


2008-10-27 10:54:23 | 英語の学習と研究

(1) 4  (2) 3  (3) 4  (4) 4  (5) 3  (6) 1  (7) 3  (8) 1  (9) 1  (10) 3  (11) 1

問題1. 空所に入れるのにもっとも適切なものを選べ。
(1) This desk is (   ) wood.
     1. made of  2. made to  3. made into   4. made in
(2) The baby (   ) Keiko by her parents.
     1. was named  2. named  3. was naming  4. names
(3) Yesterday I (   ) a stranger on the bus.
     1. was spoken  2. was spoken to by  3. was spoken by to  4. was spoken to with
(4) His name is (   ) everyone in this city.
     1. known to  2. known for  3. known  4. known as
(5) My grandfather (   ) computers.
     1. is interested in  2. is interesting in  3. is interest in  4. interests in
(6) This movie really made us (   ).
     1. excite  2. to excite  3. exciting  4. excited
(7) We are very (   ) the result.
     1. disappointing in  2. disappointed of  3. disappointing with  4. disappointed at
(8) I (   ) the news that he entered the university.
     1. was satisfied for  2. was satisfied in  3. was satisfied with  4. was satisfied to
(9) Look at this dress (   ) by my mother.
     1. made  2. make  3. making  4. to make
(10) The boy (   ) a letter over there is Tim.
     1. write  2. to write  3. written  4. writing
(11) His story (   ) strange. He must be lying.
     1. sounds  2. is sounding
(12) My mother asked me (   ) I would go there the next day.
     1. if  2. that  3. what  4. where
(13) Please ask the doctor (   ) I can see him tomorrow.
     1. who  2. what  3. that  4. if
(14) Do you know the number of girls (   ) to the party?
     1. comes  2. came  3. will come  4. coming

問題2. 次の日本文の意味を表すように、それぞれ下の語句を並べかえて空所を補い、英文を完成せよ。ただし、選択肢には不要な語句が1つ含まれている。
(1) どうすれば地球を救えるかを学ばなければならない。
     You have to learn (   )(   )(   )(   )(   ).
    [ can/ how/ save/ the earth/ we/ why ]

(2) 先生が運んできたスーツケースは誰のものなの。
     (   )(   )(   )(   )(   ) by the teacher?
    [ suitcase/ carried/ carrying/ is/ the/ whose ]


