臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

●Jack and the Beanstalk

2011-06-18 | Lyric & Tale

シュレックで、オーガが主人公に抜擢されたのは、Jack and the Beanstalk から由来してるようですね。
I'll have his bones to grind my bread!"


Jack and the Beanstalk

There was once upon a time, a poor widow who had an only son named Jack, and a cow called Milky-White.
And all they had to live on was the milk (which) the cow gave every morning, which they carried to the market and sold.

■ Beanstalk ■noun[ビーンストーク]豆の主茎
■ a widow ■noun[C]未亡人 シングルマザー
■ live on ■PHRV[] 暮らしをたてていく 食べている
■ All S have to live on is B ■[] SはBで全て生活してゆかなければならない。
 →All you have to do is ~. 君がしなければならない全ては、
■ (which) ■Relative pron.[Objective:省略可][antecedent:the milk][制限用法]
■ , which ■Relative pron.[Objective:省略不可][文]そしてそれは

But one morning, Milky-white gave no milk.
"What shall we do? What shall we do?" said the widow wringing her hands.
"Cheer up, Mother! I'll go and get some work somewhere," said Jack.
"We've tried that before, and nobody would take you," said his mother. "So we must sell Milky-White and with the money start a shop, or something."
"All right, mother." said Jack. "It's market day today, and I'll soon sell Milky-White, and then we'll see what we can do."

■ wring one's hands ■IDM[](悲痛・絶望などのしぐさとして自分の)手をもむ
■ (the widow) wringing her hands ■現在分詞による後置修飾

So he took the cow, and off he started,
(He wasn't) Yet gone far when he met a funny-old-looking man, who said to him, "Good morning, Jack."
"Good morning to you," said Jack, and wondered how he knew his name.
"Well, Jack, where are you off to?" said the man.
"I'm going to the market to sell our cow there."
"Oh, you look the proper sort of chap to sell cows," said the man. "I wonder if you know how many beans make five."
"Two in each hand and one in your mouth," said Jack, as sharp as a needle.
"Right you are!"said the man, "And here they are, the very beans themselves," he went on, pulling out of his pocket a number of strange-looking beans.
"As you are so sharp," said he, "I don't mind doing a swap with you — your cow for these beans."
"Go along," said Jack. "(Do) You take me for a fool?"
"Ah! You don't know what these beans are," said the man.
"If you plant them overnight, by morning they grow right up to the sky."
"Really?" said Jack. "You don't say so."
"Yes, that is so. And if it doesn't turn out to be true, you can have your cow back."
"Right," said Jack, and hands him over Milky-White and pockets the beans.

■ , who ■Relative pron.[Nominative][非制限用法:省略不可][文]そしてその人は
■ Where are you off to? ■Set Phrase[]どこへ出かけるの?=Where are you going (to)? どこへいくの?
■ chap (to sell cows) ■ noun[口:英](牛売り)の男・衆・輩
■ (as) sharp as a needle ■IDM[]利巧な 抜け目ない
■ a number of ■determiner[限定詞]いくつかの =several
■ don't mind doing ■verb[] ~しても構わない。
■ do/make a swap (ofB:物 forC:物) (withA:相手) ■ 交換する
■ turn out to be (true) ■PHRV[]結果・結局(その通りに)なるとわかる
■ hand A over B ■PHRV[]AにBを引き渡す
■ pocket ■verb[] 懐に入れる

Back home goes Jack and said to his mother:
"You'll never guess Mother what I got for Milky-White."
And his mother becomes very excited:
"Five pounds? Ten? Fifteen? No, it can't be twenty."
"I told you, you couldn't guess. What do you see to these beans? They're magical. Plant them overnight and — ”
"What?" said Jack's mother. "Have you been such a fool, such a dolt, such an idiot?
Take that! Take that! Take that!
And as for your precious beans here they go out of the window. And now off with you to bed. Not a sup shall you drink, and not a bit shall you swallow this very night.”
So Jack went upstairs to his little room in the attic, and sad and sorry he was, to be sure.
At last he dropped off to sleep.

■ a dolt ■noun[C][ドウトゥ]うすのろ まぬけ
■ Take that! ■Phrase[口][なじる時の発言](相手を打ちながら)これでもか!これでもくらえ!
 →as for your precious beans here they go out of the window.
  あんたの大事な豆なんて、窓の外へ行ってしまえ。Here they go!
■ off with you (to bed) ■Phrase[](寝室へ)行ってしまいなさい
■ a sup ■noun[C](飲み物の)ひと口
 →Not a sup shall you drink, and not a bit shall you swallow this very night.

When he woke up, the room looked so funny.
The sun was shining into part of it, and all the rest was quite dark and shady.
So Jack jumped up and went to the window.
And what do you think he saw?
Why, the beans that his mother had thrown out of the window into the garden had sprung up into a giant beanstalk which went up and up till it reached the sky.
So the man spoke the truth after all.

■ that ■Relative pron.[Objective:=which][限定用法][antecedent:the bean]
■ spring up ■verb[spring sprang sprung] (植物が)芽を出す
■ which ■Relative pron.[Nominative][限定用法][antecedent:a giant beanstalk]

The beanstalk grew up quite close past Jack’s window,
so all he had to do was open it and give a jump onto the beanstalk which ran up just like a big ladder.
So Jack climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed till at last he reached the sky.
And when he got there, he found a long broad road going as straight as a dart.
So he walked along, and he walked along, and he walked along till he came to a great big tall house, and on the doorstep there was a great big tall woman.

■ which ■Relative pron.[Nominative][antecedent:the beanstalk]
■ broad ■adj.[]広々とした
■ a long broad road [going as straight as a dart] ■Post modified [with a present participle]

"Good morning, ma'am," said Jack, quite polite-like.
"Could you be so kind as to give me some breakfast?" For he was as hungry as a hunter.
"It's breakfast you want, is it?" said the great big tall woman.
"It's breakfast you'll be if you don't move off from here. My man is an ogre and there's nothing he likes better than boys broiled on toast. You'd better be moving on or he'll be coming.”
"Oh! please, ma'am, do give me something to eat, ma'am. I have had nothing to eat since yesterday morning, really and truly, ma'am," said Jack. "I may as well be broiled as die of hunger."

■ Could you be so kind as to do? ■Phrase[英:丁寧]~していただけませんか?
 →Would you be so kind as to hold that door for me?
 →このWould を Could にはできないという解説もありましたが、間違いなくCould と言ってますね。
■ boys [broiled on toast] ■Post modified[with a past participle:受身]
■ may (just) as well do (as) ■IDM[may mightの後] Aするくらいなら~したほうがマシ
■ die of A ■verb[]Aによって死ぬ
 →die of hunger 餓死する

Well, the ogre's wife was not half so bad after all.
So she took Jack into the kitchen, and gave him a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of milk.
But Jack hadn't half-finished these when thump! thump! thump!
And the whole house began to tremble with the noise of someone coming.
"Goodness gracious me! It's my old man," said the ogre's wife.
"What on earth shall I do? Come along quick! Jump in here!"
And she bundled Jack into the oven just as the ogre came in.

■ not half bad ■IDM[] 悪くない とても良い
 →not half so bad あまり悪くない 少し良い
■ take A into B ■PHRV[]AをBに入れる 入会させる
■ a hunk of (bread) ■noun[] 肉やパンの厚切り
■ bundle A into B ■PHRV[] BにAをごちゃごちゃに投げ込む

He was a big one, to be sure.
At his belt he had three calves strung up by the heels, and he unhooked them and threw them down on the table and said:
I smell the blood of an Englishman,
Be he alive, or be he dead,
I'll have his bones to grind my bread."

■ to be sure ■Adv.[] 確かに いかにも
■ (three) calves ■noun[Plur.](三匹の)子牛
■ three calves [strung up] ■Post modified[with a past participle]

"Nonsense, dear," said his wife. "You're dreaming. Or perhaps you smell the scraps of that little boy you liked so much for yesterday's dinner. Here, you go and have a wash and tidy up, and by the time you come back your breakfast'll be ready for you."
So off the ogre went, and Jack was just going to jump out of the oven and run away when the woman told him; "Wait till he's asleep. He always has a doze after breakfast."

Well, the ogre had his breakfast, and after that he goes to a big chest and takes out a couple of bags of gold. And (goes) down he sits and counts till at last his head began to nod and he began to snore until the whole house shook again.

■ Off A went ■PHRV[] Aは向かっていった
 →Off you go! さ、行きなさい。Off we go! さ、出発だ。


Then Jack crept out on tiptoe from his oven, and as he was passing the ogre, he took one of the bags of gold under his arm, and off he pelters till he came to the beanstalk, and then he threw down the bag of gold, which, of course, fell into his mother's garden, and then he climbed down and climbed down till at last he got home and told his mother and showed her the gold and said, "Well, mother, wasn't I right about the beans? They are really magical, you see."

■ Off A pelter ■[] Aは急いで行った
■ pelter ■verb[] 急いでいる
■ , which ■Relative pron.[非制限用法][antecedent:the bag of gold]そしてそれは
So they lived on the bag of gold for some time, but at last they came to the end of it,
and Jack made up his mind to try his luck once more at the top of the beanstalk.
So one fine morning he rose up early, and got onto the beanstalk, and he climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed till at last he came out onto the road again and up to the great tall house he had been to before.
There, sure enough, was the great tall woman a-standing on the doorstep.

■ live on ■PHRV[] 生き続ける
■ for some time ■[] しばらくの間 当座
■ come to the end/bottom of ■IDM[] 行き詰る 行き止まる
 →Come to the end of one's devil's luck. 悪運が尽きる
■ make up one's mind ■PHRV[]決心する

"Good morning, ma'am," said Jack, as bold as brass, "Could you be so good as to give me something to eat?"
"Go away, my boy," said the big tall woman, "or else my man will eat you up for breakfast.
But aren't you the youngster who came here once before?
Do you know, that very day my man missed one of his fine gold bags."
"That's strange, ma'am," said Jack, "I daresay I could tell you something about that, but I'm so hungry I can't speak till I've had something to eat."

■ as bold as brass ■IDM[]実に図々しく
■ youngster ■noun[C]若者 子供(特に)少年
■ who ■Relative pron.[nominative:制限用法][antecedent:the youngster]
■ that very day ■noun[]まさにその日
■ daresay/dare say ■PHRV[英]=suppose たぶん おそらく 


Well, the big tall woman was so curious that she took him in and gave him something to eat.
But he had scarcely begun munching it as slowly as he could when thump! thump! thump! they heard the giant's footstep, and his wife hid Jack away in the oven again.
All happened as it did before, in came the ogre he said, "Fee-fi-fo-fum," and had his breakfast off three broiled oxen.
Then he said, "Wife, bring me the hen that lays the golden eggs."
So she brought it, and the ogre said, "Lay," and it laid an egg all of gold.
And then the ogre began to nod his head, and to snore until the house shook.

■ All happened as it did before ■以前に起こったこととまったく同じことが起こった
■ oxen ■noun[Plur.]オス牛(ox)の複数形
■ that ■Relative pron[Nominative:制限用法=which][antecedent:the hen]
■ lay ■verb[lays laid laid] 卵を産む

Then Jack crept out of the oven on tiptoe and caught hold of the golden hen, and was off before you could say "Jack Robinson."
But this time the hen gave a cackle which woke the ogre, and just as Jack got out of the house he heard him calling, "Wife, wife, what have you done with my golden hen?"
And the wife said, "Why, my dear?"
But that was all Jack heard, for he rushed off to the beanstalk and climbed down like a horse on fire.
And when he got home he showed his mother the wonderful hen, and said "Lay" to it; and it laid a golden egg every time he said "Lay."

■ creep (out of) ■verb[creep crept crept]こっそり(出る)
■ before you could say "Jack Robinson" ■IDM[]あっという間に たちまちのうちに
■ which ■Relative pron.[Nominative][antecedent:a cackle]

Well it wasn't long before Jack made up his mind to have another try at his luck up there at the top of the beanstalk.
So one fine morning he rose up early and got to the beanstalk, and he climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed, and he climbed till he got to the top.

But this time he knew better than to go straight to the ogre's house.
And when he got near it, he waited behind a bush till he saw the ogre's wife come out with a pail to get some water, and then he crept into the house and got into a big copper pot.
He hadn't been there long when he heard thump! thump! thump! as before, and in came the ogre and his wife.
"Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman. I smell him, wife, I smell him."
"Do you, my dearie?" said the ogre's wife. "Then, if it's that little rogue that stole your gold and the hen that laid the golden eggs. He's sure to go in the oven."
And they both rushed to the oven.

But Jack wasn't there, luckily.

■ rogue ■noun[C] 悪党 ごろつき いたずらっ子
■ that ■Relative pron.[Nominative:制限用法=who][antecedent:that little rogue]
■ that ■Relative pron.[Nominative:制限用法=which][antecedent:the hen]

So the ogre sat down to the breakfast and ate it, but every now and then
he would
mutter, "Well, I could have sworn–" and he got up and searched the larder and the cupboards and everything, only, luckily, he didn't think of the copper pot.

After breakfast was over, the ogre called out, "Wife, wife, bring me my golden harp."
So she brought it and put it on the table before him.
Then he said, "Sing!" and the golden harp sang most beautifully.
And it went on singing till the ogre fell asleep, and commenced to snore like thunder.

■ (every now and then) A would do■IDM[過去の繰り返しや習慣] (時々) よくAは~したものだ
■ mutter ■verb[]ぶつぶつ言う
■ I could have sworn (that節) ■やっぱり間違いなかった
■ larder ■noun[C]食料貯蔵庫
■ commence ■verb[形式ばった言い方]~を開始する 始める


Then Jack lifted up the copper lid very quietly and got down like a mouse and crept on his hands and knees till he came to the table, when up he crawled, caught hold of the golden harp and dashed with it towards the door.
But the harp called out quite loud, "Master! Master!" and the ogre woke just in time to see Jack running off with his harp.

Jack ran as fast as he could, and the ogre came rushing after, and would soon have caught him, only Jack had a head-start and dodged him a bit and knew where he was going.
When he got to the beanstalk the ogre was not more than twenty yards away when suddenly he saw Jack disappear.
And when he came to the end of the road he saw Jack underneath climbing down for dear his life.
Well, the ogre didn't like trusting himself to such a ladder, and he stood and waited, so Jack got another head start.

But just then the harp cried out, "Master! Master!" and the ogre swung himself down the beanstalk, which shook with his weight.
Down climbed Jack, and after him climbed the ogre.

■ be not more than ■多くても~しかない せいぜい~くらい
■ for dear one's life ■IDM[]必死になって 全力を尽くして
■ , which ■Relative pron.[Nominative:非制限用法]

By this time Jack had climbed down and climbed down and climbed down till he was very nearly home.
So he called out, "Mother! Mother! bring me an axe, bring me an axe."
And his mother came rushing out with the axe in her hand, but when she came to the beanstalk she stood stock-still with fright, for she saw there the ogre with his legs just through the clouds.

But Jack jumped down and got hold of the axe and gave a chop at the beanstalk which cut it half into.
The ogre felt the beanstalk shake and quiver, so he stopped to see what was the matter. Then Jack gave another chop with the axe, and the beanstalk was cut in two and began to topple over.
Then the ogre fell down and broke his crown, and the beanstalk came toppling after.

Then Jack showed his mother his golden harp, and what with showing that and selling the golden eggs, Jack and his mother became very rich, and he married a great princess, and they lived happy ever after.

■ stock-still ■Adv.[]微動だにしないで
■ cut A into ■PHRV[]切り込む
■ topple over ■PHRV[]ひっくり返る
■ what with ■Adv.[慣用的用法] =Owing to =because of =as a result of

