Last vacation in Vancouver!

This is my diary:)

Vancouver Japanese foods!

2013-09-08 22:34:25 | 日記
today,it was sunny.oh not sunny,actually.but i heard there are few not rainy days in its not rainy so I can say it's sunny:)

so I went around downtown.

as everyone said,there are lots of Japanese restaurant.that's true.
but some of them looked a little bit strange,such as JAPADOG..What is

I saw this restaurant in NY as well,but I never tried it..
So after all I went to the usual..

It remind me Toronto:)
I felt good.
But OMG..I will be fat..again..

Tomorrow I will start a volunteer work:)YAY!!
its my first I'm excited!!

Vancouver library

2013-09-07 22:15:16 | 日記
Today I had nothing to do.So I went to a library.I think a library here is so convenient,free internet and many seats and big big big!!
its same as Toronto.for that I really envy Canadian!!!!

Oh,today I heard from mother Olympics will be held in Tokyo in 2020:)it's awesome!!!but we have many things to think in Japan such as nuclear issue.

But anyway I can see Olympics in my city in my life. I'm excited;)

Kiki's delivery Service

2013-09-07 22:12:23 | 日記
Today is my 4th day in Vancouver.
I went to view my new house,because unfortunately I have to move from this house by the end of this month.I love a present house.There are 4 Korean girls,so sometimes we talk and have a dinner together.this remind me the life in Toronto I stayed with a wonderful Korean girl.
But the house I viewed today was also good.There are 10 people from all over the world.and fabulous room and kitchen.Im not sure if I can get along with them.but I hope I I decided to live there from next month.

Oh,today I had a dinner with my room mates.They made Korean BBQ!!it was awesome.

and during dinner,suddenly a rainbow came up in the sky.Wow

I wish something nice would happen:)

And before I went to the bed,I watched 『魔女の宅急便』with my roommate with English sub.
I watched that many times,but today I felt something new.
Sometimes she couldn't do very well, and she depressed and was in trouble,but at that time she did her best without thinking.its so powerful.i have to learn something from this.that is what I forgot these days..

1st day!!!

2013-09-07 14:37:47 | 日記
Today I start my daily.
I hope I can keep this till next March.

3days ago,i moved to Vancouver.
It's a beautiful and convenient city.
But I'm lonely.i miss my friends in Toronto.and in this week I have nothing to do..boring..
But I have to look for a new house.So these days I always search it on the Internet.i hope I could find a good house.

Today I listened to Japanese music,好きな人,kiroro sang.i understand the lyrics.I miss my boyfriend.


Oh,I saw a big rainbow:)