Cemented Carbide Inserts

Standard Carbide Insert & Special Carbide Inserts

The Different Types of Boring Tools for Metalworking

2023-07-31 12:29:21 | Carbide Inserts

Put simply, the manufacturing process of boring is enlarging a hole in a piece of metal. There are quite a few different pieces of machinery or approaches that can be used to make holes from lathes and mills to line boring or interpolation. We wanted to do a quick break down of the different kinds of boring tools?available to bore holes and/or secondary boring operations.

Boring barsThreading Inserts

Boring deep holes can involve extreme length-to-diameter ratios, or overhang, when it comes to tooling assemblies. Since it can be difficult to maintain accuracy and stability in these scenarios, we need boring bars to extend tooling assemblies and while maintaining the rigidity to make perfect circles with on-spec finishes.

Solid boring bars

Typically made of carbide for finishing or heavy metal for roughing, solid boring bars have dense structures that make for a more stable cut as axial force is applied.

Damping bars

When cutting speeds are compromised, or surface finishes show chatter in a long-reach boring operation, damping bars are an option. They have integrated damping systems. Our version, the Smart Damper, works as both a counter damper and friction damper so that chatter is essentially absorbed.


Boring heads

Boring heads are specifically designed to enlarge an existing hole. They hold cutters in position so they can rotate and gradually remove material until the hole is at the desired diameter.

Rough boring heads

Once a bore is started with a drill or by another method, rough boring heads are the choice for removing larger amounts of material. They are built more rigid, to handle the increased depths of cut, torque and axial forces needed to efficiently and consistently make the passes to remove materials.

Fine boring heads

Fine boring heads are best used for more delicate and precise removal of material that finishes the work the rough boring head started. They are often balanced for high-speed cutting since that’s the best approach for reaching exact specifications.

Twin cutter boring heads

Most boring heads feature one cutter that cuts as its feed diameter is adjusted by the machine. There are twin cutter boring heads that can speed up cutting and add versatility. For example, the Series 319 and other BIG KAISER twin cutter boring heads include two cutters that can perform balanced or stepped cutting without additional accessories or adjustments by switching the mounting locations of the insert holders that have varied heights.

Digital boring heads

Traditionally, adjusting boring heads has been painstaking and time-consuming, especially when it’s done in the machine. It’s easy to make mistakes when maneuvering to read the diameter dial and adjusting it to the right diameter. Digital boring heads have a LED that makes precise adjustments much easier.


Starter drills

Since cutters are on diameter of boring heads and not their face, they are not able to initiate a hole on a flat surface or raw material. Especially in smaller bores, fluted drills called starter drills can be used to get the hole started before rough boring.

Specialty boring heads

Back boring and face grooving heads, as well as chamfering insert holders, are available for some of the most common secondary operations, after a hole is bored. We produce specific heads with cutters at the appropriate angles so each of these operations can be done without manually moving the part, changing the tool or adjusting the cutter angle.

Modular boring tools

Since limiting length-to-diameter ratios is so crucial to boring success, it’s extremely valuable to be able to make your tooling assembly as short as possible. DNMG Insert Our modular components are based on a cylindrical connection with radial locking screw that allows for the ideal combination of different kinds of shanks, reductions and extensions, bars, ER collet adapters and coolant inducers.

Looking for some help finding the right boring equipment for your next job or new machine? Our engineers are here to help. Get in touch with us here.

The Tungsten Carbide Blog: https://abrahamboy.exblog.jp/
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Prototype to Production: Practical Tips to Move Your Project_3

2023-07-28 15:34:55 | Carbide Inserts
March 31, 2023

Moving from prototype to production is a crucial phase in the product development process as it facilitates the production of quality and market-worthy products. Generally, manufacturing businesses have to meet various quality standards while they work towards achieving their goal and lowering production costs.

An excellent prototype to final product program helps you to actualize the design ideas in your head in the best ways possible. This article guides you through the prototype to the production process, giving practical tips for a smooth process. Let’s get to it!

Contents hide I Why Do You Need a Prototype Before Production? II Steps Involved in the Prototype to Production Process III Practical Tips for a Smooth Prototype to Production Run IV How to Make Prototyping to Mass Production Successful? V Meet Your Prototype and Part Production Needs with WayKen VI FAQs

Why Do You Need a Prototype Before Production?

Prototypes are the ideal representation of a design created before the final product. It is essential to production as it facilitates an easy understanding of the product. Prototype production remains one of the crucial phases of the product development cycle. Other benefits of prototyping production include the following:

Testing design features and developing extra features;Confirming design functionality;Detecting design flaws and rectifying them before production;Sourcing feedback from users;Creating a physical model for further review and closer study.

Steps Involved in the Prototype to Production Process

Each manufacturing process has its peculiarities, as also the products. It would help to note that having a method that worked for a product you have launched doesn’t guarantee that it would suit your new project or products. The standard processing stages involved in moving from prototype to manufacturing of final products are as follows.

1. Creating a Digital Prototype Model

Digital prototype model creation helps you to turn your unique idea into a physical product. However, this involves a series of procedures such as:

1.1 Conceptual Prototyping

Conceptual prototyping involves communicating your ideas and examining concepts similar to yours. It is one of the cost-effective prototyping processes. This communication quickly identifies fundamental product requirements, features, and likely challenges. Sketching and Styrofoam cutting helps to illustrate and communicate ideas in conceptual prototyping.

1.2 Evolutionary Prototyping

Evolutionary prototyping is ideal for further analyzing and modifying a concept prototype. Cost, performance, and material availability influence this type of prototyping. Additionally, this process is progressive in that the initial design is repeatedly tested and examined pending its tungsten carbide inserts high-volume manufacturing and launching.

1.3 Total Timeline of Creating Prototypes

The estimated timeline for prototype creation relies on the stage of prototyping you are currently on. Depending on how fast your design gets approved, it could take a week to a month if you are in the concept and ideation stage. However, prototyping can take some days to a few weeks if your design is ready, depending on the complexities of the design.

Rapid prototyping manufacturers for a prototype that requires modification would help reduce the estimated prototyping time by a few days. WayKen’s prototyping services guarantee faster production of your prototypes. Asides from getting your prototypes ready in a few days, we help to verify and repeat your design as you wish.

2. Moving from Prototype to Production: Market Research and Product Testing

Whenever Carbide Inserts your prototype is ready, it is essential to test its acceptability and demand levels before production. So, how do you achieve that?

2.2 Examine Demand for the Product

One of the most accessible means of testing your product’s demand level is through crowdfunding projects. It indicates that your product will be in high demand after production once people are interested in crowdfunding.

2.3 Tooling, Sampling, and Non-Production Release

Tooling involves the conversion of prototypes from a digital product to a physical sample with various replications. On the other hand, sampling assesses the products based on their performance and functionality. It helps to make necessary modifications to a product before mass production.

The tooling and sampling processes constitute the non-production release phase, after which the data is crucial for forms of production, such as 3D printing prototypes and CNC machined prototypes.

2.4 Ensure the Prototype Is Good for Production

After development, you can modify your prototype’s design to enhance its quality and eliminate errors. Eliminating errors or flaws in the prototype phase would optimize time and production costs in the long run.

3. Migrating to Low Volume Production

If you have successfully designed and ensured that your prototypes meet the required standards in form, function, aesthetics, and fit, the next step is to move to low-volume production.

Low-volume manufacturing involves producing products in small batches. These batches may range from 50 to a few thousand to meet the market demand. In addition, low-volume production is a primary step to high-volume manufacturing, depending on the project. However, here are some of the factors you need to consider before you proceed with low-volume production.

3.1 Draft the Required Documents

The list of documents below is those that would aid the low-volume manufacturing of parts:

3D Files: they are files containing the prototype product design files. These files must be well-detailed and high-quality while marking all system parts.Product Requirement Document: the RPD helps spell out your product’s purpose, features, and value.Material, Color, and Finish: it contains details about the color, material type, and preferred finish applied to every region of your prototype.Non-Disclosure Agreement: the NDA is a contract that keeps the prototyping and production details confidential. Your manufacturing partner signs the contract showing that your designs will not be shared with any third party.Costed Bill of Material: also called CBOM. It contains the cost of materials for all the parts used in your prototype.Final Prototype Review: this document records the prototype’s progress, defining its major setbacks and issues.

3.2 Ideal Lead Time

The lead time is often short if you outsource your project from prototype to final product phase. The product’s complexity and production scale are other factors determining the lead time for your prototyping. Products with complex designs and large-scale volumes take longer lead time than simple and low-scale ones.

3.3 Estimate the Production Budget

How fast your project transition from prototyping to manufacturing depends on your manufacturing budget. You can have smooth, low-volume manufacturing working with a substantial budget. It gives the manufacturer adequate resources to design, develop molds and use the ideal material for your project.

Practical Tips for a Smooth Prototype to Production Run

Here are factors you must consider to achieve a seamless transition from prototype to production.

1. Choose a Reliable Manufacturing Partner

You must partner with a reliable and experienced manufacturing partner to get the best results from your prototype machining. While you consider other factors such as costs, quality assurance and control, production timelines, and availability of materials, choosing a reliable manufacturer should not be overlooked.

Ensure you do meticulous research on potential manufacturing partners. Contact them for quotes and compare them before choosing the right one for your project.

2. Use Proof Concept to Validate Product Design

It is wrong to assume a product is ready for manufacturing without reviewing it. A typical rule of thumb to remember is that a manufacturer with an understanding of the manufacturing methods and materials required to produce a product should not manufacture it without reviewing the design.

As a result, it is essential to reach out to parts suppliers and request a “proof of concept.” This proof validates the parts supplier’s claims, ensuring you are not embarking on a futile journey when producing your product.

3. Select the Right Materials and Manufacturing Process

Selecting the suitable manufacturing process and materials for your project is an essential initial step in the prototype and production phases. There are various production processes, each with pros and cons. However, the budget, material type, lead time, and quality often determine the manufacturing process used.

However, you must choose an ideal material and production process. You should know that the material significantly influences your project’s production cost and quality. So, when selecting a material, examine its cost, manufacturability, mechanical properties, and availability.

4. Develop a Working Prototype

Developing a product from prototype to production stage depends on having a working proof of concept. It allows you to test and modify the design till it meets the requirements and use it for illustrations.

You should update 3D CAD files to ensure any tooling parts match the prototypes. More importantly, ensure you test all components and apply all essential features, such as assembly diagrams and guidance systems.

5. Quality Assurance and Control

Testing is one of the most vital aspects of assuring the quality of a prototype or production product. It helps to detect any possible flaws or errors early, rectifying them before mass producing and launching the product.

So, depending on the prototype development phase and product type, you can utilize various tests to check for potential flaws. For example, usability helps assess a product’s user experience, while functional testing helps test its functionality.

How to Make Prototyping to Mass Production Successful?

Some errors will affect the successful migration from prototyping to mass production. It would be best if you avoided these errors as much as possible. Here are some of them.

1. Tooling Before Design Completion

Manufacturing a product before the completion of its design process is an expensive mistake that adversely affects the tooling made if you make any changes to the design. In some cases, the design modification has drastic effects that result in dumping the tooling made. As a result, you would have to make new ones which cause a hike in the production cost.

2. Avoid Approve an Untested Product for Production

It is crucial to have your product design have experts that understand the proper manufacturing process for your design to review it before approving it for manufacturing. Submitting your design to a reliable manufacturer is advisable for a ‘proof of concept’ guaranteeing design feasibility.

3. Confirm Reliability and Performance Test Plan

It is an entirely bad idea to produce products for sale without having an adequate test plan for reliability and performance. You will have competitors and bad reviews if such products perform below standard.

Hence, you must take this slow and note all your product needs and how consumers would relate to them. Afterward, you can strategize a reliability and performance test for such a product to assess its performance and push it to the market.

Meet Your Prototype and Part Production Needs with WayKen

WayKen is the reliable manufacturing partner you need for the smooth validation and acceleration of your plastic and metal prototypes. Our team of skilled technicians and professional engineers ensures your products have superior quality from prototyping to production.

Our experts have in-depth knowledge of CNC machining, injection molding, and 3D printing services for low- and high-volume production. Upload your design file today, and let’s handle your next project expertly!


Is a prototype expensive?

It can be costly to create a professional prototype as its cost ranges from 10 to 100 times the actual price of the final product depending on the production process, required efforts, and the design complexity. However, using cost-effective materials, manufacturing methods, and simple design helps to minimize prototyping costs.

Which steps are used to drive from prototype to production?

The typical manufacturing processes that help to drive from prototype to production include design creation, prototyping, product development, and documentation.

What is a production prototype?

A production prototype is a product created after the engineering prototype has been tested and approved. This prototype is the last one that confirms that a product’s design is without flaws before proceeding with mass production.

Why is idea prototyping essential before mass production tooling?

Prototype production enables engineers and product designers to fully understand the material required for mass tooling, which helps to determine the cost-per-unit of mass-producing the product.

The Tungsten Carbide Blog: https://robinsonja.exblog.jp/
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Classification And Application Of Common Cemented Carbide

2023-07-27 18:00:41 | Carbide Inserts

Commonly used cemented carbides are divided into three categories according to their composition and performance characteristics: tungsten-cobalt, tungsten-titanium-cobalt, tungsten-titanium-tantalum (niobium), and tungsten-cobalt and tungsten-titanium-cobalt cemented carbides are the most widely used in production.

(1) Tungsten-cobalt cemented carbide

The main components are tungsten carbide (WC) and cobalt. The grades are represented by the code name YG ("hard" and "cobalt" in Pinyin prefix), followed by the percentage of cobalt content. For example, YG6 represents a tungsten-cobalt cemented carbide with a cobalt content of 6%, and a tungsten carbide content of 94%.

(2) Tungsten-titanium-cobalt cemented carbide

The main components are tungsten carbide (WC), titanium carbide (TiC) and cobalt. The grades are represented by the code name YT ("hard" and "titanium" in Chinese pinyin prefix), followed by the percentage of titanium carbide content. For example, YT15 represents a tungsten-titanium-cobalt cemented carbide with 15% titanium carbide content.

(3) Tungsten titanium tantalum (niobium) hard alloy

This type of cemented carbide is also called general cemented carbide or universal cemented carbide. The main components are tungsten carbide (WC), titanium carbide (TiC), tantalum carbide (TaC) or niobium carbide (NbC) and cobalt. The grades are represented by the code YW (the initials of the Chinese pinyin of "hard" and "wan") followed by an ordinal number.

Application of cemented carbide

(1) Tool material

Cemented carbide has the largest number of tool materials, which can be used to make turning tools, milling cutters, planers, drills, etc. Among them, tungsten-cobalt cemented carbide Cemented Carbide Inserts is suitable for the processing of ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals with short chips and the processing of non-metallic materials, such as cast iron, cast brass, bakelite, etc.; tungsten-titanium-cobalt cemented carbide is suitable for steel and other ferrous metals. Chip processing. Among similar alloys, those with more cobalt are suitable for rough machining, and those with less cobalt are suitable for finishing. The machining life of general-purpose cemented carbide for difficult-to-machine materials such as stainless steel is much longer than that of other cemented carbides.

(2) Mold material

Cemented carbide is mainly used as cold drawing die, cold punching die, cold extrusion die, cold forging die and other cold working dies.

The common feature of hard alloy cold heading dies is that they require good Surface Milling Inserts impact toughness, fracture toughness, fatigue strength, flexural strength and good wear resistance under the wear-resistant working conditions of impact or strong impact. Usually select medium and high cobalt and medium and coarse grain alloy grades, such as YG15C.

Generally speaking, the relationship between the wear resistance and toughness of cemented carbide is contradictory: the increase in wear resistance will lead to a decrease in toughness, and the increase in toughness will inevitably lead to a decrease in wear resistance. Therefore, when selecting alloy grades, it is necessary to meet the specific use requirements according to the processing object and processing working conditions.

If the selected grade is prone to early cracking and damage during use, a grade with higher toughness should be selected; if the selected grade is prone to early wear and damage during use, it should be selected with higher hardness and better wear resistance. . The following grades: YG6C, YG8C, YG15C, YG18C, YG20C From left to right, the hardness decreases, the wear resistance decreases, and the toughness increases; vice versa.

(3) Measuring tools and wear-resistant parts

Cemented carbide is used for wear-resistant parts such as wear-resistant surface inlays and parts of measuring tools, precision bearings of grinders, guide plates and guide rods of centerless grinders, and center of lathes.

The Tungsten Carbide Blog: https://markpayne.exblog.jp/
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New Angle Head Extensions Unlock Machining Capabilities

2023-07-26 12:24:04 | Carbide Inserts

The advances in multi-axis machining in recent years have unlocked the creativity of machine shop engineers and operators. Innovations like the 5-axis machine center allow shops to explore different approaches to producing complex-geometry parts in more ways than ever before.

Despite these advances and considering the sometimes-prohibitive prices of these new machine tools, every shop still has parts come through that require a nearly impossible cut or tap, like that itch you can’t quite scratch.

Even as we explore the brave new world of Lathe Inserts multi-axis machining, one trusty, relatively simple piece of equipment remains as relevant as ever, offering a different way to scratch those pesky itches—the Angle Head. By allowing machining centers to adapt to vertical, horizontal and angular operations without repositioning the workpiece, Angle Heads can dramatically increase both accuracy and productivity in the kinds of jobs this new era of machining requires.

Recent news has made it even easier to take advantage of the accuracy and efficiency of BIG Daishowa Angle Heads. New extended reach Angle Heads are designed for drilling, light milling, tapping and key slotting in deep and hard-to-reach?sections of a workpiece. They utilize +100mm (3.937”), +200mm (7.874″) and +300mm (11.811″) extensions on standard AG90 NBS Type Angle Heads to vastly increase reach – up to a 24” gauge length on one model.

These enhancements can be added to any BCV50, BBT50 or HSK-A100 taper BIG Daishowa AG90 NBS Angle Head which utilize the AA-grade New Baby Collet, the highest accuracy collet in the world with a clamping range of ?.010”-.787”. BIG Daishowa Angle Heads are built with hardened and ground chrome-nickel steel Machining Inserts spiral bevel gears, super precision hardened and ground spindles, and high precision angular contact ball bearings. They are the most rugged and dependable Angle Heads available on the market.

To learn more about BIG Daishowa Angle Heads from BIG Kaiser, click?here.

The Tungsten Carbide Blog: https://leopoldpam.exblog.jp/
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Manufacturing Business are Benefited by CNC Turning Machines

2023-07-22 17:53:55 | Carbide Inserts

The method of spinning and milling of non-ferrous and ferrous metals is CNC machining. For iron, brass, plastic, copper, aluminum or steel, there are online machining services. Fine metals including platinum, gold, and silver are also handled by the service providers. Of sheet metal, they have an in-depth precision.

Lots of benefits are offered by using this technology in manufacturing.

Accurate Manufacture – to do extremely better, Manual millers and turners can use CNC turning machines. When handled by computers, the milling and turning process can vastly grow your business prospects. The industries such as the healthcare sector that have SNMG Insert precise and extremely complex designs need parts that are perfect. Plastic Machining is very popular.

The competition is Kept ahead – for both an old and new one, manufacturing business is quite challenging in the everyday competitive market. As computer-controlled, CNC machining is commonly popular since at producing than outdated common systems, they’re extremely expert.

Remember to fulfill the need and demand; you have the innovative technology if you are looking for large contracts or agreements with other organizations and have a manufacturing business.

The expenditure cost is reduced- one of the major benefits is dropping the consuming cost. A huge amount of money is frittered away by manufacturing engineering companies annually on wastage, because of the individual error. APKT Insert Increasing the benefits, this way expenditure can be minimized.

Minimize efforts and Increase profit – getting it is very beneficial, CNC turning machines are a bit expensive. The production cost is not reduced by this machine, but also effort and time. CNC is actually thrift technology and quite time-consuming through the edges.

Ensure the device works error-free and is right if you’re planning to buy the machine. For enhancing production, it can be a real selection. Plastic Machining is mostly in use.

Enhanced Efficiency- Without any doubt, one of the most efficient means of producing an element are CNC machines due to the fact that internal quality assurance detectors are included.

Along with its efficiency, with the best raw material use and high speed of production, CNC machining is the best standard of part fabrication and metalworking.

The Tungsten Carbide Blog: https://blog.goo.ne.jp/fredclara
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