Mieko Carey

Hafa A dai!

I am OL!!

2011-01-30 17:30:33 | 日記
OL in japan we call OL who is Office Lady!!

Today No Photo becuase I was a OL!
I was training total 8hours!

this morning we rode bike 6hours. it was nice weather and beatiful place.
we saw Kangaroo. Their legs were really strong Jump around!

then we swaim 2hours afternoon.
it was fun day and I felt good and fun to see nice view without Laps!

when I came back home I had to stop Bakery !!I saw beatiful Buleberry Maffin!!!!!

Miss Clubmte!

2011-01-28 18:04:36 | 日記
Today was my day off. But I went to swim morning.

then I went to see my saipan co-worker saki-chan!, she is living in gold cost now.

we had lunch together and talk talk for 3-4hours,,,,and few shopping too.
I bought some soap from Dead sea!!!! they say it clean my skin,,Hopefully

Saki-chan said the storm is coming to hit Gold cost next week....
I hope not but still I can ride 200K this SUNDAY YHA!,

Saipan friend!!

2011-01-27 20:24:50 | 日記
Tonight, I went to Melanie ( who is my friends from saipan and ALSO they will be my home saty family from 7th of Next month!!)`s house for dinner.

OH, we drove up 22% hills!!!!!!!That mean when I move to their house I HAVE TO RIDE my bike this hills!! I will hide my sandales to bush so I can walk up,,,,,,,

you see this nice view!!!!

they just got baby dog his name is BO
he is SUPER cute and small.

when I picked him up I thought ` I will break his bone!!!`

I had super nice time with them and it was good becuase tomorrow I am day off, so I ahd enjoying OZ wine too!!!

here is the Picture japanese triathlete!!!!!!!!!!!!
how dark I AM!!!!I am represent of SAIAPN!!!!!

Aussie DAY!

2011-01-26 12:11:54 | 日記
Yesterday, after ride I was super tried! it was first day since I got here the feeling. That mean I pushed and good training but also I have to be careful to not over training.
yesterday, I left hotel 4:30AM for ride. I thought it was too eraly!!
BUT I saw MANY MANY riders already were riding, I guss they start earlier then 4;30 am! Again, I impressed AUSSIE!

Today it is australia DAY!
I asked my triathlon friend herer` WHAT you guys do for australia day`
the answer was

1, go beach
2, drink
3, afternoon FIGHT! 1,2,3 make sense,,,,,,

I don`t know about NO,3 BUT 1 &2 is same as July 4th!

So I went to beach to see what they do,,,,
I saw rock climbing, and play tool for kids and soooooooo many people there!

BUT We are going to swim at 3pm. then maybe I bring my beer to beach ( OH<<<here you can not drink on the beach) so I go pathway!!!
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