing decisions for investment risks is significant. Actually, mathematical theories play the fundamental roles in the risk analytics.

Stochastic Analysis and Time Series Analysis are applied to evaluations for finance. Making out economic and business backgrounds is needed.

A discipline of applied mathematics needs the knowledge about the wide area of objective thing.

Business theories of strategic decision-making are attractive, and management mathematics is the fundamentals.


2014-07-25 03:52:34 | 雑感

Finance Analysis

2014-07-24 17:55:36 | 雑感

Finance Analysis on mathematics is attractive. However, the backgrounds of actual activities of economics and securities provide making out the analytical tools more deeply. In addition, the knowledge about the business management is necessary.

Advanced ability of the applied mathematics offers the opportunity that makes up a higher position as a financial engineer.

Making efforts of mathematics and others is necessary.


Plan, Do, Check, and Action

2014-07-24 05:48:27 | 雑感

PDCA is a simple structure for business activities, and it means principles of the process management. However, the aim of business is necessary for PDCA activity.

The consideration of the aim is difficult for the process administration, because uncertain decision-making is included.

Therefore, we need a thought method to handle uncertainties about the PDCA management.


2014-07-24 03:57:23 | 雑感

Industrial Management

2014-07-23 06:18:35 | 雑感

Powers for Industrial Management are needed in companies, and treatments of the management are not only physical productions but also services.

For a profession of Industrial Management, the ability of the industrial management contains various thoughts that are not only of engineering fields. In particular, the potential combined between the engineering and the business management is effective, and the actual training is important.

A postgraduate degree or certification with the occupation experience makes up the potential as a leading professional, and some business schools provide opportunities of the advanced potentials for the industrial management.


2014-07-23 04:01:39 | 雑感

Business creations are like arts. The business idea is led from the original minding.

The global business brain of the high quality management is significant. Actually, the international sense plays the emphasis more for it.