Cemented Carbide Inserts

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Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding For DSA System

2023-03-22 16:48:30 | Carbide Inserts

Tungsten alloy radiation shielding for DSA system is a tungsten alloy shielding used for digital subtraction angiography system. DSA system, also known as digital subtraction angiography system, is a new x-ray imaging system to clearly visualize blood vessels in a bony or dense soft tissue environment by computer. Images are produced using contrast medium by subtracting a ‘pre-contrast image’ or the mask from later images, once the contrast medium has been introduced into a structure. Compared to the conventional angiography system, images obtained by digital subtraction angiography system are more clearly and intuitively, even some fine vascular structures can be displayed.

'ManufacturerDigital subtraction angiography system is suitable for the examination of heart and great vessels. It clearly shows the structural abnormality of heart anatomy, coronary, aortic coarctation, aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm, developmental anomaly of aorta, etc; and also clearly shows the cervical segment and intracranial arteries for diagnosing intracranial aneurysms, cervical artery stenosis or occlusion, vascular anomaly, arterial occlusion and for observation of intracranial tumor‘s feeding artery. In addition, digital subtraction angiography system can be used to check large blood vessels, abdominal aorta and its branches. At the same time, digital subtraction angiography system can also be used for the interventional treatment in all parts of the body lesions, such as interventional embolotherapy in treatment of liver cancer, cerebral aneurysms, Surface Milling Inserts cerebral arteriovenous malformation,and percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty, percutaneous puncture biopsy.

Since digital subtraction angiography system is an X-ray angiography system basing upon image subtracting. And X rays can inhibit, destroy or even kill biologic cells, causing different degrees of changes in physiological, pathological and biochemical aspects of organism. Therefore, it is need to use a tungsten alloy radiation shielding to shield and absorb X rays when using the digital subtraction angiography system. Tungsten alloy radiation shielding for DSA system has excellent radiation shielding performance to shield radiation and avoid it damaging human body.

The Tungsten Carbide Blog: https://samuelchri.exblog.jp/
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