ルーマニア・ランニングライフ★Romania Running Life★



2011-01-20 | 海外&ルーマニア・マラソン大会

今年のルーマニアは、「mild winter」が予想されていたように、1月中旬には穏やかな太陽が顔をのぞかせ、誰もが春のよう、という気候。長袖Tシャツ+ロングタイツ一枚で充分、スピードトレーニングできます。氷点下10℃では、故障が怖くてとてもスピード練習できないけれど、助かっています。

Antarctic Ice Marathon & 100k
The Marathon
On November 30th, 2011, the seventh Antarctic Ice Marathon will take place at 80 Degrees South, just a few hundred miles from the South Pole at the foot of the Ellsworth Mountains. This race presents a truly formidable and genuine Antarctic challenge with underfoot conditions comprising snow and ice throughout, an average windchill temperature of –20C, and the possibility of strong Katabatic winds to contend with. Furthermore, the event takes place at an altitude of 3,000 feet.

100Km Ultra Race
The Antarctic 100k ultra race will take place on December 2nd. Undoubtedly, “the world’s coldest 100”, this ultramarathon challenge is reserved for only the toughest of endurance athletes. The 100k (62.1 miles) distance will seem endless, run under a sun that never sets against the backdrop of hills, mountains and large expanses of ice. This race presents the only opportunity to complete a 100k event on the frozen continent and creates the prospect of a 100k Seven Continents Club for global ultra athletes.

For the registration fee of 9,900euro, participants will be flown round-trip from Punta Arenas, Chile, to the Union Glacier camp in the interior of the Antarctic. Competitors will also receive accommodation and food for the entire five-day Antarctic trip and entry to their races of choice.

1. Bernardo Fonseca (BRA) - 4:20:31 hrs
2. Marc de Keyser (BEL) - 4:24:24 hrs
3. Steve Hibbs (USA) - 4:46:15 hrs
4. Henri Alain d'Andria (FRA) - 4:49:09 hrs
5. Tristan Miller (AUS) - 4:59:08 hrs
6. Irenesuz Szpot (POL) - 5:04:10 hrs
7. Clayton Conservani (BRA) - 5:12:51 hrs
8. Scott James Mulligan (GBR) - 5:16:54 hrs
9. Brett Karlson (RSA) - 5:19:32 hrs
10. Greg Swan (AUS) - 5:23:11 hrs
11. Frank Rohde (GER) - 5:34:02 hrs
12. Nolan Peterson (USA) - 5:43:26
12. Tommy Yen-Po Chen (TWN) - 5:43:26 hrs
14. Vlado Staresinic (CRO) - 5:44:45 hrs
15. Paul Grealish (IRL) - 5:50:33 hrs
16. Colman Greene (IRL) - 5:51:58 hrs
17. Kenneth Krys (CAN) - 5:53:14 hrs
18. Andrei Rosu (ROM) - 5:59:00 hrs
19. Travis Kiefer (USA) - 6:05:48 hrs
20. John Welk (USA) - 6:14:22 hrs
21. Brent Weigner (USA) - 6:17:30
22. Gavin Melgaard (AUS) - 6:25:35 hrs
23. Arnold Oliphant (USA) - 6:37:45 hrs
24. Michael Heyl (USA) - 6:43:23 hrs
25. Glenn Grossman (USA) - 7:00:28 hrs
26. Stephan Thodesan (NOR) - 7:18:44 hrs
27. Frederic Zimer (FRA) - 7:24:58
28. Jon O'Shea (GBR) - 7:37:22 hrs
28. Gary van Vuuren (ZIM) - 7:37:22 hrs
30. Joseph Lim (USA) - 8:02:07 hrs
31. Krishna Prasad Chigurupati (IND) - 8:27:26 hrs

* Rene Kaerskov (DEN) ran 5:50:10 on 16th December.

1. Clare Apps (GBR) - 4:47:37 hrs
2. Cathrine Due (DEN) - 5:34:38 hrs
3. Sarah Oliphant (USA)- 6:32:48
4. Uma Devi Chigurupati (IND) - 8:16:22 hrs
5. Rhoda Jones (USA)- 9:33:29

MEN'S 100km
1. Bernardo Fonseca (BRA) - 12:41:52 hrs
2. Tommy Yen-Po Chen (TWN) - 15:15:58 hrs
3. Henri Alain d'Andria (FRA) - 16:12:53 hrs
4. Andrei Rosu (ROM) - 21:22:00 hrs

WOMEN'S 100km
1. Clare Apps (GBR) - 18:58:19 hrs



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