Mieko Carey

Hafa A dai!

fun time before OZ

2010-01-30 22:52:26 | 日記
at first I am sorry to my friends in Japan I did`t tell you that i will be back to Japan.I just stay here a few days before to go australia.
i decieded to spend all time with my cute nieces!

I went to Park to meet them yesterday. they didn`t know I am coming.
Yuna (old one) she seemed not surprise when she saw me she just said` A! Mi-chan!!` But young one Nao she is 1year 11month She was freez with Rabbit costume for more then 5minute! she didn`t know who I am and she needed time to understand what is going on here!!

i played jump rope, soccer with them and the end I was playing many kids there.
all mom were chatting with mom`s and they said ` thank you to palay with kids!!!`
Hey, it is your job!!!!

later all of us went to home together.
I have grand mom she will be 98years old this year. I tool picture with youngest to oldest!!
Imagin, Nao (she will be 2 years next month) will be my grand mom after 96years!!!

Today we went to indoor swimming pool.
This is kind of we have to go when I am in Japan all the time.
all my family want me to teach swim to Yuna.

Today, Nao`s first time to go Pool!!!
she calls her swim wear ` Oppai!` by herself. it mean BOOBS! she calls ` I wear Oppai, I go the pool wearing Oppai!!`

she was crying first but when she saw her sis swimming and having fun Nao tried and the end she put her face under water and kicking!

I am leaving here tomorrow after noon but they asked me to take them Pool again so we will go to the pool tomorrow morning again!!
and leave to go OZ!



